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> Senator Kerry rebuffs claim he said election was stolen

5 November 2005, 04:40

We’ll in short I think these two flaming BIg Government NWO types are "Butt buddies" (No offense intended). Skull Bush or Bones Kerry---Either way tens(hundreds) of thousands die in the quest for Oil, Empire and Israel.

If the Dems want to come back they have to find someone who is REAL and DEDICATED under assault , someone who can win back those who REALLY believe that the rule of law based on the Constitution and Bill of Rights should be the guiding force of this great nation and RESTORE it to it’s former place of respect in the world.

The NeoCOns have trashed not only the respect for the Republican party and the rule of law but also the repsect America at one time shared at least with a part of the World.

The Hillarys, Schumers, Liebermans won’t cut it. America hasn’t forgotten The Waco Massacre and those who stood by and whitewashed it and that type of lying gutlessness.

The DEms need someone who can LEAD— someone who values FAIRNESS more than pandering.

WE say no to torture. No to lies for war. No to secret trials based on secret evidence from secret tribunals in secret locations. No to Nazi prison camps holding people without charge.

YES to the Bill of Rights. YES to real freedom not the Orwellian ’freedom’ of the lying treacherous neoCONS!

LOng live The Republic!