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Collapse of U.S. Economy Imminent

3 May 2008, 10:05, by Phillip A. Jones

03 May 2008

Dear Citizens, when are we all going to wake up and understand that as long as the populace in their pride, arrogance, rebellion and ignorance continue to manifest ’self’ will and not turn to the LORD Thy God and understand that our salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ is the most important duty that mankind can undertake for our personal relationship with the God of Creation and that our heavenly Father loves humanity very much and awaits for all us to repent of our sins, iniquities and transgressions against the laws of God; that these evil Governments and Agencies under the control of the so-called Zionist Jews will only be stopped when we as human beings acknowledge our God and learn to love him each day of our lives on this earth. We must remember that life eternal is the most important mission and journey for all of us, and by rejecting and neglecting the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, we also reap what we sow and will pay a terrible price under the wrath of our God who despises a disobedient people. Remember Ciizens, it’s sin and deceit that the God of Creations sees within our hearts towards one another and towards him so in reality we are no better than those who are within the World Governmental Agencies attempting to bring about a New World Order.