Home > In Memoriam For Joan LoDato

In Memoriam For Joan LoDato

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 14 February 2006

Digital-Technology Governments USA

long read but worth it
A little note before we start. I learned with God all things are possible. I also learned with God you can forgive. Finally from God, I learned that truth shall be my sword and gentleness and patience shall be my armour.

(What you are about to read are my findings of the secret NON USA Echelon base on Dominica: Why it was set up by the Cabal; and finally, why my investigation was performed is based on two questions: why, when my sister, Joan Lodato, was murdered no one did anything? ... Why was my small high tech company destroyed?)

Updated Nov 13, 2000

The Octopus and the Physicist

Vincent A. LoDato, Ph.D.

Probably within a 20 year period, E-Money will come about or a unified one world currency. We will be using smart cards. At present the basic problem with these smart cards is that they can be duplicated.

In order to stop the duplication one must embed chips that cannot be duplicated. Hence it is imperative to have chips with design rules of the order of 0.1 microns and they must be mass produced in a cost effective manner. No technology exists today to produce these Dram, Asic, etc. chips in mass production.

The only way to do this is via an x-ray lithography process and a unique step and repeat tool. Such tools will cost over $15,000,000 per tool and would have an extremely high throughput with at least a 70% efficiency, and no one person, company or nation could buy one in an undetected fashion. There will be no more counterfeiting.

This is why this high cabal, need to control this chip making and the x-ray lithography process.

Several years ago the head of Sematech personally told me over the phone that there is to be only one stepper manufacturer in the world for x-ray aligners. I didn’t understand it; and thought that it didn’t make sense... but it does now.

These tools are the printing presses for E-MONEY, the plates are the masks, etc... and the boys must control them entirely...so gold etc will have a different place in the world as it has today.

There will be a global centralized bank with several information reserve banks controlling regions of the world. Chip Tatum hinted about "the Corporation" and this centralized Global banking system. He said the cabal has members living in Jupiter Island in Florida. We have found that Douglas Dillon has a summer house at Jupiter Island. (It is alleged that he has connections with the Dominica Non Secret Echelon Project—See lower notes.) If what Tatum wrote in his Pegasus file is correct, he connects the Bush family to the Corporation. Nevertheless, the "Corporation" that Tatums speaks about fits directly with Echelon, and the secret NON USA base in Dominica. Tatum states that our past President George Bush is pushing "this Idea" through his NWO agenda. He also shows a letter signed by George Bush authorizing some WET operations.

Here are excerpts from the Pegasus File:

I copied this directly from the site:

"The so-called Pegasus group’s organizational structure as provided by Tatum, demands recounting in detail. The various presidential orders, which led to the formation and operation of the covert activities in which Tatium and others participated, are significant for they constitute a secret government within a government. This is the power that hides behind to open face of democratic government. Some have called this power base "the Octopus". Activities include high level narcotics trafficking, illegal transfers of ultra-high tech weaponry, money laundering on a massive scale and an odd "hit" or alignment to keep wobbly-kneed individuals on the straight and narrow."

"...the question remains:What did George Bush intend to do with his ’black’ $3.8 billion. What was the ultimate purpose of the operation? Perhaps some of the money was to be used to grease palms and otherwise finance Bush’s bid for the presidency following the completion of President Reagan’s second term. Maybe it was used to finance other lucrative projects. Perhaps it was used to be used to inject finanical muscle into another, grander scheme, of which Tatum has recently spoken, involving George Bush’s "scope and mission" paper for a New World Order.

A copy of the "scoping" paper supplied to Tatum by George Bush outlines the formation of a Corporation whose purpose is to "...provide a central network of information, analysts and strategists on an international basis in pursuit of world order and economic stability". The scope of the Corporation involves four features:

1)Centralization of informational services.

2)Analysis of data by region-specific analysts;

3)Provided recommendations based upon analysts’ reports by international experts;

4)Provide international master plan for world growth and economic stability.

The Corporation is to be privately owned with a board of directors "consisting of Twelve members, elected annually by the shareholders. In addition there are five departments: "Data Resources, Political Management; Economic Management; Military Management; Environmental Management". 14

The foot note 14 in the Pegasus file says. It is impossible to judge the veracity of this document for a number of reasons. Principally, the name of the Corporation is not stated and the document itself is typed on blank A4 paper running for three pages. Readers must make of it what they will."

In another post it claims that Ross Perot was the target of this WET operation if he proceeded with his 1992 bid for the presidency. These are strong allegations. I have no way to check them out, but nevertheless they are published on the web. (And Chip Tatum has credence.) Further investigations are needed by law enforcement agencies.

Also here is a copy of the Chip Tatum letter allegedly signed by George Bush....we copied this off the internet..just copy paste and click to the site..had a hard time trying to direct link.



Copied from the above site

Is this letter real?

We came upon two sources that validated this letter for the following three reasons:

(1) No one in their right mind would publish "this" letter in public, unless it was true. It is a Federal Crime to forge U.S. government documents, especially those signed by the President of the USA, (2) The letter is undated, according to an internet source, by law an undated letter means an open operation with no date to terminate the operation, and finally (3) from another internet source who "personally knows" the Perot Family, the individual informed us, "the reason why Ross Perot dropped out the Presidential race of 1992 is because of this Letter, i.e. his life was threatened, and not by some Crazy group but "Via information from this Letter." Conclusion: this letter real and valid. (Is this what our country came too?...ordering a hit on a decent American????)

The Question arises: How did Ross Perot get these "Top Secret Documents" and did he violate his national security clearance?

It is a matter of public record that in the 1980s, President Regan asked Ross Perot to look into the MIA problem from the Vietnam War. Mr. Perot was given the highest clearance to check all government files. During the course of his investigation documents surfaced concerning Vice Present Bush and drug trafficing, the CIA etc. Mr. Perot realized that the Vice President at that time broke the law, and there were several confrontations.

Vice President Bush said he did what he did for national security reasons. Mr. Perot did not buy it, and realized that the Criminal Code of the USA was broken by the VP. He also knew..if a federal employee knows of a crime, he is obliged by law to report it and if not he, the employee, commits a criminal act himself.

Consequently Mr Perot followed the law and did not violate his security clearance or any laws of the USA. He was just trying to be a "good citizen." and a "good federal employee".

