by Matt Lechien
Before going further on this file, it’s important for you to know what’s being prepared concerning biodiesel production.
Being a biodiesel activist is very respectful, as long as there is a logic behind it. As we will see in this prelude, there exist some very environment friendly biodiesel, but also some which isn’t at all. Politicians and industrials from ages have long shown their cynism and blindness concerning energy acquisition. It will become biodiesel’s faith if nothing is done to counter these serial polluters.
The Earth-destroying Biodiesel
As everybody knows, the World’s oil ressources won’t last forever. That’s why oil companies have taken some advance and prepare their future. That’s even more urgent as, since 1st january 2005, according to a european directive, each EU state has to promote the use of bio carburants. An other directive states that 2% of carburant use in 2005 must be from bio source, as well as 5,75% in 2010.
Read the directive (in french) :
So what will happen ?
It already began, oil companies will build big factories in our countryside. These green oil refineries, in the middle of giant sunflower and other oleaginous fields will be managed according to the industrial standards, far away from environment friendly criterions.
Consequences ?
Here is exactly what will happen: as biodiesel is intrinsically environment friendly, oil companies, who are good at denaturing everything they care of, will profit of it to sell mud under a green name. As biodiesel isn’t required to be eatable, they won’t hesitate to use many fertilizer and other chemical stuff. They will also profit of this occasion to make doubtful citizens accept genetically modified plants by arguing that GM technologies help reduce polution. As a result, instead of provocating disasters only in countries full of mineral oil, they will do it everywhere by destroying grounds and ecosystems.
A vicious strategy
We saw it in France with the TIPP [tn. French tax on mineral oil related products], oil companies and car industries made an alliance so that this tax is also applied on vegetal originating oil. This for one reason: these industries owe themselves each other by stock exchanges, and they want to keep their part on this highly profitable market. Else, they wouldn’t survive the end of the mineral oil money flood. To provide enough green carburant to the common occidental citizen, they will import
vegetal oil from countries which aren’t able to eat everyday. They will deliver it using the former oil tankers. In case of oil slick, consequences will be less harmfull but the problem will still be the same. This illustrates well the consequence of charging institutions of revolutions: immobilism.
Beware of false flags
Many of these farmers that we saw demonstrating, asking for a bigger development of the bio carburant market, aren’t environmentalists but conservatives from the FNSEA (tn. Farmer union in France known for it’s productivist positions known for it’s violent demonstrations against environmentalists). Some were asking to use the lying fallow fields to produce biodiesel. This would have evident bad consequences on the ground’s quality, but could even be used by agricultural industry as a green bandage. They use it as a second argument: as energetic oleaginous plants absorb many chemicals from the ground, they purify it. Of course that’s good, but not if it’s
just to make the use of chemicals systematic. Once again, the goal isn’t to help endangered peasants, but to make the richests get richer.
Ways of production
As you can read it in the array below, sunflower is far from being the most profitable to produce oil, with seaweed being the richest. So, why isn’t this oil source priviledged toward others? After all, there is seaweed on every sea coast, and if that’s not enough that’s very easy to cultivate it. Get your own conclusion out of it yourself, but for my part i think the reason is on the mineral oil, car and agricultural lobby side that we have to search for the answer, each of them for different reasons.
Link to array :
The Biodiesel, really bio
Recently, i had the occasion to visit an agricultural exploitation completely oriented toward sustainable development. It will soon be equiped with a traditional press to produce high quality drinkable oil as well as biodiesel. Using this system, the peasant get twice his advantage, as he can use the pressed plants as food for animals or compost it.
The biodiesel we advise comes out of one simple cold pression and works perfectly. So no need for gigantic manufactures as with the former mineral oil industry. That’s why we have to support farmers that respect the Earth, and not favor the emergence of an immense green oil conglomerate which will destroy the planet like it’s predecessors.
