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> Senator Kerry rebuffs claim he said election was stolen

5 November 2005, 23:13

I just don’t think Kerry has the guts to speak about anything controversial, whether or not he believes it to be true. He has clearly and repeatedly demonstrated he is a follower, not a leader. Personally, I blame Kerry and his timidity for allowing the mess in this country to continue.

Some other articulate, inspiring Democrat needs to stand up and publicize the GAO study. [You might get Kerry to second or third the notion—if it is not perceived as too risky for him].

Stealing the election was just one more part of Karl Rove’s immoral, unAmerican, illegal conspiracy. He [and his coalition of religious fanatics, neocons, & oil/military corporate thieves] believes ANY means to his corrupt, greedy END is acceptable....as long as the manipulations can be classified, shredded, undetected, or denied from public access.