Remember Mr. Perot was a "special government employee" under President Regan, so he did report it. We are told that George Bush had Mr. Perot’s security clearance pulled. When VP Bush became President he knew Ross Perot had documents that would incriminate him in these drug dealings etc. When Mr. Perot was going to run for president, this evidence was going to go public. In conclusion this is what precipitated the above letter.

Here is more about Chip Tatum, George Bush, and Ross Perot. This is copied from Nexus magazine:


Since 1985, when he first became aware of the Enterprise drug- smuggling, Tatum began collecting documents, audiotapes and videotapes for his "retirement". He was acutely aware that most deep-cover agents do not survive long in what is a very dirty game at a high-stakes poker table.

Tatum says that, in 1992, President Bush instructed him to "neutralize" presidential runner Ross Perot, but he refused to do so. Tatum turned over a copy of an incriminating tape to President Bush, explaining that it would not be released - providing that he, his family and Perot were kept safe. He also told the President that copies of the tape had been placed in six different locations worldwide, saying, "if I didn’t contact these capsule-holders by a certain time each year, they are to be sent to the addresses on the packaging". He closed the conversation by stating that when he originally "placed the packages, I gave explicit instructions that if I asked for them to be sent back to me, they were to send them to the addresses on the packages." This, Tatum reasoned, would avoid intimidation or torture.

At present Chip Tatum has disappeared from sight, and his whereabouts unknown.

Returning to the X-ray Steppers and this Cabal

However they (this high cabal) are hampered by not having manufacturing x-ray stepper tools and it doesn’t seem likely that they have the ability to produce one either.This is based on the scientists and engineers in power and those who have been given the task to produce this tool. The "Elite" are not scientists, but they will soon realize that their engineers and scientists are selling them a bill of goods. This tools is the rate determining step for their success. (The connection will become clear in reading part II...about Dominica)

Returning to the Secret Base on Dominica and the recent death of its "newly elected" Prime Minister in September 2000.

After being in office for only 8 months Prime Minster Roosevelt Douglas, after returning from Jamacia reportedly died of a heart attack. Mr. Douglas, 58 years of age, was in good health and this came as a surprise. It was ruled a heart attack— however the AP Correspondent in Dominica added a comment to his piece saying — the heart attack was questionable. Their is still doubt if the heart attack was induced by human or natural causes. ( It is a well known fact the use of MEMS devices coupled with a given drug can be used to cause heart attacks.)

Mr Douglas or "Rosie" (short for Roosevelt) was truly a great national leader. He cared for all Dominicans and was fiercely nationalistic. He didn’t believe in the WTO and questioned the concept of globalization. He felt that Dominica was passed over and was not benefiting from this world progress. In his speech he alludes that his country was being used. With his recent trip to France and trying to drum up business development for Dominica, he questioned the "Elite’s Wisdom". Finally his recent trips to Libya and France threatened the exposure of this secret non USA echelon base.

Remember France had problems with the "misuse of Echelon" and vocally complained to the world. The case in point is when SCF-Thompson lost a contract to the Elite’s Echelon friendly company — Raytheon. Clearly the misuse of Project Echelon and the American laws.

(Finally the reader should know that Ross Perot supports GW Bush for President..and so do I. GW is his own man. The issues presented here are above personalities.)

Also the reader should know that on this island of Dominica is a NON USA Echelon Project base built by the Power Elite.

Deaths associated with Dominica and this secret base:

Alan Standoff...shot it the head

Danny Casolaro..Suicide — wrist slashed

Moshe Lubin...suicide — hung himself

Joan Lodato, my sister —murdered via the arsoning of my home

Roosevelt Douglas --- sudden heat attack after returning from Jamacia

For the readers who don’t know about the secret base on Dominica which caused the murders of Good Americans—such as Danny Casolaro, Alan Standorf, Moshe Lubin and my sister, Joan Lodato. Please Read (part 2)..See More Evidence—WHY this all happened.

Notes on the Island of Dominica and Murders


As this story unfolds on the Internet..we found from the Yahoo financial board under "IBM Messages" the following which clearly shows how IBM is trying to stop this story from getting out.

by: thegoldenowl 01/27/01 08:23 am EST

Msg: 71926 of 71928

(found January 27, 2001)

"see evidence below:.....Truth ladies and gentleman is very powerful...when you lie it come back to haunt you..take a top IBM programmer who is a cyber tug..and just for money...read what another IBM says about this individual..he is on all day on this site during work hours monday to friday...

The Gerstner’s IBM has a series of paid contractors whose sole purpose is to keep information about IBM from getting to the public by causing disruption across key message boards. We have track them from Quicken.com ...to Aol.com ...to Yahoo’s message boards.

It all legal but very unfair to the novice Internet user. They (these IBM employees —directly or indirectly) "pump up the stock", sow false rumors so you invest or sell your IBM stock at key times, and try to get rid of people who uncover the devious ways of this NON AMERICAN COMPANY...Gerstner is giving IBM a bad name ...just like Hitler gave Germany a bad image

The IBM cyber thugs are equivalent to the SS in Germany. However their main purpose is to discredit decent people on the web, use foul language like "fuked up"...with a misspelling and to intimidate. They are several people who are paid to do this. IBM when it panics calls in research at Yorktown and tries to hack and track...here is the proof:

socks3.watson.ibm.com - - [25/Jan/2001:03:16:35 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 12052 "-" "Crawl_Application"

socks3.watson.ibm.com - - [25/Jan/2001:03:16:46 -0500] "GET /news.html HTTP/1.1" 200 8532 "-" "Crawl_Application"

More information....Jetskiman=IBM cyber thug according to kikimyboy (From Yahoo finance IBM message board)

"....Re: Professionalism - Funnyman: Talking about professionalism, Jetskiman is a top performer at IBM he work for IBM for 21 years, and I’m a basically nobody. Read all of his argument, name calling, obcent suggestion...etc... after you have finish reading, please tell me if Jetskiman is conduct in professionalizm as IBM expect it top performer do. Thank you for your attention on the matter of professionalism. - by: kikimyboy ..."

Finally it is amazing to read the responses of some of the IBM cyber thugs on this site.

Folks, we are talking about murder. Real people are dead. The latest one that has IBM connections is Joan LoDato. The arsoning of a home in Kingston NY was established by the State Police of NY. Come to a cemetery in Kingston and we will show you Joan’s grave. A 72 year old kind lady is dead and murdered by IBM’s orders. But like the Mafia you cannot get the top guy...contractors were used.

