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L’affect révolutionnaire, c’est l’enthousiasme pour l’événement

6 mai 2010, 15:00

Le peak oil sort du sac et s’expose partout

Le cout estimé a ce jour, de la pollution du golfe du Mexique :+3,5 Milliards $ US.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


May 5, 2010 — ... I would live to see the day when something like this aired on CNBC. Peak Oil has gone mainstream. The cat’s out of the bag... and hungry.


Posted by Jenna Orkin at 7:58 PM 9 comments

British Fish Stocks Drop 94%

From Jenna Orkin

Note : Please see posts below this one for vital updates on Collapsenet, where this blog will appear in the near future.


Matt Simmons on Gulf Spill

"It really is a catastrophe," Simmons said. "I don’t think they’re going to be able to put the leak out until the reservoir depletes. It’s just too technically challenging."
He said BP’s cleanup costs could ruin the company.
"They’re going to have to clean up the Gulf of Mexico," he said.

JO comment : Would someone explain why dispersal is being touted as a solution ? Isn’t that like spreading the peas around on your plate so you don’t have to eat them or, in this case, clean them up ? Perhaps the only thing the Gulf spill has going for it is that it’s all in one place. If you disperse it, the contamination ratio of one part per million kicks in for real....