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14 January 2006, 20:14

I guess most of the world knows that Bush and his crew of thugs had planned the Invasion of Iran and Syria, at the same time they invaded Iraq. Just the lack of troops stopped Bush from conducting his War Against the World for Fame and Fortune.
Bush has never given up his plans for world conquest. He needs to dominate the entire Middle East with bases, missiles, troops, embassies, and the entire apparatus of empire.
For the past several years he has been sending out little liar Condi Rice to threaten various countries, that if they don’t obey his royal commands he will destroy them and "democratize" them. I guess only Republicans believe little liar Condi. Her credibility has been completely destroyed by her denying what was perfectly obvious about spy planes, surreptitious flights, secret CIA jail, torture abuse, kidnapping, murder of prisoners, illegal detentions, illegal wire and mailtaps, etc.
But Bush is consistent. He will continue his failed course until this country goes bankrupt or until he is installed as a kind of emperor by his Supreme Court sycophants.
Little Condi assures the world that Bush has not planned any invasion of Iran or Syria. This is a certain sign that such planning has already been accomplished by some Pentagon Lt. Colonel, and is just waiting until Condi provokes some Muslims into action. Then we will see the sky filled with fighter planes, bombers, missiles until it lights up in Shock and Awe over Iran or Syria and many thousands of people are murdered by the Bush team to satisfy his lust for world domination. When Condi says there "are no plans at the moment" to invade any other country, this does not mean that five minutes later such plans will magically materialize.

We all know what the sworn word of Bush and Condi and Dick and Donald and Karl mean. Absolutely nothing! Just killing time until they have the resources to kill LOTS of people.