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> France : Riots Are a Class Act - And Often They’re the Only Alternative

18 November 2005, 22:58

A french point of view, if you are concerned.

French government has decided to extend the Urgent State (etat d’urgence) during 3 month.
That means, that Police has almost all rights (*) during this period in the cities which are designated as "Out of law" town, that is to say towns were some cars are burning every nights (some nights in fact, there is no real war).

Nicolas Sarkosy , with the agreement of the first minister, Dominique de Villepin, has said that every young foreign rioter will be deported to his original country, even if his presence in france is legal.
It is a Fascist Solution.

Of course, some social trial-lawyer will certainly slow down these determinations , but the fact is that the UMP party is going to put into practice the political platform of the FN (Front National), the French ultra-nationalist party who wants that every poor strangers has to go back to his country, to leave the place for "real" french workers.

The Socialist Party didn’t yell when the 1955 exception law has been settled. Happily, the curfew has not been respected in the cities near Paris.

Now the government said "All is Calm". But something is burning inside me.

jean-yves DENIS (france)

 House search by night is allowed
 Police can arrest every one without warning any magistrate.
 and some other thing, it’s the same law has the algerian law during the french-algerian war in the 60’