Folks, go to Rochester, NY...Lubin hung himself in his basement.. NO NO folks not suicide. IBM stole his work and killed him.... Again hard to prove.

Folks, go to Argentina. Mr. Cattaneo hung himself (?) and stuffed a newspaper in his mouth about the IBM bribery deal. Judge Bagnascio’s only witness, and this deed was traced back to IBM Corporate. Gerstner got away again, probably with Ricciadi’s counseling.

This analogy may be strong but Germany received a bad image because of Hitler’s deeds. IBM isn’t bad per se but Gerstner, Ricciardi etc., who are corporate officers, are misusing IBM and many of you people are just there...just like people were just there in Germany. So, please think about it.

Write your jokes and say some bad lines if you wish..but please just think about what we write about...because there for the Grace of God you could have been,... Joan Lodato,... Moshe Lubin, ....Mr Cattaneo and even ...Vince Lodato, ...Mrs Lubin, ...the children of Mr. Cattaneo, ...Judge Bagnasco who saw justice bought by IBM."

Mr. Gerstner...Joan wants to know "Why" she was murdered

Please tell the Internet Audience

A little note before we start. I learned with God all things are possible. I also learned with God you can forgive. Finally from God, I learned that truth shall be my sword and gentleness and patience shall be my armour.

(What you are about to read are my findings of the secret NON USA Echelon base on Dominica: Why it was set up by the Cabal; and finally, why my investigation was performed is based on two questions: why, when my sister, Joan Lodato, was murdered no one did anything? ... Why was my small high tech company destroyed?)...For Part I the bigger picture please click.

Picture of Joan Lodato who was murdered via the arsoning of vince lodato’s home

number of visits from July 2000

Notes about Dominica and Murders...read the 2004 postscript

In the Caribbean, is the tiny Island of Dominica, not the Dominican Republic. This small island nation was once a territory of England, and only recently was granted soverignity.

The Question is: "Why a secret "private non USA" base in this country?"

This tiny nature island has a small native population. It is located near the equator and between the two continents and is ideally and geographically positioned for satellite communications. Since it has its own soviergnity, it is very difficult for any law enforcement agencies to monitor and/or investigate.

But the most important reason for this base is: There is the trememdous amount of geothermal energy. It has the only Boiling Lake in the world. To run a secret "non USA" Project Echelon base (see an earlier post: Sunday Nov 14,1999 on Project Echelon), it takes allot of energy...and this is an independent renewable energy resource that would attract minimial attention while in continual operation.This type of energy source has been built near an Indian Reseveration for a cost of only $25,000,000...and not used for farming, commerical, industrial or public use.

Last year this has been confirmed by a reliable source from within Dominica the geothermal power plant exists. Also Danny Casolaro, when alive, through a Mr. Nichols in California was made aware of this source. He reported this observation in his notes. Casolaro was going to expose the connections between some unauthorized black projects involving Hughes, (an Octopus company), and the power Elite. He was given this information by a government employee and had hard evidence of who was the head of the Octopus Group..(see Bill Hamilton’s post under the quoted above reported post) and shortly after his investigation he was killed.

Dominica has off shore gambling, and off shore banking. You can become a citizen there for a fee of $50,000.00 and enjoy a tax haven. It is a very quite island inhabited mainly by native indians. In the CIA factbook it is listed as a place for farming, relatively quite, but used on the drug routes between the Americas. There is no mention of this geothermal power plant. Finally on this tiny quite island...one will find the nerve center, a secret base, for the information flow of the world...and a "NON USA" Private Project Echelon...being powered by this geothermal energy plant.

Right after the Grenada Crisis, ties were established between the "Power Elite of the USA" and Dominica. This nation gained its independence in 1978. Dominica’s Defense group is divided into two segments: the regular police between 500-700 individuals, and a Special Service Unit (SSU) of a few hundred personnel. The SSU was originally privately funded and entrusted with the National Security of Dominica. From time to time these two units have clashed. In the Late 1980’s Dominica’s Government passed the State Security Act giving the SSU "Broad Powers" supposedly for preserving National Security. The interesting part of the SSU, is that Mr. Nichols, an American, was the first head of the SSU and well connected with the Octopus Group. This is the same Mr. Nichols who gave Casolaro the information about the geothermal power plant in Dominica. As of this posting the SSU is alive and well in Dominica, and so is the power plant.

Project Echelon is a multinational government venture between the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc. The purpose is to be able to gather ALL information and process it via using computers, satellites, and all telecommunication equipment. France has tried to build their own system, and CHINA has one now. We can understand the reason why countries desire such a system...to protect their soveignity. Danny Casolaro found out that Project ECHELON was going private, and that a listening post, an underground base, was set up on the tiny Island of Dominica. The builders of such a system included the "OCTOPUS COMPANIES" plus the power Elite of the world. (See an earlier post about the Octopus companies.) In the new millenium, it is the direction of control of information that will rule the world...this is accomplished by the "NEW" Private (non USA) Echelon Project, and one of the KEY locations exist on the Island of Dominica.

This last bit of information cost him his life, and in an indirect manner it cost the lives of Dr. Moshe Lubin of Hampshire Instrument, and was instrumental in the murder of Joan LoDato, the brother of one of the principals of BBE.

Danny Casolaro started on Inslaw. The last thing before his death, he was investigating the project on the Island of Dominica, and relating it to the Octopus companies, and some people in Colorado, California, and good old New York City — the finanical district. Danny believed the leader lived in New York, and was a past Treasury Secretary. Vince, you are right about Echelon. The late Senator Church, head of the US Senate Intelligence Committee worried about its makers (the Octopus companies) taking it private. The Senator was right and so are you!

We reported earlier of a secret base on the Island of Dominica, that is a NON USA GOVERNMENT facility. Some of the people who are aware of this base are the leaders of the octopus companies such as: Dr Armstrong the present ceo of AT&T, Louis Gerstner, the CEO of IBM, John Akers, a Partner in Lehmann Brothers. All three are members of the CFR and two are members of the Trilateral Commission. This base is a NWO secret information center (their Project Echelon)

In New York City, the Head of the Octopus, that Danny Casolero discovered was Douglas Dillon, past Secretary of the US Treasury and past Ambassador to France ....he was intimiately related to the CFR, IMF, World Bank, knew the Warboug’s quite well, and has a very long association with the Rockefeller Family, etc. Mr. Dillon was the tie between the USA "Power Elite" and the European "Power Elite". He knew about Project Echelon and the multinational relations between the respective countries. He was the major "finanical architect" for bringing this project "private." The late Senator Church, head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, warned the Congress about the potential of Echelon going private, and the effect on the National Security of the USA, namely the loss of constitutional rights.