So now, you may ask yourself, how much does it cost to drive being environment friendly? Concerning future false biodiesels from companies, it seems the price will be a little bit more costly than diesel before the recent price high risings, including the appropriate taxes. Governments aren’t ready to renounce on this tax, very important financial source. With real biodiesel bought in the farm, in our countryside, we use to buy it 0,55 euro a liter, and each side is satisfied - except governments and oil companies of course.
I can hear the voices of people arguing that shutting the financial ressources of the state means less money for the community. But no country ever financed people oriented causes with oil’s food. It now seems that everywhere money only goes to the army, police and so called justice. So let’s recover this important part of our buying power and at the same time send these governors a message: we want an other world, and we know which one.
An idea is to find the appropriate name for industrial green carburant so that consumers don’t get confused by their bionames (for example: monsantodiesel). Of course, at the same time, we keep the name biodiesel for environment friendly ones. Don’t hesitate to share your ideas.
The trap concerning biodiesel is that it gets a false underground and romantic image while in reality that’s nothing. What makes doubtful is the recent multiple declarations about it by Chirac and Raffarin (tn. French president and prime minister): of course they are fervent activist for industrial green carburants. Of course, if these two people invest their time in this challenge, that’s not for it’s revolutionnary aspect. Advertizing green carburant without accounting damages during production is blindfolded and irresponsible. Also in the Internet jungle, some sharped teeth entrepreneurs already try to sell you the polluting industry for future.
By acting now, we would get some advance, so that we can counter oil companies’ malicious agenda. For this to happen, we have to spread a complete and honest solution all over the world. There should be a public debate, and industrials would have no chance. Don’t hesitate to bring this debate in your associations or worker unions; at least, once, they would have been useful. Don’t hesitate to create local collectives around it. We can win this battle, as mineral oil companies will need at least 5 years to adapt to the vegetal specificities, and they still have to recover their last huge investments. At the same time, serious peasants (which exist everywhere) are able to produce big quantities very quickly. This movement already began. In political strategy, that’s always profitable to profit of your adversary’s imbalance to make it fall nearly without any effort.
If nothing is done now, if we continue to yell everywhere « I love biodiesel » without acting, then we will see sommercials on TV promoting the last green label 4WD. But nothing would have changed under the sun. A sunflower doesn’t make you environmentalist.
Now that you are informed customer and that i don’t doubt you can prove responsible, let’s go to practical works while being sure of where we’re going.

Forum posts
19 April 2005, 17:25
I see biodiesel as a bridge to a whole new world of energy technology. Currently it has the immediate potential to revitalize struggling rural communities...
Montana oilseed processing plant to make biodiesel fuel, preserve jobs in rural community
As time goes on other oils will replace the diesel to make to 100%bio , and other technologies can be combined to put us in a position where we become energy independent, not to mention environmentally friendly.
Take for instance The Whisperer build with electric engines in the wheels...
In-wheel electric engines that are so highly efficient, the generator’s diesel engine can be very small, about the size of the compact city car’s engine,built into what used to be the bus’s engine bay and continuously charges the whole battery pack. Because charging the batteries is all it needs to do, the tiny engine consumes very little fuel and can run continuously at a speed of 1700 revs per minute, the most efficient rev count.
What are we doing killing people for oil? Peak oil is a false debate. There are an infinite amount of new technologies. Why don’t we bring the troops home and spend that alloted $82 billion on alternative energy instead? We could provide these buses to every city, set them up with biodiesel, and make public transportation free with that kind of money. We could begin to clean our air and provide children with the healthy environment they deserve. Scientists are telling us that we cannot assume that the earth will be habitable for our children and grandchildren at the going rate of degradation. We must change direction.
20 April 2005, 00:43
Recent announcement that a biodiesel plant will be built in North Dakota
Canola Oil Studied As Possible Fuel Source
"Biodiesel is an excellent renewable fuel for diesel engines," said Vernon Hofman, an agricultural engineer at North Dakota State University in Fargo. "The state of North Dakota has tremendous potential to produce an alternative fuel for diesel engines."
