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Halliburton (KBR) workers in Iraq paid 50 cents an hour

11 November 2010, 00:34, by MOM

My son an American was cajoled w/stories of decent living conditions and a 7 day a week job,paying very well. He was groomed for months and believed his recruiter was his friend and mentor. He got there and after being promised at least a small 2 person trailer,sharing a bathroom,he was put in more or less a box. He was driven 1/2 hour each day to and from his 12 hour shift,wearing his bullet proof vest and helmet,that he was given first day there,to ride around the corner,which it was. There are no bathroom facilities available except some sort of latrine very far from the BOX. He had to walk 2 miles the other evening to get to BOX. He was to live on a military Base,but was stuffed in w/only other kbr workers....far off base. He was to spend one month in Dubai,being trained. He got there about 7 p.m.,laid down about 11:00 p.m,and received a phone call to b ready to leave at approx. 1 a.m. This is after the plans due to the UPS incident last week to go to UK,then on to Amsterdam,and on to Baghdad. It’s called.you messed w/my child!!! I am allowed to pray for your collapse,and their is a God,no matter what he is called around the World...thanks for the fact that,a good kid like him,will probably never trust anyone! P.S. He never thought this would be a vacation in anyway,just a job....something he could not find,here in America.