From surveillance cameras to data pirating, every bit of life is scanned and stored to meet economic and political agendas. Until awareness is heightened and proper legislation put in place, our right to privacy will continue to be violated, said privacy activists at the Privacy Rights in a World under Surveillance conference held last weekend at Montreal’s Sheraton Centre.
By Stephanie Stein 2007-10-03 10:16:57
An explosion of new technologies that enable the tracking and monitoring of (…)
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A world under surveillance
7 October 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
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Chip Implants Linked to Animal Tumors
9 September 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
By TODD LEWAN The Associated Press Saturday, September 8, 2007; 2:04 PM
When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved implanting microchips in humans, the manufacturer said it would save lives, letting doctors scan the tiny transponders to access patients’ medical records almost instantly. The FDA found "reasonable assurance" the device was safe, and a sub-agency even called it one of 2005’s top "innovative technologies."
But neither the company nor the regulators publicly (…) -
In tech field CIA spied a chance for growth: It funds start-ups and reaps progress
31 July 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
Hopelessly lagging the freewheeling high-tech entrepreneurs of the day, the nation’s spy agency recognized it needed better access to cutting-edge technologies to carry out its mission of collecting, analyzing and communicating intelligence data. But rather than sending covert agents, the agency took a more direct approach: It began knocking on doors with money. And for once, the CIA made no secret of its plan.
Sunday, July 29, 2007 BY J. SCOTT ORR Star-Ledger Staff WASHINGTON
In (…) -
Need A Cooker? Use Your Cell Phone By Sue Mueller
9 July 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
Need A Cooker? Use Your Cell Phone
By Sue Mueller
6-28-6 Many organizations including the cell phone industry often downplay the risk of cell phone radiation to the brain. Results from short-term studies were used to convince consumers that use of a cell phone is not associated with brain tumors or cancer, which only develop decades after exposure. To be fair, no one knows exactly how much harm a cell phone can do to a person. Howe Recently, new media has reported a study showing the (…) -
Need A Cooker? Use Your Cell Phone By Sue Mueller
12 June 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
Need A Cooker? Use Your Cell Phone By Sue Mueller 6-28-6 Many organizations including the cell phone industry often downplay the risk of cell phone radiation to the brain. Results from short-term studies were used to convince consumers that use of a cell phone is not associated with brain tumors or cancer, which only develop decades after exposure. To be fair, no one knows exactly how much harm a cell phone can do to a person. Howe (…) -
Cuba ditches Microsoft and goes open source
21 February 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
Cuba ditches Microsoft and goes open source By Alex Zaharov-Reutt
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
Could it be Castro’s last strike against capitalism? Cuba has decided to throw off the shackles of proprietary software to join Venezuela in embracing open source software – but much like Fidel’s ongoing recovery, going open source won’t be an overnight process.
Open source advocates must be breaking out the Cuban cigars in celebration as the Associated Press reports that Cuba has decided (…) -
Building the Beast
1 January 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsHappy New Year all... here is some food for thought...
You have probably all heard the terms "Total System Integration" and "Total Informational Awareness" (TIA) but I suspect very few have any idea of what this really means and where it will end.
Ah, where to start, there are so many facets, so many angles, and you are so conditioned to NOT see... in fact, you have been carefully conditioned to be so biased that you are addicted to it and under current conditions legally insane. (…) -
Quake cuts off much of Asia Internet
28 December 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
Dec 27 5:04 AM US/Eastern
Internet and phone services have been disrupted across much of Asia after an earthquake damaged undersea cables, leaving one of the world’s most tech-savvy regions in a virtual blackout.
From frustrated traders seeking in vain for stock quotes to anxious newshounds accustomed to round-the-clock updates on world events, millions of people from China to Japan to Australia were believed to have been affected.
There was no chaos on the stock exchanges or any of (…) -
Unmanned Urban Combat & Idiocracy: Meet in the Desert Future
15 December 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
Unmanned Urban Combat & Idiocracy: Meet in the Desert Future DARPA raises stakes for urban robot race By Stefanie Olsen, CNET update DARPA has granted prize money of $3.5 million for its milestone urban robotics race next November, a far cry from its previously planned trophies. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has approved prize money for the first three finalists of its 2007 Urban Challenge after a confusing twist in the government agency’s right to grant monetary (…)
Vote Flipping in Webb Allen Senate Race in Virginia
8 November 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsMy wife just called me from our polling place.
We are in Northern VA, a blue enclave in a red state. This morning, as I posted earlier, I had difficulties in casting my vote on the machine.
Well, she just visited the same polling place after work, and informs me that her vote for Jim Webb was flipped to Felix Allen TWICE.
She never hit the VOTE screen until her vote finally registered for Webb, but is this what we’re up against? (FYI, she laughs at my conspiracy theories, and calls DU (…)