Home > From Physics to Religion, Time & Distance Are An Illusion
From Physics to Religion, Time & Distance Are An Illusion
by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 24 January 20069 comments
There are no well defined boundaries between any thing or any people ...except in ignorant minds. Peace, happiness, wholeness, love, all exist right here, today, right now in this moment ...only the mind leads you astray.
In order to fathom reality, you must let go of the concept of time and distance, and other illusions created by men. Those who adhere to time as a measurement, as a truth, will always find themselves imprisoned and constrained ...indeed, believing in time becomes a source for feeling unloved, separate and alone.
We are each integral parts of an entire whole. All is one. There is no time and there are no distances between us. This feeling of separateness that pervades humanity is false, born of limited understanding and the prevailing concept of time.
The only true history is the history of the soul, the spirit.
We are all individual souls evolving toward our own unique perfection, yet paradoxically, we are still inseparably connected. The universe, we, and everything else in it is perfect, all is good, and all will right itself without intervention.
Just as water seeks its on level, every event, one’s own personal experiences, even tragedy all happen for a perfect reason. Like a vacuum, like a magnet, we are pulled into the next event or experience based on our exact needs, by virtue of a "space" that needs to be filled, a lesson that must be learned.
By design, we attract into our lives that which we have yet to master and require for enlightenment.
Ultimately, there is but one lesson for each of us to learn, and that is the individual ability to accept, love and revere unconditionally every person, every thing, every part of this earth as if it were yourself, your beloved ...as if it were your very own infant child.
The continuity and beauty of this world is the fluid interaction between all the elements ...the ultimate dance, the loving exchange which gives meaning to existence itself. We, mankind, are but one important element.
We are all one in this world, irrevocably and gloriously. The earth is alive and the universe is a great living organism. We are each its perfect reflection and a necessary component of the whole.
All of your dreams, all of your thoughts are nothing short of fabulous magic! Yet all is forever swirling, fluid, recreating itself over and again ...and still forever, we are always one.
Rejoice in the mysterious.
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Forum posts
24 January 2006, 18:15
What did you say the name of that mushroom is and why can’t time travellers partake of the mystery?
25 January 2006, 02:13
Actually, this was an essay written to show how ancient knowledge closely parallels new paradigms within western science. The west only recently began to acknowledge how through worm holes and other space-time anomalies any point in space is immediately accessible via any other point.
Mankind together with his science is like a blind man fearful of the darkness; rather than to accept unconditionally all that is around him, he grasps frantically for anything that will explain his position in the Universe, to give meaning to his existence.
Science in essence, is fear based; it is not born out of love, or total acceptance and appreciation of the world in which we live; usually it’s intentions are for selfish profit.
A belief, however widely held, is still only second hand information, someone else’s life experience and viewpoint. While another’s belief system can be "entertaining", it distracts from truth and can only interfere with, even contaminate your own individual experience.
Lao Zi remarked, "He who speaks knows nothing; he who knows is silent." The sum of man’s truths is wholly a collection of lies ...only empty illusions of his importance.
Meditation can help calm the turbulent seas of your mind; ...only by completely emptying the vessel filled with meaningless chatter will you access the "space between the atoms."
There you will discover a vast, infinite well of wisdom, creativity and truth ...only there, through deep personal experience, will you find your true self, your purpose and God.
We can all contribute to changing our world for the better by sharing our thoughts ...lest we remain as indifferent strangers to the higher plane of achievement ...you can transcend the bonds of Newtonian dogma.
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24 January 2006, 18:49
OK, Parmenides, that’s all well and good. But, I can’t get a plumber to come over and fix the leak in my kitchen faucet until Thursday. Maybe I should just merge with the flow of water dripping into my sink and forget about the plumber. Whaddaya think?
25 January 2006, 07:56
You speak the words of Muslim Sufis. Of the Maharishi. The Budda.
All these traditions had men and women who overcame the limits of time and distance and performed what appeared to the witnesses as magic.
If only...
25 January 2006, 13:03
You want Magic, how about landing a man on the moon or saving a child’s life with a medical procedure. In 1550 you could be jailed for practicing geometry, it was considered magic. Mystery would be a more appropriate word for the unknown.
The practice of emptying ones mind has its benefits especially concerning stress which has a mysterious effect on a persons well being. The problem occurs when mysterious effects are attributed to magic and the individual surrenders his or herself to a dogma or individual claiming to understand the mystery of life. Cults are often based on mind control and those most at risk are the ones that believe in magic. Dogma does not have a place in science by definition because science is not a belief in magic but an open discovery process of life’s mysteries. If your faucet is leaking try a gasket.
25 January 2006, 23:00
Are you one of Karl Rove’s bloggers?
15 February 2006, 21:50
READ ’BLUE BLOOD TRUE BLOOD’ from www.expansions.com
19 February 2006, 17:45
Interesting points.
May I recommend the following books / research to those who are interested in this line of thinking:
– The Tao of Physics by Frijtof Capra.
– The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.
– Quantum non-locality / entanglement, chaos mathematics, quantum mechanics.
– Terence Mckenna in general, but specifically Timewave Zero, a way of mapping time that reaches a point of maximum novelty on Dec 21st 2012.
– General reading about the tribal cultures all over the world, but escpecially - The Maya and their calendar that finishes on Dec 21st 2012.
The world is going through some troubled times, but it is also a time of great novelty, which can be seen as accelerating until Dec 21st 2012. Events leading up to this are likely to change our world and ourselves completely.
If anyone else is familiar with these ideas I’d love to hear what you think?
10 April 2006, 03:37
I grow ever tired of the uninvested, uninformed, and the ignorant making sweeping castigations against science . . . . and ultimately agianst true scientists. Whether time or space (space/time) is an illusion is not a point worth making. I really wish these spiritualist would take a damn physics course or something. Science is NOT about fear (imho). To dismiss those who dedicate their lives to exploration of the "mysterious" requires a great deal of courage and dedication. So before you get all holier than thou, take a stroll down objectivist lane before you desparage the practice known as science. If I may make a suggestion, Richard Feynmans "The Pleasure of Finding Things Out" is a first hand account of a "scientist" driven by the wonderment (not fear) of the mysterious. The Bhagavad Gita will not provide satisfactory explanations as to curiosities such as; What is a binary tree and why does that matter? So, I appreciate the poetry, but to summarily malign science instead of corporate greed is an act far more reprehensible and, dare I say it, contradictory to the position of (i’m paraphrasing here) loving and every single person or thing that exists, than any thing I can THINK of at the moment. But give me a sec, I’ll come up with something. Never MIND, I should just take your word for it.