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> Cindy Sheehan to protest at State of the Union January 31

1 February 2006, 22:03

Hmmm...let’s break that down:
A dictator...too silly and immature to require a serious response. A true dictator would have you up against the wall for saying that about him, so obviously, your paranoia is showing.
A liar...sadly, with this allegatin you must also defame Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Hillary, and the secret service networks of Egypt, France, Russia, etc. Saddam fooled us into thinking he was equipped and prepared for "the mother of all wars". Saddam lied and the world believed him. His bluff is what became Saddam’s doom. After 9/11, you can’t yell "fire" in a crowded theater.
Committed treason...once again, you are blinded by your bias. The commander in chief in a time of war is SUPPOSE to do what Bush has authorized. Every war time president has authorized the exact same thing, including Clinton’s authorization for physical searches of suspected terrorists without a subpoena. The FISA laws were established for CRIMINAL prosecutions, particularly in the case of mafia and drug cartels. These criminal cases do not apply in a war setting. Habeus Corpus, rights to lawyers, etc are only applicable to criminal litigation, not to military war activities. How many german and japanese POW’s had lawyers in detention? None. How many spies in war time were caught AFTER we obtained a subpoena to check their correspondence. None. These civil rules of evidence have no application in war.

Please try not to appear so stupid in the future. If you can help it.

Dr. W.G. Aamodt