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GAO report upholds Ohio vote fraud claims

15 March 2007, 22:14

Ilive in ne ohio. there is no place in this world these machines should be used! the security of the vote cannot be gaurunteed. when i started voting we had a paper ballot. you filled out the ballot and took it to the poll worker. that person would tear off the bottom of the ballot and put that into a seperate box. the ballot went into another box. both boxs were pad locked. if i had any question about the integrety of my vote, through court precedings i could examine my ballot and the ballot reciept. make sure that both registration numbers matched. these ballot #’s would also match the voter registration book that i signed. a signed book, a ballot, and a ballot reciept....
now that is traceable. the electronic machines in 04 had none of that. my father is an honest man. he votes in the morning. when he went to approach the booth the man that was comming out grabs him by the arm and says "make sure you check your vote before you press vote, i had to change my vote 3 times from bush to kerry and 3 times on the sales tax issue". my father, perplexed, goes into the booth and votes. when he reviews the vote the sales tax was switched to "for the tax" from "against the tax"(he votd for bush). on the fourth time he had to make the change to "against the" tax it finnaly stayed. there is not a single person that used the diebold machines in my precinct that can go and find their vote! physicaly or electronically. and if you think thats bad you should here my friends story from 2000 when they were residents of orange county florida.