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Bellaciao convened in court after the publication of the French union USM-CGT statement (St Nazaire), France
by Open-Publishing - Saturday 6 May 20062 comments
Internet Trade unions Police - Repression Justice Democracy Bellaciao France
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On Friday, 12th may 2006, Bellaciao is convened by a judge in the court of Saint Nazaire.
The « Shipyards of St Nazaire » filed suit for slandering after the publication on the Bellaciao collective website of a statement from the French union USM-CGT on 16th September 2005 entitled «Piracy of modern times», consultable here
Since the "Shipyards of St Nazaire" do not contest the facts, but use the words of the French union USM-CGT statement as a pretext, could their objective actually be to “muzzle”, or even close the Bellaciao collective website, and to make USM-CGT pay for its fights and union victories?
Is free expression still possible in the "Human Rights Country"?
Couldn’t a free media transmit social movement information anymore?
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Forum posts
16 May 2006, 05:36
The oligarchy of the world will impose more and more restriction on freedom of speech. It is a threat to their existance. Fight to protect freedom of speech.
8 January 2007, 22:04
Freedom of speech his a right of any indiviual have by The Low Of The Land.
Infortunatly must of European and American media is manipulated and censured by the ’iluminati’.
The corporated media and much of the so coled ’national media’ are under control of the ’iluminati’.
Any body have the right of freedom of speech, even if is he or she is wrong!