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> Cut to the Chase or Risk Irrelevance: The Plain and Simple Truth of 9/11

16 January 2006, 17:40

Ultimately , the day will not be seized until one of two things happen : the perception of how well the "war" is going , a la Vietnam and Nixon , takes a huge swing to the negative ( not likely with today’s bullshit mainstream media ) , or events start to DIRECTLY IMPACT the lives of ordinary people who so far have sat on the sidelines with their head up their asses because this is all playing out like movie . Great special effects , gripping story , two thumbs up . Well folks, you can wait until the U.S. attacks Iran for phoney reasons and you or your loved ones will be DRAFTED to be cannon fodder for the Christofascists vs. the Islamofascists , or you can wait until the false economy collapses under the strain of debt and Corporate greed , causing you to lose your job , house , pension , marriage , mind , whatever . If you don’t like the second choice then maybe you should start questioning the media and this administration a little harder , before it becomes ILLEGAL to do so .