Home > Global stock market analysis from 2003 to 2008 in US dollars and Euros: (…)

Global stock market analysis from 2003 to 2008 in US dollars and Euros: Update on the collapse of the US

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 21 June 2008

Trade-Exchange Rates Economy-budget Europe USA


A few years ago I had the opportunity to do research into certain conspiracy theories, once I came to terms with what I was finding, I began to look at the consequences of what was happening.

The first place I looked was the financial markets. After doing some number-crunching the trends became clear. That’s when I contacted friends and family and began my long and bittersweet campaign of warning them about the pending economic collapse of the United States. Some listened, many didn’t.

One of my friends who took the advice to heart, and liquidated almost all assets from the United States, contacted me a couple of days ago and asked where the best place would be to invest some money - a safe haven to park some assets. So I’ve decided to do some additional analysis and plan on sharing some of that information here.

Market Analysis:
The first place to look for a trend is the stock market. Table 1 lists some of the major stock markets in the world and their performances since the beginning of the US lead Anglo-Saxon invasion of Iraq. Even though it’s clear that US markets have lagged in performance relative to their peers, the pace at which the DOW, NASDAQ, and the S&P are lagging is worse than it appears if the global purchasing power of the US dollar is taken into account.

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Table 2 lists the performances of the markets provided above and the US dollar exchange rates relative to the local currencies for specific markets in both 2003 and 2008. The “Change” column represents how much the US dollar has been devalues relative to other currencies. It should be noted that since the year 2000 the US dollar has been devalued more than 50% relative to the euro. Further information on why this has occurred at “The Implications of the opening of Iran’s Oil Bourse: The Final Nail in the Coffin for the American Empire”.

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Table 3 uses the data in Table 2 to find out what the return rate would have been if $100 US was invested in each market on 20 March 2003 and cashed out on 17 June 2008. The sequence of events would have been as follows. You would have taken $100 US and converted it into the local currency in 20 March 2003. Invested in the specific Index and then cashed out in 17 June 2008 and converted your profits back to US dollars.

Since the US dollar has collapsed, it means that you will be able to buy more US dollars in 2008 than you could have in 2003 for the same amount of foreign currency. This has the effect of increasing your net gain from markets outside of the United States in US dollars. For example: $100 US invested in the Canadian TSX in 2003 would have returned $336 US in 2008 (profit of 236%). If you bet the same amount in the DOW, you would have made $147 (47% profit). Comparing the data in Table 3 with Table 1 clearly shows how badly the US dollar has collapsed. If the US dollar had kept its 2003 value, then the TSX profits would have only been $233. This means that $103 of the profit in US dollars made from the TSX is due to the collapsing US dollar.

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I thought it would be a good idea to look at the return rate for the same markets relative to the euro. Table 4 summarizes this data. In 20 March 2003 $100 US equaled 95 euro, and as of 17 June 2008 $147 US equaled 95 euro. This means that relative to the euro the 47% gain in the DOW is equal to zero gains in euros.

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Table 5 lists the data from Table 4 as percentages, making it clear that the gains in the US markets have been negligible, especially when compared to the gains from other markets.

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My friend asked me what I thought was going to happen to the United States. I asked him if he remember the Argentinean economic crisis. Simply put, the US economic collapse should be a few orders of magnitude larger, and unlike Argentina, the United States will most likely not recover. more on this later.

One thing to keep in mind is that the above analysis does not only apply to the markets, but also to every other investment made outside of the US. Think of it this way, If you bought a house outside of the United States in 2003, even if the value of the house didn’t go up, you would have made money if you sold the house and converted to US dollars. But I wouldn’t recommend doing that just yet, because the odds are the US dollar is going to continue its collapse.

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Good luck and be careful out there, the central banks of the world plan on consolidating their assets. For more information see “10 of the Most Important Economic Events of the Last 10 Years: Collapsing the Economy in the Buildup to World War III”.


Forum posts

  • Great! The murder culture US, Great Britain (what is here great anyway?) and Israhell is going to fail.

    • Well it its by design, not chance...

      So failure depends on the point of view, because the design is clearly to launch the USA in a tremendously destructive war... economic collapse makes the people more receptive to baloney exterior treats and false flag operations... rises the people anger to the stratosphere, while good judgment disappear...

      ... perhaps some people in England and in vatican hill are laughing their guts out...

      Wars only purpose is to destroy those that participate in them. A furious attack on Iran, which is part of the Shangai agreement with Russia and China could escalate to something unthinkable... and if many analysts said that Hitler sounded like war, even before it started, someone poisoned to occupy the white house throne of GOP origin... well, sounds exactly the same... ( not that the other part is not controlled also).