The plan is to control the information flow, introduce a global smart card for all, and control all the global finances via the privatization of Project Echelon by its builders, these multinational high technology corporations headed by the "Power Elite." In an earlier post the major Octopus companies are identified on the RMN board. Ask Raye, for more information about these companies. She can help you. In concluding, this is what lead Danny Casolaro all over the world from P2, to England, to all the major banks, etc, etc. He started this with Inslaw and uncovered this gigantic finanical global power plan.

The NSA intercepted some messages that linked the Octopus companies and Mr. Dillon. A whistlerblower in the NSA who saw that the Constitution of the USA was, and still is, in grave danger by these so called protectors of the USA way of life gave Danny hard evidence of linking Dillon, the Octopus companies, and the secret Dominica base. The whistleblower feared that this information would be squelched by the small but effective Octopus cabal agents within certain areas of the NSA and this would not get into appropriate hands within the NSA. Hence his communications with Danny Casolaro was to insure that the US Congress had this hard evidence. Senator Byrd’s staff was aware of this before Danny died. Octopus agents were dispersed and you know the rest. Finally Ambassador Dillon, I believe is still alive, lives in NYC, and in his 90’s.

IBM has sold and continues to sell supercomputers to the PRC that are linked with the PRC’s bases throughout the world. Two such locations are the missile tracking and Echelon stations in Kiribati and Guinea. The island nation of Kiribati is composed of three groups; the Gilbert Islands, Line Islands and Phoenix Island. They received their independence from the UK in 1979. On the Gilbert Islands, the PRC has a tracking station for ICBM monitoring. This station is located near the equator and most likely acts as a listening post for the chinese Echelon project.

IBM’s super computer technology is critical for these stations. In the recent past the US Government awarded a hugh National Laboratory supercomputer technology contract to IBM, while at the same time IBM tired to destroy Cray Technology, an american company—the inventors of the supercomputer. Some of this technology was used in the super computers sold to the PRC by IBM.

In West Africa in Guinea, formerly known as French Guinea, there is a very heavy PRC chinese contingency at this young nation. In the comparison of this country with the island nation of Dominica there are striking similarities. (On Dominica there is/or was/ a secret "private" Echelon Project —see a much lower post in early Nov. 1999). It was confirmed by a source in the Washington DC area, that there is a PRC monitoring base for the guidance of ICBM and the Chinese Project Echelon. With these facts, IBM continues to sell the latest super computers to the PRC, just for the GREEN, and forgot about the Red, White and Blue. But IBM takes the GREEN from the Red, White and Blue.

The lobbying efforts of IBM at NSA, the Congress, and in the White House through Podesta Associates is extraordinary.It is quite obvious that IBM must have made some deals to circumvent the sale of supercomputer technology to the PRC—even in light of these secret bases.

Just to demonstrate the foolishness of IBM/NSA scenario. If the back door is there on these supercomputers, then the chinese can perform modifications whereby selected data that was spied upon will "returns spurious information".So Echelon can become "highly ineffective" in communicating information to the USA policy makers. Remember this information is transferred indirectly to the Congress and the Administration. If we go a step further, since the DoD is using this information for tactical and strategic planning it is devasting to the Security of the USA. If there are back doors then the effect Echelon coupled with the IBM’s supercomputer sales is the best offensive weapon system the PRC possesses against the USA.

The chinese understand IBM great need to sell; IBM has a hold via lobbying on NSA; and NSA’s Echelon is an integral part of our intelligence community; therefore the chinese penetrated the inner secrets of the USA via this avenue. If this is in the Cox report then it should be PUBLIC and an open debate occur in the Congress. This will aid immensely for world security. However if IBM/NSA has no back door on these supercomputers, and since these supercomputers are used directly against the USA, then at present, and for the time being, all supercomputer of this type (IBM’s RS6000 series etc) should be banned for sale to the PRC. We can sell the chinese many many other commodities, develop a great relationship with them, and over some time possibly change---but not now.

Echelon, Casolaro & "Murder"

Posted By: vince

Date: Sunday, 16 January 2000, at 12:56 p.m.

The death of Danny Casolaro can easily be solved. According to Danny Casolero’s notes, the information he received from a former NSA employee, and a Robert Booth Nicholls of LA California is that Project Echelon went private and had a secret base on the island of Dominica with a $25,000,000 geothermal power plant to power this complex—see a lower post on RMN. If this is true, then the reason for his murder stems from the NSA/octopus companies—IBM, ATT, LOR, Gm H, LMT and LEH (see another Post below). These facts can easily be checked out and leave no room for the simplest conjecture. Either it is, or it isn’t about the secret non USA Echelon base on the Island of Dominica.

If it is, then the Douglas Dillon connection is very real; and the Congress should immediately start an "OPEN" investigation and let all the cards fall publically. If this information is ignored by any Agency, then their is fear of retaliation from this Octopus group that also killed Moshe Lubin and Joan LoDato. (See the lower posts on Hampshire Instruments and BBE respectively on RMN.)

Messages in This Thread

Echelon, Casolaro & "Murder" (views: 181)

vince — Sunday, 16 January 2000, at 12:56 p.m.

NSA employee killed—Standorf (views: 156)

vince — Sunday, 16 January 2000, at 3:07 p.m.

Re: NSA employee killed—Standorf (views: 47)

STARDUSTER — Wednesday, 19 January 2000, at 6:51 p.m.

Re: NSA employee killed—Standorf (views: 48)

RMNews Agent 003 — Wednesday, 19 January 2000, at 11:30 p.m.

Re: NSA employee killed—Standorf (views: 122)

Don — Sunday, 16 January 2000, at 7:43 p.m

The Octopus companies use the Echelon Project by data mining and collecting economic information about their competitors large or small.

As an example Rayethon and SCR-Thompson were both bidding on a contract from Brazil. ATT with the help of Echelon intercepted some information concerning the SCR-Thompson communication with Brazil’s government. Based on this information Rayethon had the competive edge and it won the contract with the help of Echelon.

