Home > Farewell Pope John Paul- Thank you for the Wisdom
Farewell Pope John Paul- Thank you for the Wisdom
by Open-Publishing - Sunday 3 April 200511 comments
"Whoever decides that all the peaceful means made available under international law are exhausted assumes a grave responsibility before God, his conscience and history,"
"War is not always inevitable. It is always a defeat for humanity," he said.
"And what are we to say of the threat of a war which could strike the people of Iraq, the land of the prophets, a people already sorely tried by more than 12 years of embargo?" he said.
"War is never just another means that one can choose to employ for settling differences between nations," he said.
The pope said the U.N. charter and international law "remind us war cannot be decided upon, even when it is a matter of ensuring the common good, except as the last option and in accordance with very strict conditions, without ignoring the consequences for the civilian population both during and after the military options."
The pope appeared unusually animated and spoke in a strong voice from his apartment window. His words were applauded by thousands of well-wishers, many of them waving rainbow-coloured peace flags.
Then, in a rare departure from his prepared text, the 82-year-old pope said that as a survivor of the Second World War in Poland he felt "a duty to remind the younger generations of this experience, and to tell them: ’War, never again!’"
His voice shaking with emotion, the 82-year-old pontiff prayed that St. Joseph, "man of peace that he was, obtain for all humanity, especially for the peoples threatened in these hours by war, the precious gift of harmony and peace."
The pope said world leaders must recognize that the independence of states "can no longer be understood apart from the concept of interdependence."
"All states are interconnected both for better and for worse," he said.
Forum posts
3 April 2005, 05:23
He took a medal from a war criminal: Bush. He never made any clear statement about child abusing priests. He was as hypocritical as any other human being.
4 April 2005, 07:27
Yeah, all of the pedophile rings were during his "watch" and the only thing he taught us was how to walk gracefully in a dress and high heels (except when he tripped on his hem and broke his leg) and how one should kneel and kiss his jewels. If Jesus came back today he would be horrified at what his "representatives" have been up to and how they dress and act. I am sure he would send them straight to hell where the old faggot has just gone off to.
4 April 2005, 08:16
He was loyal to his faith and did not wish to obstruct anyone elses. He was not perfect but he was above all a good man.
4 April 2005, 15:46
Could have ordered all the "priests" to form a human chain around baghdad, and thus prevented the war could have excommunicated bush and blair for murder.
But no, like all the other blood-thirsty christian and jewish leaders, he got excited at the prospect of killing so many arabs, and of rebuilding the empire of his so called holy land.
A hypocrite, a puppet of delusion.
20 April 2005, 17:46
I would like to comment that the Pope was a great man and the person who called him a faggot is going deeper than hall. By the way he is a 10 times greater man than you
4 April 2005, 17:57
What I don’t understand is, couldn’t we have discussed the pope’s behavior before he died, like say last week... last year? Just like when Reagon died, everyone used it as an excuse to bash him. Well he was alive just before that, for many years, plenty of time to discuss him then. It seems good people could set the hatred aside upon his passing, and give him a few days at least. He was imperfect man, but there is value in his words.
his last message...
"To humanity, which at times seems lost and dominated by the power of evil, of egoism and of fear, the Lord rises again to offer the gift of his love that forgives, reconciles and reopens the soul to hope. It is a love that changes the heart and bestows peace. How much the world needs to comprehend and embrace the divine mercy."
5 April 2005, 11:57
When he was alive, thousands of priests molested thousands of children, no good words or nice thoughts can excuse that.
All organised religion serves its leaders. If the leaders are perverts and child molesters, then that is what they are. Bollox to them.
All churches and priests are symbols of a bunch of deluded power-crazed warmongering shitheads.
When priests start to stand in front of soldiers, to prevent wars, then perhaps they might have some respect, as it stands they actively endorse the current debacle in Iraq. Fuck ·em.
7 April 2005, 00:07
True, but truth is nowhere in religion. Religion is built on fairy tales (no pun to the Catholics intended) and if they start to slip in ANY truth, then all of the magic tricks in the book (no pun intended) could prevent their organizations from becoming irrelevant. FAITH counts on people being gullible and superstitious, it is the only thing they have. Rewriting history and the "Book" has been the only thing keeping up appearances for these corrupt and evil institutions. If the TRUE history were was known about the Christian religions, they would have NO members.
9 April 2005, 04:09
we love you pope jhon paul 2nd
19 April 2005, 15:37
he was great
19 April 2005, 16:21
In a ’Father Ted’ type way, I hope you mean