Home > For a total transparency on the airborne radioactivity we are currently (…)

For a total transparency on the airborne radioactivity we are currently breathing.

by Open-Publishing - Friday 8 April 2011

Demos-Actions Nuclear


For a total transparency on the airborne radioactivity we are currently breathing.

There are 60 certified radionuclide stations fully equipped with high precision detectors that
are set up around the world to monitor airborne radioactivity on a daily basis with
unprecedented accuracy.

Their objective : Find low quantities of radioactive particles that could reveal a possible nuclear test
in violation of the Comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty (TICEN).
Results of the analyses would allow a follow up, day by day since March 12, 2011, of the evolution on
the contaminated airborne masses linked to the radioactive rejections of the FUKUSHIMA DAIICHII
nuclear plant.

To date this is still impossible as the data are being confiscated by the States. The results are
communicated to pre selected official organizations required to keep all information away from public

This global measuring network is financed by Public funds. Populations have the right to have
access to this information. All the figures without exception must be published and not just a few
figures carefully selected by the authorities.

I hereby demand that the results of the analyses conducted to measure the airborne radioactivity by
the global network (TICEN) be made public, ENTIRELY AND WITHOUT ANY FURTHER DELAY.

Funded by all the citizens of member states, these figures must be made available to public
knowledge to serve their right to protection and safety.

Last and first names Adress Country Signature

This international petition is launched by the CRIIRAD - Commission de Recherche et d’Information Indépendantes sur
la Radioactivité/ Research and Independant Information on Radioactivity Commission

Date of publication : March 26th , 2011 Validity : Until secret of information will be lifted

To be returned to : CRIIRAD : 471 avenue Victor Hugo, 26000 Valence, FRANCE or by Fax at +33 (0) 4 75 81 26 48

 You may also send a scanned copy to : communication@criirad.org
Petitions will serve actions in direction of national Governments, the UN, the IAEA, and the CTBT organization

Results of the mobilization : www.criirad.org