Remember the four companies IBM, ATT, LOR, and LMT are major contractors for NSA. If you doubt this just write the NSA under the FOIA and ask.NSA is a great agency provided it works within it charter; but the tapping of information by these companies is an outright scandal and illegal.

Recently on the message board the Octopus Group was mentioned. The goal of this group is to control the transport of information for the next century. By so doing, this group will be the most powerful group in the world. Lehmann Bro will be their investment banker...IBM will make the key chips and computers for the information age...AT&T will be the leading communications company— fiber optics etc....Loral will be the leading satellite company in the world...Lockheed- Martin will be the leading defense contractor and control the information technology for global defense...General Motors through its electronic subs and its sheer size is the sixth company....in a previous communication there net assets, sales and profits were reported. There combined assets are over $0.5trillion dollars...with profits of $21B/yr (in 1997). These six companies overtly control the US government. Consider the following facts: LMT is the largest federal contractor. GM is the fourth largest federal contractor. ATT is the 20 th largest contractor. IBM is 44 th largest contractor.

However for Information Technology for US Government contracts their ranking are LMT (1); GM..(3); ATT...(4); IBM...(18)

Collectively these four companies control information technology for the US government. This means the CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ, etc are at their mercy and they are at present.

Loral is a company incorporated in Bermuda with questionable ties and holds sensitive electronic communication technology relating NSA etc. THE INSLAW CASE— Danny Casolaro tied these six companies to organized crime either the Gambino or Genevese crime family where their monies and God know who else monies, probably drug money was funneled into these companies....the yukuza had ties with Lockheed well documented, and the IBM company has been in Japan for nearly 50 years...also check out..... each of these companies has had their stocks have swings over 100% in the last three years.....the ONLY WAY THESE STOCKS can double and triple in sales is— if they control the INFORMATION AGE....

Concluding on the Octopus companies and repeating some of the above:

Consider LOR, it’s on the NYSE. Check the company out. It is incorporated in Bermuda. Why is a $2 billion dollar American company that handles ultra secret projects incorporated in a foreign country? Back in the 1970, LOR had a big scandal and mob connections. Recently their is the problem of Bernie Schwartz, the CEO of LOR, and his contributions to the present Administration.

LMT when it was just Lockheed back in the 1970’s had ties with the Yakuza. I know this is old information, but it shows these companies will and have dealt with anyone.

IBM corporation is a convicted felon as of last year. Yes felon, for selling supercomputers to Russia. I assure you if you tried to do such a thing you would be in jail and they would throw away the key. But IBM just got a $8.5M fine and all was hush hush.

GmH and LOR just had a big investigation for selling missile technology to the chinese.

So in conclusion I would not worry about the NSA per se, but I am very concerned of the misuse of Project Echelon by these octopus companies. This could only occur if there are some bad apples in NSA. This may be a hard pill for some to take, but years ago when I consulted for the GAO on certain projects I use to say, "I found out that motherhood was prostitution."Dominica is real. The private Project Echelon is real. These companies are real IBM, LOR, LMT and GmH.

Finally the concerns of the late Senator Church is real. Who are watching the contractors of Project Echelon? Remember Casolero and Standorf tried to alert the Congress and it ended in their death via murder.

Alan Standorf worked for the NSA/NRO. Through geographic pictures taken by satellites of the tiny island nation of Dominica the construction of the secret private echelon base may have been spotted. At first it may have been taken as a foreign base by some government say the chinese. But upon further investigation, Alan Standorf found it was the Octopus alliance of USA companies. As the hard information was collected, it had to be released first to the Congress, and then the Congress would release it to the public. This was based on the gravity and nature what was found. Danny Casolaro was chosen by Alan Standorf. Unfortunately, the boys had to stop them. and you know the rest...check lower posts

In the NWO (or whatever you want to call this cabal), the Power Elite... the plan is the control of information. They realize if this could be accomplished they can rule the world and they really believe they know what’s best for all of us. Since part of the plan are private control centers like in Dominica...which exits today, ...and men like Douglas Dillon who is passing on his powers to men like Louis Gerstner (IBM), Mike Armstrong (ATT), and John Akers (LEH) who are all members of the CFR. The latter three have their professional growth from IBM.

The main plan calls for E- money, smart cards, bigger and faster supercomputers for the control and monitoring the "global" information flow, and super super chips in satellites needed for the private Echelon Project. This all spells the need for chips with design rules down to 0.2 to 0.05 microns, or simple put, ultra high density chips with billion and billions of more microelectronic components and finer interconnecting wires.

This chip manufacturing process takes of the order of 800 to 1400 manufacturing steps and a host of tools. However there is one draw back—the "manufacturing type" lithography tool is not made. Also the light source needed for this tool requires wavelengths of light less than the feature size of the components..lets say for a wire 0.05 microns in width, one must use an x-ray light source with an alignment tool called a step and repeat tool. Hampshire Instrument was going to solve this problem and make a COST EFFECTIVE MANUFACTURING tool.

Hampshire Instruments

Hence Hampshire Instruments and Dr. Moshe Lubin (the founder) came on the scene in the 1980’s. Lubin built the x-ray light source but used an old step and repeat tool. He was funded by Harvard University for $50,000,000, Venrock $25,000,000 (the venture capital group for the Rockefeller) and another $25,000,000 from a group in California, and finally with a $20,000,000 loan from NYS.

Over a ten year period Lubin built several versions of this tool. In the final version of this tool he was promised more money from "The Boys". When he was just about done, they pulled his funding, bankrupt the company and allowed NYS to own the patents; all the Boys from IBM, ATT, NSA (that’s John O’Hara group...Dr O’Hara was the number 2 man in NSA, their chief Scientist)...all effectively stole Lubins work. Lubin tried to bring back his company by getting other sources of funding. However before he could accomplish this, they found him dead. They say he hung himself in his basement.

I have known Lubin for over 30 years, not as a friend but a colleague. He graduated from Cornell with a PHD, started the high energy laser lab at the University of Rochester, was one of the Rockefeller groups favorite young scientist etc...worked has a VP for them at an oil company...and then founded Hampshire Instruments...after much investigation I believe he did not hang himself but was murdered.

