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> Rove and Cheney Are Now Caught In Fitzgerald’s Web. Will they Go Down too?

19 November 2005, 23:46


The current scandal(s) are linked to many others. They are all part of a huge Criminal Organization that involves:

Three Main Criminal System areas:
 Very Large Wide Scale Political Corruption
 International Drug Distribution
 Very Large Scale Fraud.

Who’s Involved:
 The Mob
 Corrupt Politicians (Top of Federal Area down to Independent Towns)
 Corrupt Military/Pentagon
 Corrupt Corporate America

I have a personal life experience and there are others like me with experience in this system. Please read the following website:

Current news has been nibbling away at this and it’s escalating. The big picture is starting to materialize but the news isn’t linking it all together yet. For me, this has been most interesting to see how long it takes! So far, no one has put it together.

The news is doing well to prepare everyone, however it is complex and difficult to accept. Readers should be advised to have an open mind that a major sized picture is still needed to be understood. Believe me, this is only the tip of the iceberg!

The Corruption/Fraud part extends beyond our shores and involves direct links to the Mob and is linked with those involved from the top of our political structure, corporate structure and Military structure to all the way to the bottom. They are well organized with communication links throughout to monitor and control our ignorance and surface who may be their latest threat.

Deep Throat II