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ALBERT GORE : AN ECOLOGIST ??? The Gore-Lieberman Record on Nuclear Energy Issues

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 13 October 2007
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Nuclear Environment USA

"Gore" : an ecologist ???
The Gore-Lieberman Record on Nuclear Energy Issues

With Vice President Al Gore and Sen. Joseph Lieberman taking center stage at the Democratic National Convention this week in Los Angeles, here is an overview of party platform language along with statements and positions the two have taken on nuclear energy and its role in America’s energy mix.


The platform does not specifically discuss nuclear power from the standpoint of supply, but does state, “Democrats believe that with the right incentives to encourage the development and deployment of clean energy technologies, we can make all our energy sources cleaner, safer, and healthier for our children. This responsibility includes disposing of nuclear waste in a scientifically sound manner in accordance with standards designed to protect human health and the environment.”


In a speech delivered at the Chernobyl museum in Kiev, Ukraine, in July 1998, Gore remarked that, “(T)he lesson of Chernobyl is not an indictment of nuclear power as such. Nuclear power, designed well, regulated properly, cared for meticulously, has a place in the world’s energy supply.”

Fifteen months earlier, in an April 1997 letter discussing nuclear energy, Gore wrote, “This administration is opposed to increased reliance on nuclear power.”

Most recently, he omitted any reference to nuclear energy in the energy independence plan that he unveiled on the campaign trail in June of this year.


Sen. Lieberman has expressed support for nuclear energy on a number of occasions. In June 1998, at a Senate hearing on energy and water development appropriations, he said, “I am a supporter of nuclear energy. I believe it can be part of the solution to solving the world’s energy, environment and global warming problems.”

Lieberman reiterated his support for nuclear power when he spoke at an energy conference sponsored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in December 1999. While calling on the United States to curb emissions of greenhouse gases linked to the threat of global warming, he cited “the need to figure out a new way to build more nuclear power plants, as the present class of plants grow old.”

In 1997 and earlier this year, Lieberman voted against differing versions of legislation, which the Nuclear Energy Institute supported, that would have reformed the federal government’s nuclear waste management program. In April 1997, he voted against S.104 (the Nuclear Waste Policy Act Amendments). In February 2000, he voted against S.1287, a streamlined version of the 1997 legislation, and in May 2000 he voted to sustain President Clinton’s veto of the measure.

Clinton Administration’s Reliance on Nuclear Energy Becomes More Apparent

Nuclear Energy Institute

October 10, 2000-The Clinton Administration’s reliance on nuclear energy as a tool to combat the threat of global warming became clearer in recent days.

"Nuclear energy is clean and should be part of the country’ s energy mix to combat global climate change," Energy Secretary Bill Richardson said October 4 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. (...)

By Nuclear Energy Institute (2000)

Copyright c 2000 Nuclear Energy Institute. All rights reserved.

Forum posts

  • Hundreds of COAL FIRED ethanol plants have been built or are being built in the US in the last 5 years. With the proper approval for the building of the above mentioned plants, coal fired power plants can not be a problem with global warming or these ethanol plants would not have been built.

    CHEMTRAILS are being sprayed by white jets in every state on a daily basis without the consent of the people. Since the start of the CHEMTRAIL use our waters, our land and our people have a lesser quality of life.

    Nuclear Energy is not needed. The waste has to be disposed of somewhere and those somewheres pollute our earth. Wind turbines and other earth friendly sources are needed.

    Scientists are stating that Global Warming is natural. Chemtrails are not natural and need to be stopped ASAP.