Why was he murdered?? He was going to get funded outside the Group, this threaten their plans. This x-ray lithography tool was really going to go public. They would not control the tool. Hence the chip manufacturing process, hence the control of the information flow....and men like Dillon, Gerstner, Armstrong, O’Hara, etc etc etc would fail. and the global economy that they dreamed of controlling would not exist. So Lubin had to go. They were either directly or indirectly responsible for his murder. "The ends do not justify the means."

The next company to come on the scene is my company Bizzy Bee Equipment (BBE)...we tried to pick up where Lubin left off...

Bizzy Bee Equipment Corporation (BBE)

BBE was a company that had the capabilities to make a step and repeat tool for these ultra high density chips. When Hampshire went under, BBE had the opportunity to purchase the patent portfolio of Hampshire. With BBE assets (see lower note) and Hampshire’s patent, an american success story would have been told. But the Octopus via IBM had something more in store for BBE. Under the leadership of Gerstner and Akers, its present and past CEO, IBM destroyed the company.

During Aker’s tenure of CEO of IBM. IBM criminally violated the Lanan Act with a government contract that it was administering for a synchrotron stepper. It awarded the contract to SVGL—a company that it partially owned at the time. Also IBM refused to accept the BBE proposal for bid---Federal law say you can not sole source a contract over $20,000,000. BBE ask for "no special options" or considerations but just wanted to submit its bid for $7,000,000. Mr Jamba of IBM said the company would not accept the PROPOSAL even though BBE want give them their proposal. Hence IBM violated the Lana act...The eminent NYS jurist Aaron Klein was involved in all these proceeding with IBM and DARPA....and concluded...this situation stinks.

BBE did not have the monies to pursue further legal action. So it bit the bullet and went on for private funds. By the way if IBM took BBE’s proposal and just informed BBE that it was not the winner, they would have been "within the law".

A Simple Task!

However a trail would have been left....and they very well knew that could not forefill the making of a manufacturing X-RAY PROXIMITY stepper with a 40 wafer throughput for the $20,000,000 Naval Systems Contract. If they (IBM) accepted the BBE proposal, then IBM knew BBE would be on record, and if they (IBM) failed (and they did—two years later), then BBE could question IBM’s decision (as prime Government contract) to give this contract to SVGL- a company that failed to produce one in the past and a company that IBM had partial ownership. So the IBM management refused in"writing" to take BBE’s Proposal, knowing that they were breaking the law, and BBE was legally helpless. (It was like taking candy from a baby.)

BBE was excluded from biding—since it was an INSIDE CONTRACT. (There were only four other companies that bid on the contract and BBE was to be the fifth.)

The Next IBM Incident Against BBE

After some time, BBE tried to acquire the intellectual property of Hampshire Instruments. Now under the leadership of a new CEO of IBM, Louis Gerstner, IBM directly tried to stop the sale of Hampshire Instrument’s intellectual property to BBE. Hampshire went bankrupt and BBE had means and NYS agreed to sell this property to BBE .

IBM heard that BBE wanted to buy this intellectual property. It (IBM) lobbied the NYS government and when NYS refused to honor their contract for the sale of Hampshire’s patents to BBE. which we repeat occurred because of IBM’s lobbying pressure on the Government of NYS a new IBM strategy came into being.

A plan to destroy BBE was devised via the falsification of the sale of the Hampshire documents: First Vince Lodato was offered a bribe to stop pursuing the Hampshire patents via $1,500,000 (for six months consulting job to set up a chip plant in China.) When he refused the bribe and informed US government officials. This "legal bribe" was offered by the SAME group that falsified the documents for the sale of Hampshire Instruments...again, State and Federal officials were aware of all these actions.

Since the patents of Hampshire Instruments were owned by the State of New York because they, Hampshire Inc, owed the State several million dollars via loans (the State owned the 50 or so patents based on Hampshire’s bankruptcy).

A Note What BBE Possessed .....and More On the "Legal Bribe"

When Mario Cuomo was Governor of NY, BBE had an option to purchase the remained of the intellectual property of Hampshire Instruments. BBE had contracts to buy the patents from the State of NY and the State would have benefited handsomely..the State abruptly changed their tune...Even when BBE had a $3.4M bond issue from Ulster County in NYS, an option on a unique facility to build the stepper, and the best group of scientists and engineers in the world for the success of this project...and THE REAL POTENTIAL OF JOBS FOR THE HUDSON VALLEY— DURING THIS TIME AND IN THIS AREA,


No one wanted Lubin’s patents (and to this day they are gathering dust)...No company wanted to buy them they said they were useless... IBM did not want to buy them or any of the other major companies...(how would it look if they did buy them —after Lubin’s death???)...so BBE was to only taker, but the State refused to give BBE an option on the patents even after they first agreed to sell them to BBE.

Several New York State elected officials said that the State was pressured by IBM to stop the sale. Nevertheless BBE persisted in its quest. During this time, a group from the Midwest, forged documents for the sale of the patents... (the VP of the Economic Development Corporation of NYS signature - Mr Garry Ryan), thus falsifying the sale of the patents.

When BBE found out about the spurious sale, Vince Lodato contacted the FBI , and Mr Greg Hautau, a young FBI agent was given all the documents including a copy of the falsified documents that were faxed to BBE by a third party. Vince Lodato was interviewed by the FBI provided them with hard evidence. Congressman Hinchey and State officials were also alerted by Bob Deterick, a VP of BBE and others in BBE. The groups that were alerted included: NY State Senator, Mr William Larkin , the criminal division of the NYS Attorney office, plus the chief attorney for the Economic Development group for NYS-Ms Larmont.

When the FBI completed their investigation, and according to the FBI, the DOJ refused to prosecute..even the young FBI agent was perplexed.They had them with hard documentary evidence, and $40,000 money change for these forged documents...no one did anything in law enforcement...

.WHY????.... WHY????.....WHY????...

Even Governor Pataki’s Office was aware of these deeds and had the evidence...nothing done!

.WHY????.... WHY????.....WHY????...

When this occurred, "a signal was sent out" that BBE was up for grabs,.. and anything could happen to it and no one would do anything....so Vince Lodato’s home was arsoned, lotted, and my sister murdered.

