by Open-Publishing - Sunday 10 July 2005

Religions-Beliefs USA


By Peter Fredson

July 10, 2005

The Bert and Ernie relationship seems evil according to Internet research. Tinky Wink is evil according to Jerry Falwell. Now even Sponge Square Pants Bob is evil according to True Believer Christians.

When an entertainer at a football game showed about 2 square inches of nipple, over 180,000 True Believer Christians pronounced it as immeasurably evil. A quick peek at mammary tissue deserved a $200,000 fine by government evil guardians.

Sex, when not officially sanctioned by a preacher, is evil. A woman wearing a bikini or a shorty short skirt is practicing evil, according to some preachers. A female singer, prancing and shaking her booty, to some people should be whipped or executed with stone throwing, like in the good old days. Kissing and fondling for some people are tools of Satan to seize their immortal souls. At one time dancing was a tool of Satan, as was card playing.

I might even mention condemnation of gays, although I’m afraid our volatile President would change our constitution to ban discussion. In fact, even criticism of the President might be construed as EVIL or at least treasonable.

Malevolent masterminds bent on achieving global domination through lies, misdirection and sneaky preemptive attacks are NOT evil, according to about half the American population, that approve heartily of killing Muslims, destroying their country, and stealing their oil.

If a swaggering smirking irresponsible lying president pronounces someone to be evil, the entire True Believer congregation apparently believes it. Certainly there is no other explanation for the acceptance of lies which get soldiers killed and countries ravaged, while few True Believers complain.

Some people say that despite their cynical "family values" propaganda, the Republican Party is a criminal conspiracy to betray the interests of the American people in favor of plutocratic and corporate interests, and absolutist religious groups, because they’re evil GOP bastards!

Apparently pronouncing someone or something to be “evil” is a favorite verbalism today, requiring no other confirmation than the flat outright statement. Republican Christians are remarkably prone to issue such pronouncement, with Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson leading the howling wolf pack.

Some people say, “Evil Is as Evil Does.” indicating actions which will cause harm to lives and reputations. This can probably be extended to include harm to the economy, welfare, health, education, old people, poor people, and defenseless people. One might include harm to the environment in this category, with all the species that inhabit it.

We don’t need selected quotations from some sacred book by professional doomsayers to tell us what is evil. We don’t need a lying president to point out the evil nature of some counterpart as it would be like pointing in a mirror image, calling kettles black.

Is EVIL then in the eye, or the mind, of the beholder? Can anyone hurl charges and become an authority? Can any pork-faced fat-mouthed person pronounce anything he dislikes to be EVIL?

But, enough of this “evil” talk. Keep it in church sermons but out of public discourse, out of FOX NEWS commentary, out of government business. As Judge Judy once said, “Don’t pee on my foot and tell me it’s raining.”

Forum posts

  • Pure evil is when a government is complicit in a conspiracy allowing the use of hijacked planes and controlled detonations to kill more than 3000 of it’s own citizens in order to blame it on another country thereby getting the citizens outraged enough to support an illegal war allowing them to steal that sovereign country’s oil. Mmmmm, which government would that be? The government of SATAN - GW Bush and the neocon administration. See video of David Ray Griffin, author of "The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11"

    • Well stated. Who could imagine that this would happen here in the USA?

      Add to your statement that stealing elections is part of the outragous evil, especially while claiming to have the virtuous (hypocritic) goal of ’spreading democracy throughout the world.’ And add that evil is betraying your country’s and an undercover agent’s security interests in retaliation for her husband informing the world that a fear-generating factor [related to starting the war in Iraq] was not true. And the list could go on and on.

      People are so afraid of being called ’conspiracy theorist’. As if the phrase means they must also believe in things like UFO’s and little green men or that they need to be committed to the funny farm. Karl Rove villainized this phrase, just like he villainized the word ’liberal’. What an amazing manipulation tactic. Democrats fear being called conspiracy theorists more than they fear the consequences of what these evil people are doing to our country and the world. This fear intimidates many of them into keeping silent.

      The definition of a conspiracy is: "a planning and acting together secretly, esp. for an unlawful or harmful purpose, such as murder or treason". Synonyms include: plot, scheme, plan, intrigue, collusion, connivance.

      I think it is time to call a spade a spade, loud and clear, and without being embarassed or intimidated by the phrase ’conspiracy theorist’.

  • I think you can tell if someone is evil when the operate rape rooms, torture chambers and spend their free time filling mass graves with 100,000 kurds, but hey, who am I to say, I’m just a kooky right wing lunatic, right.

    Let me tell you wackos something.. you are absolutely right...Bush Lied! Blood For Oil!! Halliburton!!!

    Not only did Bush know about 9/11, he was actually piloting one of the planes that struck the world Trade Centers. I’m serious! Just before impact, the diabolical W activated his CIA-developed, super secret cloaking device and parachuted to safety. Once on the ground, he was then whisked away to the ultra-secure white male, protestant, heterosexual, zionist, freemason, cigar smoke-filled bunker from which Dick Cheney and the Halliburton cabal plot their global domination. This also happens to be the same bunker in which those dastardly Osama Bin Laden videos are produced because, as everyone knows, there is NO SUCH THING as Osama Bin Laden, it’s just President Bush in a fake beard and "Queer eye for the arab guy" makeover, making his dire pronouncements, all in an effort to whip the red state rubes into a hegemonic frenzy whereby they will go along with this "war on terror" that is really just a ruse designed to distract the unwashed masses from Halliburton, the Carlysle Group and Dick Cheney’s plans for world domination.

    is that about right??????

    now, back to your rubber rooms, you lunatics....wipe away the drool.

    • Actually, that is about right, Bubba, except for the part about Bush piloting the plane into the towers. Everyone knows that drunk couldn’t hit water if he fell out of a boat.