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> An Open Letter To the Congress of the United States

2 January 2006, 05:39

Right On.

Why don’t we have people in Congress that can... no- that will speak like this right now?

How they hell did we end up with weak kneed Tom Daschle leading against the war, now its wimpy Harry Reid, with Nancy "no iraq strategy is our plan" Pelosi in the House... it seems like we ended up with a bunch of losers for leaders. And the rest of the 535 people up there as well. wtf- are they really just selling us out?

I think it’s that doomsday plan- congress actually passed a plan in case a bomb took out most of their members... so if a ’terrorist’ were to blow up Congress, then the remaining members would just pass legislation with the dozen or two that show up, in other words bye bye Constitution while the remaining few, Frist, Delay, Hastert... try to protect their asses with police state measures.

google "congress passes doomsday plan"