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BALI Farce - climate racist, climate terrorist, climate criminal US, Oz & Canada threaten Terracide

by Open-Publishing - Monday 17 December 2007

International Environment

The US and its climate racist, climate terrorist, climate criminal allies Australia and Canada are seriously threatening the World, and particular the Developing World and mega-delta Developing countries such as Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Burma, Nigeria, Egypt, India and Pakistan (see: “Climate Criminals & Climate genocide. Anglo-Celtia threatens final Bengal Holocaust”: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/135... ).

The Bali Climate Change Conference has ended in a FARCE due to the US veto of greenhouse gas emission targets for developed countries. The Bush US position - in clear opposition to te world’s scientists and the EU - was backed by climate criminal, climate racist, climate terrorist neo-Bush-ite Rudd Australia, Bush-ite Harper Canada and US ally Bush-ite Japan.

The Bali Farce is best summarized by the following key quote from an excellent article by Patrick O’Connor on the WSWS.org site (see: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2007/d... ) which summarizes this First World-imposed impending disaster for the world, QUOTE: "The UN-sponsored climate change conference held on the Indonesian island of Bali ended on the weekend without any agreement on combatting global warming other than vague generalities. A last-minute, face-saving communiqué was issued but, at the insistence of the Bush administration and its allies [Australia, Canada, Japan], it made no mention of specific carbon emission reduction targets. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had recommended a cut in carbon emissions of 25 to 40 percent in the advanced industrial countries by 2020 and a total world emissions reduction of 50 percent by 2050."

Data from the US Energy Information Administration (see: http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/pdf... ) shows that domestic fossil fuel-derived CO2 pollution by climate racist, climate criminal, climate terrorist Australia, US, Canada and Japan has CLIMBED at a roughly constant rate in the quarter century period 1984-2007 – DESPITE the pleas of scientists and 4 (FOUR) successive and increasingly pessimistic Assessment Reports by the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (1PCC) in the period 1990-2007 (see: http://open.newmatilda.com/crosswir... ).

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (see: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/t... ) shows that the increase in atmospheric CO2 is roughly linear with time at a constant rate of increase of 2.5 ppm per year. This is ALREADY having an impact on ecosystems around the world. Thus an important study published in December 2007 in the prestigious US scientific journal Science – the top world scientific journal – says that coral reefs cannot survive in the warmer and more acid ocean conditions obtaining at too high atmospheric CO2 concentrations. At concentrations of greater 450 ppm coral reefs are seriously ill and at greater than 500 ppm they are doomed (see: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/... ). The key tipping point for Australia’s Great Barrier Reef will come at 450 ppm CO2 – on present trends in only 27 years’ time (in 2034).

Yet the greedy, irresponsible US lackey and climate racist Murdochracy Rudd Australia is still proceeding "business as usual" in relation to its world #1 coal exports and its world #1 developed country per capita greenhouse gas pollution (see "Australian Labor Victorious - but not green enough": http://green-blog.org/2007/11/28/au....

Bali has clearly demonstrated that the world’s top developed country per capita CO2 polluters – Australia, the US and Canada - will simply NOT act now, just as they have failed to act for a quarter of a century. There has been NO RESPONSE in terms of CO2 pollution mitigation by these climate criminal countries to the mounting crisis over the last quarter of a century - examination of the data provided by the US EIA shows their CO2 pollution STILL rising inexorably .

At the Bali Conference these same climate criminal, climate racist, climate terrorist Anglo countries that refused to limit their CO2 pollution wanted to impose targets on developing countries with VASTLY LOWER annual per capita fossil fuel-derived CO2 pollution e.g. China (5 times lower), India (20 times lower) and Bangladesh (80 times lower) (see “War on Terra, Climate Criminals. “Terra painting”: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/156... ).

The WORLD must URGENTLY ACT NOW by applying Sanctions, Boycotts, Green Tariffs and Reparations Demands against the chief climate racist, climate criminal, climate terrorist, climate genocidal countries Australia, US, and Canada that are acutely threatening the world with ecosystem collapse, climate genocide and indeed Terracide ( see: http://open.newmatilda.com/crosswir... ).