Fortune Magazine/Nelson D. Schwartz
A year ago Tamiflu was known, if at all, as an obscure remedy for influenza, which doctors typically treat with bed rest and chicken soup. Today, with panic mounting over a potential bird flu pandemic, it’s the most sought-after drug in the world, as everyone from suburban soccer moms in the U.S. to health officials in London and Taipei scramble to stockpile the pill. At the moment, it seems, virtually the entire world is on sick-chicken alert.
"One (…)
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Rumsfeld Profits From Bird Flu Scare
18 March 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
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People eating genetically modified food may have rat-short lifespan
16 March 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
5 commentsLeading expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute for higher nervous activity and neurophysiology, Doctor of Biology Irina Yermakova, conducted an experiment on rats. The rodents are traditionally used for important experiments as they have morphology and biochemistry resembling the human ones.
The experimental rats were given food containing genetically modified components. The rats survived during the experiment but their conduct seriously changed: they became nervous, anxious (…) -
Gulf War Veteran Gets Placebos Instead Of Real Medicine
11 March 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentORIGINAL LINK WITH ADDITIONAL VIDEO Gulf War Veteran Gets Placebos Instead Of Real Medicine
POSTED: 4:13 pm EST February 23, 2006 UPDATED: 5:33 pm EST February 23, 2006
A Gulf War veteran undergoing medical treatment said he was given placebos — (…) -
Former DEA Agent Wants George H. Bush, Negroponte And Other Higher-Ups Held Accountable For Illegal
6 March 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentFormer DEA Agent Wants George H. Bush, Negroponte And Other Higher-Ups Held Accountable For Illegal Drug Smuggling
Cele Castillo made headlines in the 1980’s for exposing illegal government-sponsored cocaine trafficking. Although the responsible parties were never brought to justice, Castillo is still speaking out loud and strong in order to save his country.
5 Mar 2006
By Greg Szymanski
Cele Castillo played it tough with the "Big Boys" for a long time until the former DEA agent (…) -
Gulf War Veteran Gets Placebos Instead Of Real Medicine
1 March 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
What Both Parties in DC Refuse to Discuss
1 March 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
6 commentsThe Poet Ezra Pound once said The technique of infamy is to invent two lies, then get people arguing heatedly over which one of them is true.
This can be said of Every Issue in American Politics. The leaders put forth two acceptable ideas, and the tv propaganda dutifully repeats the fake debate 24/7 - all the while omitting the true alternative.
Acceptable choices: Stay the course, or Redeploy
True Alternative: Bring Home the Troops
Health Care
Fake debate is about how many (…) -
Democrats create Wealth & Jobs
28 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
SHOCK & AWE------------------------ DEMOCRATS CREATE WEALTH AND JOBS----------- 1.From Harding In 1921 to Bush in 2003 2.Democrats held White House for 40 years and Republicans for 42.5 years. 3.Democrats created 75,820,000 net new jobs — Republicans 36,440,000. 4.Per Year Average-Democrats 1,825,200---Republicans 856,400. 5.Republicans had 9 presidents during the period and 6 had depression or recession. 6.Republicans had a recession/depression in 177 months and Democrats in 32 months. (…)
The Sanitized Horrors of Guantánamo Bay The U.S. has adopted the practice of force-feeding detainees
26 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
4 commentsby Keith Barratt ("Welshman") 25 February 2006
The United States and Iran share an expression of public opinion, one that still causes considerable distress to the majority of British:
[In 1997] the people of Hartford, Connecticut, dedicated a monument to Bobby Sands and the other Irish Republican Army hunger strikers.... The monument stands in a traffic circle known as “Bobby Sands Circle,” at the bottom of Maple Avenue near Goodwin Park. The Iranian government named a street in Tehran (…) -
17 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsThe top two Republicans in Congress caught in an outright lie A Republican staffer has named Frist and Hastert as the two lawmakers that added the vaccine makers liability protection to the defense bill- after the committee had met several times that day, and Dems even asked Alaska Senator Ted Stevens if the language was in the bill, and he told them no. Frist and Stevens deny this charge saying the language was in the bill when the conferees voted on it- but if that’s so, why did (…)
Dr. Frist Immunizes Big Pharma
17 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
by Dan Hamburg
Hidden in the folds of the thickly pork-laden Department of Defense Appropriations bill that slid through Congress just before Christmas and was signed into law a day before New Year’s was a big slab of holiday cheer for the pharmaceutical industry. There were no press releases from congressional offices and no mention in the news - maybe no one wanted to take credit for this latest assault on the 14th amendment.
The so-called “Frist provision” - named after the (…)