Home > Dear Prime Minister Harper: Bar Bush or prosecute him for torture

Dear Prime Minister Harper: Bar Bush or prosecute him for torture

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 27 May 2009

Prison Governments USA

May 26, by Gail Davidson L.A.W

Dear Prime Minister and Ministers Nicholson, Van Loan, Kenney and Cannon:

George W Bush, former President of the United States of America (US) and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, is reported to be coming to Toronto, Ontario on May 29, 2009....If George W Bush enters Canada we demand that he be arrested as being inadmissable under the IRPA and as a person suspected of torture, and then either prosecuted in Canada for torture, or extradicted..


Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper: Email: pm@pm.gc.ca
cc: info@nowar.ca