Also in our last communication (received on Good Friday and before the arsoning - that occured in late spring) , the NY State’s Department of Economic Development informed BBE via Ms Anita Larmont that Mr. Charles Gargano, the Economic Czar for NYS, basically informed Vince LoDato & BBE that they were not welcomed in NYS..and should possible consider moving from NYS. (Considering the fact that Vince Lodato is a born New Yorker, Gargano’s threats were ignored.) After receiving the letter WE CONTINUED TO REQUEST HELP (VIA communicating in members of the State Senate of NYS)....however to no avail...please click and read

IBM through Louis Gerstner has a tremendous hold on the NYS government, and IBM was the corporation that influenced the State to stop the sale of the Hampshire patents to BBE For no logical and good reasons.

Correction as of August 17, 2000 we found the reason on the internet for NY state’s action. Also as of this date August 17, 2000 the State of New York still owns the Hampshire’s documents and the patents. Please read the italic it was copied off the internet from





Press Office





Wednesday, April 15, 1998


Site Selection Magazine Recognizes IBM Deal and Empire State Development in Top Ten

Governor George E. Pataki today announced that Site Selection magazine named IBM’s $700 million investment in New York State as one of the top ten facility location deals for 1997 in its issue released today that features a photo of the Governor and IBM Chairman and CEO Louis V. Gerstner Jr. on the cover.

In addition, the publication awarded Empire State Development Corporation (ESD), New York’s economic development arm, one the country’s ten outstanding development groups for 1997.

"New York’s historic economic turnaround is front page news," Governor Pataki said.

"IBM’s $700 million vote of confidence proves that New York’s business climate is ripe for private sector investment. The success of ESD’s business-friendly attitude with global leaders like IBM, Corning, Fujitsu and Toshiba is proof-positive that New York’s smaller, smarter government encourages private sector confidence, investment and job growth.

"It’s also gratifying to note that Fortune magazine in this week’s issue also puts New York back at the top with 61 corporate headquarters, more than any other state in the country, making New York State Number 1," the Governor said.

IBM’s $700 million deal, announced in November 1997, was a complex agreement spanning two counties — Dutchess and Westchester — involving three IBM divisions — its computer chip fabrication, Credit Corporation and Global Services Center — as well as the creation of 1,550 new jobs. The chip development plant will be the world’s most advanced fabrication facility. The deal signifies the largest, single manufacturing investment in New York State history.

Charles A. Gargano, Chairman of Empire State Development, said, "Governor Pataki’s policies have given us the tools to attract new businesses and new growth opportunities to New York. In three years, New York’s massive tax cuts and record regulatory and workers’ compensation reform have ushered in a flourishing business environment. For the first time in decades, the business community has confidence that New York’s economic climate will support their future prosperity."

The magazine based its selection of ESD on a number of factors including the amount of new corporate capital investments, new jobs, as well as value-adding services and programs. New York State led the field with $7.1 billion in capital investments which created 75,000 new private sector jobs.

Site Selection noted that New York’s business climate is, ". . . once again opening site seekers’ eyes to New York’s many location strengths such as a skilled, well-educated work force, an array of research and development resources and access to world-class consumer and business markets."

Site Selection is an industry standard for business relocation and expansion executives. In January the magazine ranked New York State among the top ten states in the country for new and expanded businesses with 809 in 1997.

### ESD Contact: Maura Gallucci (212) 803-3740

Here is the Laremont letter, we request that the reader check the dates with the above announcement...Remember BBE wanted to give the state $10,000 and within six months BBE had to give the State $2,500,000 dollars plus royalities etc etc. and Mr Gargano via Anita Laremont told Vince Lodato and BBE that

for the Good of the Corporation (EDSC) and the State they would not deal with BBE.

A copy of the letter sent to Anita Laremont, after receiving the Gargano letter sent to Vince Lodato telling him to effectively leave the state. This letter was sent to a number of people see the CC and is a summary of all the events with the State of New York. The State officials were pressured by IBM and others to stop the sale to BBE.


Anita W. Laremont

Senior Vice President

Legal and General Counsel

Empire State Development Corporation

633 Third Ave

New York, New York April 7,1996

Dear Ms. Laremont,

Thank you for your letter dated April 5, 1996. On behalf of Bizzy Bee we are sad to see a state corporation act in such a manner when confronted with the truth and the economic health of our great Empire State. Our past involvement with the officials of the Job Development Authority (JDA) and what is now called the Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC) concerning the acquisition of the remnants of the technology and equipment of Hampshire Instruments which the State acquired via a default on the loan guarantee and the manner in which BBE has been treated clearly demonstrated that this is not a political issue, i.e. Democratic or Republican but raises very serious concerns has the officials of this part of state government protects and insure the best for New York and its residents.

The Story of BBE and the present ESDC has been documented in the following news articles:

Daily Freeman March 20, 1995

Daily Freeman September 22 1995

Hudson Valley Business Journal May 1 1995

Rochester Business Journal Nov 1, 1995 etc.

Endorsements have come from all the major local and state politicians whether being from Democrats and/or Republicans. Senator Joe Bruno, the Senate majority leader asked the new Governor at the time for the State to "honor the contract", (Letter dated Jan 6, 1995 to Gov. elect Pataki) The Mayor of Kingston T.R. Gallo, who is a democrat, asked Lee Webb who was from the past democratic administration to honor the contract. (Letter dated Dec 12 1994 to Lee Webb) Anita our first meeting with you, Garry Ryan, Lee Webb, Bob Dederich of BBE and myself was at your offices in Dec of 1994 where the contract was changed from $125K plus royalties to over $1M. This was your first change.

Recently when I was in Albany concerning the ESDC-BBE matter I spoke to an attorney in the criminal division of the state Government, she told me to convey the given information to you. I sent it to you and I informed you of an initial FBI probe concerning the Tom Doyle incident and also conveyed this information to senior officials of the ESDC, (the Doyle-ESDC affair) again the ESDC became mute.

The present contract which BBE now has went from 100K plus royalties from Bob Northrop your initial sole sales agent to the present contract for the price of $2.5M and the demand to have all your funds within six months which by the way BBE is prepared to sign and give the State $10K for the Option to Purchase this technology. You will also recall one of your attorney’s misrepresented via the phone "after our meeting in Kingston" that the ESDC was going to sell the laser, but when BBE received the contract it was a lease agreement for the laser. This stopped the purchase of the Semi Films building and precipitated my letter of Now 1995 to Chairman Garano. Again later BBE capitulated with regards to your contract of November 1995. Please excuse me for being redundant with the english grammar, and "again", BBE is willing to sign the last contract, you now say that

you will not deal with BBE for the good of the Corporation and the State

even though you have not sold this technology. (It is costing the State over $100K in outside legal, patent and licensing fees.) and it is growing stale and it is useless without the "original BBE stepper technology".

