Home > Bush World’s #1 Terrorist (Qantas T-shirt ban) & Stupid (huge Mebourne (…)

Bush World’s #1 Terrorist (Qantas T-shirt ban) & Stupid (huge Mebourne Airport advertising sign)

by Open-Publishing - Monday 26 February 2007

Movement Police - Repression Governments USA Australia

Melbourne International Airport, gateway to one of the World’s Most Livable Cities, is in the news because of George W. Bush.

Thus (1) Australia’s international carrier Qantas recently excluded an Australian passenger for wearing a T-shirt depicting Bush with a caption “World’s #1 terrorist” and (2) TODAY at Melbourne Airport there is a huge entrance billboard depicting a bemused George Bush and advertising a real estate search site with the caption: “So easy anyone can find a new home” (for a detailed account and detailed documentation see MWC NEWS: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/128... ).


Just before Christmas 2006, QANTAS, Australia’s flagship airline and reputedly the safest airline in the World, banned an Australian I.T. specialist Allen Jasson from travelling from London (where he works) to Melbourne (where he used to live – HE WAS A FORMER STUDENT OF MINE 2 DECADES AGO) because he was wearing a T-shirt with a picture of George Bush and the caption, “WORLD’S #1 TERRORIST”.

He evidently gave in and changed his shirt in London and eventually arrived in Melbourne. However on arrival he put his “Bush WORLD’S #1 TERRORIST” T-shirt back on again but was then banned from flying on ANOTHER` carrier, Virgin Blue, for the same reason. This made front page news all around the World.

After Christmas, in January 2007, Allen Jasson wanted to fly back to London but was again banned by Qantas for the same reason. He declared that this was an act of censorship of free expression and indicated that he might take legal action. Indeed one of Melbourne’s top lawyers Robert Richter QC (QC = Queen’s Counsel = one of the very top barristers or British system court case attorneys) also publicly condemned the Qantas action.


Yesterday I had to take our latest house guests - a very distinguished American scholar and his wife - back to Melbourne International Airport.

At the entrance to the Airport there was a huge billboard advertising a Website (linked to one of Australia’s top three Mainstream media corporations, the Fairfax Group that runs two of Australia’s top newspapers, The Age in Melbourne and the Sydney Morning Herald) that enables people to readily find flats, houses or homes on-line.

The advertising hoarding showed a huge picture of George Bush with a laptop and a typical bemused, dopey “Dubya look” – and with the punch line: ““So easy anyone can find a new home.”


As adjudged from his appalling statements (e.g. over Iraq, global warming, WMD etc etc) and his appalling lack of ability to deal sensibly with reality, Bush is patently stupid. The “brains” behind George Bush is evidently Dick Cheney (whose recent visit to Australia caused traffic chaos in Sydney due to a security clampdown).

Bush is clearly the “WORLD’S #1 TERRORIST”. Data from the latest medical literature, the UN Population Division, UNICEF, UNODC and WHO reveal the following horrendous STATISTICS (February 2007):

2.7 million excess deaths and 1.7 million under-5 infant deaths in US-violated Iraq 1990-2007;

1.0 million excess deaths and 0.5 million under-5 infant deaths in post-invasion Occupied Iraq plus 3.7 million refugees;

2.2 million post-invasion excess deaths, 145,000 perinatal maternal deaths and 1.8 million under-5 infant deaths in post-invasion Occupied Afghanistan plus 3.7 million refugees;

0.12 million avoidable American under-5 infant deaths;

3,524 American soldiers killed and about 25,000 wounded;

0.5 million post-2001 global opiate drug-related deaths (including those of 50,000 Americans and 2,000 Australians), largely due to US restoration of the largely Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry since the US occupation of Afghanistan;

AND (indicative of the fundamental cause of most of these avoidable deaths) WHO data estimate that the “Total Annual Health Expenditure Per Capita” (2003) (in international dollars) is $23 for Occupied Afghanistan and $64 for Occupied Iraq as compared to $2,874 (Australia), $2,389 (UK), and $5,711 (US).

The above data indicate that Bush’s War on Terror is in horrible reality a War on Women and Children, a War on Asian Women and Children, a War on Arab Women and Children and a War on Muslim Women and Children.

IN COMPARISON with the above carnage, about 7,000 Western civilians have been killed by Muslim-origin non-state terrorists over the last 40 years (including Israelis and assuming – an increasingly implausible assumption; e.g. see Scholars for 9/11 Truth: http://www.scholarsfor911truth.org/ - no US involvement in 9/11) (for details and documentation see: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/128... ; for related analyses see: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/137... and http://gpolya.newsvine.com/ ).

Decent folk around the world are utterly appalled by Bush’s barbarity (post-invasion excess deaths in the Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories now total 3.2 million) - but can take heart that (1) the Mainstream media around the world have lavishly reported the Qantas reaction to a prosepctive passenger wearing his "Bush World’s # 1 Terrorist" T-shirt (see Rupert Murdoch’s News.com report: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,2359... and (2) a huge hoarding at the entrance of a major airport (Melbourne International Airport ) advertising the on-line real estate search site of a major Mainstream media group (Australia’s Fairfax group) exploits the stupidity of G.W. Bush.

Tell all your friends - perhaps Mainstream media are beginning to see the light and the harsh reality of Bush’s War on Women and Children.