Home > English Translation of Lyrics to Bella Ciao
English Translation of Lyrics to Bella Ciao
by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 13 September 20055 comments
Michael P. Wright —
Norman, Oklahoma USA
Most Americans probably do not know the origins of the phrase Bella Ciao. This was the anthem of the World War II anti-fascist Italian underground. They called themselves partigiani (partisans). I assume that the words were written from the point of view of a resistance fighter saying good-bye to his lover.
Here are the Italian lyrics and translation to English. Italians are invited to offer corrections if I have made any mistakes:
Questa mattina mi sono svegliato.....................This morning I awakened
Bella Ciao Bella Ciao Bella Ciao Ciao Ciao...................Good-bye beautiful
Questa mattina mi sono svegliato.....................This morning I awakened
Ed ho trovato l’invasor.........................................And I found the invader
O partigiano porta mi via.................................Oh partisan carry me away
Bella Ciao Bella Ciao Bella Ciao Ciao Ciao...................Good-bye beautiful
O partigiano porta mi via.................................Oh partisan carry me away
Che me sento di morir’..............................When I feel death approaching
E se io muoio da partigiano................................And if I die as a partisan
Bella Ciao Bella Ciao Bella Ciao Ciao Ciao...................Good-bye beautiful
E se io muoio da partigiano................................And if I die as a partisan
Tu me devi seppellir’............................................Then you must bury me
Mi seppellirai lassu in montagna....................Bury me up in the mountain
Bella Ciao Bella Ciao Bella Ciao Ciao Ciao...................Good-bye beautiful
Mi seppellirai lassu in montagna....................Bury me up in the mountain
Sotto l’ombra di un bel fiore............Under the shade of a beautiful flower
E tutti quelli che passeranno.........................And all those who shall pass
Bella Ciao Bella Ciao Bella Ciao Ciao Ciao....................Good-bye beautiful
E tutti quelli che passeranno.........................And all those who shall pass
Ti diranno che bel fior’...................Will tell you what a beautiful flower it is
E questo fiore da partigiano.......................And this flower of the partisan
Bella Ciao Bella Ciao Bella Ciao Ciao Ciao....................Good-bye beautiful
E questo fiore da partigiano.......................And this flower of the partisan
E’ il fior’ di liberta.....................................................Is the flower of liberty
The flower was the red carnation, which was the symbol of the resistance.
Below are links to a couple of brief sound files which give an idea of the melody, although the musicians’ work is improvisational. These were recorded in 1978 by Oklahoma bluegrass musicians Bob French on banjo and Greg Hinkle on guitar. They were teenagers at the time.
Forum posts
15 September 2005, 20:53
Thanks for the translation. I enjoyed it.
Peter Fredsib
24 January 2006, 08:17
could you please tell me who sings bella ciao. i heaRD i t once and it was a man singing by himself.it was from the 60 or whatever. i bought a cd of francesco de gregori and giovanna marini it wasnt it. email. tina.alexiou@gmail.com
21 December 2006, 03:36
There is a really nice recording of bella ciao by an a cappela group called the "swingle singers". Don’t know who sings a solo.
25 October 2007, 20:37
i prefer the version sung by the moderna city ramblers. they are traditional italian folk band
12 April 2012, 05:11, by melody
yves montand has a great solo on you tube..its on his cd,,unreleased ..also by a french einger thomas fersen...ronds de carottes cd..i bought them both today..