20 April 2005, 01:08
Indiana farmers, fuel retailers and state government leaders will announce the opening of a soy biodiesel blending facility at 11 am at the Countrymark Co-op
Developed with a grant from the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth’s Energy Office, two biodiesel pumps have opened at Meijer stations on Carpenter Road in Pittsfield Township and on Ann Arbor-Saline Road. The alternative fuel is marketed as being cleaner and less expensive than conventional diesel fuel.
ROHNERT PARK, California (AP) - A biodiesel manufacturing plant is being proposed here as part of a makeover of the former Agilent Technologies site.
Supporters say the project would fit in with a planned environmentally friendly "suburban village." The project would be managed by Community Fuels Inc., a biodiesel startup.
Biodiesel, made from vegetable oil, is an alternative to fuel that cuts down on greenhouse gases blamed for global warming. The proposed plant would produce 50,000 gallons a month and eventually as much as 100,000 gallons.
20 April 2005, 10:31
Enjoy the fumes and the grease. In Europe the have introduced a law which make the use of extra filtersystems neccessary in order to get rid of the so called fine dust emitted by diesel engines and which are the cause for lung cancer and also effect the body immune system.
Hydrogen technology is around the corner and some people still like to breath the fumes! Americas farmer are no longer amongst the world most productive producers and in the future the lack of water in some farm zones in North America will enforce other changes in order to produce enough food.
But still sounds cute having fuel from MC or from the garden.
20 April 2005, 15:28
Ex-rendering site to make biodiesel fuel
A former animal-rendering plant on Neville Island is projected to become one of the nation’s largest, and Pennsylvania’s only, producer of biodiesel fuel...up to 10 million gallons per year of biodiesel fuel...produced from natural, renewable sources, such as soybeans and other natural fats and oils, all grown in the United States
more good news...
An Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientist may have found a way to remove a costly component of biodiesel production.The method developed by Haas and his colleagues eliminates the use of hexane, an air pollutant regulated by the U.S.
Finding a simpler method for biodiesel production
6 May 2005, 07:46
21 April 2005, 18:25
Peasant? What world is this person living in?
22 April 2005, 14:39
In euroland, arouynd 60% of cars are diesel powered, these engines are engineered for the use of both mineral and bio diesel.
In fact the averege german saloon will more or less run on cold pressed olive oil. The new V.W. lupo, will travel around 80 miles on one gallon of vegetable oil, yet still carry 4 people. Providing they are not obese, this car is not suitable for americans.
In N. America cars are mostly powered by 1950`s V8 petrol engines. In life, you get what you want, if you have the will. Does the will exist in america to get rid of the oil companies and the obese?
28 April 2005, 02:47
After an 11 & 1/2 month wait, I recently got a Toyota Prius. Beautiful car. Comfortable to sit in. But this gas / electric hybrid is giving me less than 40 mph - about the same as the 1990 CRX that I sold. I’m pretty disgusted. Then I heard recently that in Japan and Europe the Prius is sold with an additional control that allows you to drive up to 30 miles using the electric motor ALONE. Not available here in the US. So now I am not only disgusted, I am outraged. Most of my driving is short-trip city driving, which the EPA rates at 61 miles per gallon for the 2005 Prius. Yeah, sure.
18 September 2005, 04:15
Hey quit bashing America! Not everyone here is a petro-fascist, look for us were here.
I am 47, I live in paradise. I ride my bicycle over 200 miles a week and my 1994 car will still run strong at 30 mpg when gasoline tops 20 dollars a gallon, as its just now broken in.
Please don’t lump conscious people like us into the stereotypes like a racist would. A lot of us here realize what a mistake we were supposed to buy into and do our best to get through this nightmare. If I were to purchase that VW I would then be responsible for 2 automobiles. At this point I believe it is most expedient to shut the whole consumer economy down by attrition and the only way for us to do that is to BUY NOTHING. Try that instead of advertising more new ’stuff’.
We are here, we are quiet for now but we are here.