      Meanwhile the real masters of the world, that control the ALL WORLD financial spectrum since after the medieval times in Europe, money out of nothing and gold schemes in a time of Inquisition ??( how could had it been without the Roman Church been deep in it ??) .. and in pact with England/German/ Dutch Oligarchy( not the people)... the Black Nobility... were all the time moving behind the scenes, with less shadowy organizations like the Jacobins and the Masons, but controlled in its turn by more shadowy, or the most unlikely ones ( the best way to keep a secret),... but clearly close to the masters... like the Bavarian Illuminati, knights of Malta and Columbus... and the Jesuit Order ( catholics!?... well its no secret that all major International Bankers belong to such catholic *secret* societys! ),... for the dismiss of the USA and its constitution since day one...

      So with Russia , China, USA, Middle east,... jews and protestants,... specially American protestants, Orthodox... and Buddhists ( not one single catholic land is in peril!!!?)... involved in a war that might see the use of nuclear weapons in a more or less extensive way... could mean the total annihilation of those countrys and nations and regions, not sympathetic with the AUTO-DESIGNATED TRUE representatives of Jesus Christ and the so called Living God... and their ambitions of Temporal Power... that is, not only the power to designate rulers and kings at will, as it was in the post medieval times in Europe, but also the power to determine what will be the LAW... but this time in all the World... THE NEW WORLD ORDER... Novus ordo seculorum... that is in the 1 dollar bill seal... very illustrative!...

      And this is not a rant, because the TRUTH is that the institution mentioned, NEVER ABANDONED THEIR CLAIMS TO TEMPORAL POWER OVER THE WHOLE WORLD... even if the visible leader, not the real leader which should be like a syndicate or as Gorbachev talked about politburos, a Nomenclature,... goes around the world begging pardon for their bishops sexual abuses...

  • How came has an extremely influential and powerful figure like ’David Rockefeller Sr.’ get trapped into a *Hotel Room* interview, with a clearly hostile and UNKNOWNED JOURNALIST in the west, where he is as by all means squeezed somehow ... UNLESS HE HAD NO OTHER CHOICE !?

    The stinking scum of sold out western journalists, and lets call them what they are, a stinking scum, would probably kiss rockefeller feet for the cameras... but there is more.

    TREATS, REAL TREATS... (1-4)


    Who the hell is this Benjamin Fulford... is everybody asking... he sounds crazy, isn’t it?

    BUT THEN how in the hell did he got "David Rockefeller Sr.", the all powerful head of the rockefeler clan in a tight situation, unless he is basically telling the TRUTH ?

    Benjamin Fulford history:

    Concerning the question is david rockefeller the "head" of the Secret Government of the west( namely USA), and also related with some points raised in this thread ?

    Well if he is, its no longer a secret. But i believe not. He maybe one of the CEOs but he is not a majority share holder.. never was... because the financial dominion, in the form of fractional reserve systems with money out of nothing or *fiat money*, started in Europe... and is a believe system, like a religion... fiat money is a piece of paper, backed by nothing but a believe...

    Who are the masters of believe systems ? ... who invented the philosophical absurd abstraction as the devil, to submit people by fear ?...

    So i guess the "sabatean" entourage are the real secret government of the west.. they have a very visible *MASS RELIGION* on the west with the majority of the ignorant and innocent people behind it in a lot of countrys,... but remain more or less secret because they have others to be exposed to the lights and take the fall ( be assassinated as example )in their turn... like david rockefeller ... and most people wouldn’t believe it anyway, because they "seem" very unlikely.

    But a lot of evidence is out there, for anyone that wants to see.

    The Dollar. Well, is a very bad time for USA with the real danger of a rampant hyperinflation. But it was long time ago planned its replacement by the AMERO... leaving the trillions of dollars in Asia possession real worthless... A TREMENDOUS COUP.

    So ASIA is pushing its dismiss ahead, instead of being taken by surprise. So the first shots of a possible WW III have already been made... and it happens that Iran is cough in the middle, by pressing the sell of "oil" with other currencies instead of the dollar( like Saddam Iraq. That is why rockefeller USA (not the people) wants to target Iran so badly, not because of nuclear facilities or treats to Israel... and why rockefeller USA (not the people) has already caused thousands of innocent victims in China, the next big target. rockefeller is urgent for war, before a dollar dismiss is severe enough, diminishing he’s ability to conduct effective wars.

    Targeting China:

    (much more in other link videos on the same page)

    Colossal civil, religious and financial disobidiance in the west, specially the dismiss of the FED on USA, is the only solution now to prevent WW III.