You are well aware that Kingston, New York is a disaster area caused by the loss of 6000 IBM jobs

You are also aware of the fact that BBE has a $3.5M IDA bond issue endorsed by local officials.

You are aware of the Semi Films Building we could purchase for $454K worth well over a $1M. This is a very real manufacturing site for our stepper.

You are aware of the 350 jobs, "real manufacturing jobs" that would come to our community-(see business plan)

You are aware of over $70M that would enter Ulster county via spending capital-(see business plan)

You are aware of the millions of dollars in sales tax that would be generated.

You are aware that BBE ask of no money but is willing to give money ($10K) to the State to help New York via signing the Option to Purchase.

You are aware of the facts that some major manufacturers are desperate and do not want to see this BBE/Hampshire technology in the market place i.e. the BBE stepper coupled to the Hampshire point source for the following reasons. First they will not obtain an ROI in their proposed capital expenditure for their 256mb DRAM manufacturing facilities. Our technology will decrease their active manufacturing life by at least five years. Secondly, and an important fact, the smaller and medium size chip manufacturers can enter the 256 mb and the next 1 gigabit DRAM chip market. Therefore the cartel will not have control of the world market. Also within a five year period BBE would be doing over $350M in business and within a ten year period BBE will be the world’s largest semiconductor equipment maker. This would take place in New York State with major facilities in the Hudson Valley. This is great for New York and America and bad for the Cartel!

You are aware of BBE’s 100 page business plan that has been favorably received from a technical and business approach. The BBE philosophy is stated on page three of our business plan. This was personally given to the ESDC by Sandy Treadwell, our Secretary of State and was in the ESDC possession for at least four months.

You are aware of the key employees of BBE who will make this project a success. Garry Ryan and Fred Einsenstein meet them at our Kingston meeting.

You are aware of IBM’s failure to succeed in stepper technology and its many failures in X-ray lithography and Lee Webb’s failure to sell this technology to IBM. (See Rochester Business Journal "JDA hopes pay back from HAMPSHIRE" Nov 1994)

You are aware of our dedication to New York. Time has shown this fact.

You are aware of the $1.5M bribe personally offered to me by an alleged agent of a multinational corporation to walk away from the success of this project via not pursuing the acquisition of Hampshire Technology. The FBI has the evidence and documentation.

You know that my colleague Dr. Moshe Lubin committed suicide over this work. He gave his life for the success of this technology. He built the Laboratory for Laser Energetic at the University of Rochester. He had a Chair at the University when he was in his thirties; he was a VP of a multinational corporation before he founded Hampshire. He could have taken the easy way out years ago, but was a builder and a visionary ahead of his times, finally gave his life for his beliefs. BBE’s intentions are to continue his work and make it a reality.

Finally you are aware of my dedication, honor and commitment to BBE and the success of this project. The greatest sadness I have is to see an outstanding group of BBE employees be disbanded; our community devastated financially by the IBM job loss, and my young grand daughter not being able to experience the quality of life she deserves as a resident of the Hudson Valley in the State in which I was born (you know I’m a Brooklyn boy). I love New York and this is why I am fighting so hard.

Anita, again please reconsider BBE’s request to purchase the Hampshire technology after reading this letter. If the ESDC does not allow BBE to purchase the Option to Purchase the Hampshire Technology then BBE Inc. cannot exist or have an opportunity for infant life. On behalf of BBE we wish all the personnel of the ESDC the blessing of Jesus Christ on this Easter day, and personally you are in my prayers, Anita


Vincent a Lodato Ph.D.

President of BBE

CC to Gov. Pataki, Sen. Joe Bruno, Assemblyman Silver, Sen Larkin, Assemblyman Guerin, Members of the NY Senate Committe on Commerce, Economic Development and Small Business, Members of the Assemly Small Business Committe, Members of the Assembly Economic Development, Job Creation, Commerce and Industry Committee, Hon. Sandy Treadwell, Hon. Carl McCall, Hon. Maurice Hinchey, Amabasssador Charles Gargano, Frank Mahoney, Mayor Gallo, David and Kathy L, Daniel B Walsh, Brian McMahon, David Quist, etc etc


You, the reader, knows the ending ...arsoning, looting, murder and no one did anything. This is not national security but selfish security coupled with greed and arrogance of the few and powerful---Gerstner, Akers (IBMERS) and O’Hara (NSA).

Read the O’Hara Letter..he did nothing but knew allot more.


Repeating and Concluding their Final Deeds

When they didn’t succeed, it is alleged that IBM through the Wachenhut Corporation or some other means hired "contractors" and Vince LoDato, one of the founders of BBE, home was arsoned and his sister killed in the fire.

This key principal of BBE had all monies tied up in the BBE fight with IBM. Consequently he had no insurance on this home (during this temporary period); and didn’t expect arson to occur; but it occurred, the house was also looted, BBE documents stolen, and BBE destroyed. IBM bought their way out of this one too, just like the hanging (murder in Argentina) with Bank Nacion. When the local police ask Vince, who he thought did this ...The only one that came to his mind was IBM....and even to this day all evidence points to IBM and its leaders.

The reason for IBM’s actions is based on the fact, that they desperately need to control this technology—the x-ray lithography tool manufacturing. These are the printing presses for E-money and being transferred to China.

In fact Gerstner transferred some of this technology to China. What deals did he make? We know that Armstrong, a past IBMer, sold out America to China (the missile crisis) when he was CEO of Hughes now CEO of AT&T.

Note on IBM’s ceo

The old guard is changing and the new ones are arriving. No matter what one has to say about faction one, the old leaders had "some class" but the new ones well....they’re brutal.

Consider Louis Gerstner, the CEO of IBM for seven or so years: During his tenure the following events occurred.

(1) IBM was criminally convicted of selling super computers to the Russians for atomic weapon research. IBM received only a $8.5M fine and it was in the news for only one day.

(2) IBM sold one the largest supercomputer in the world to China via Hong Kong. It is reported to be used in the chinese Eschelon project.

(3) IBM was caught in bribing and payoffs in a $250M contract with Banco Nacion in Argentina. The trail lead back to IBM Corporate in NY. IBM had a similar incidence in Mexico. IBM bought their way out of it via the political influence and money. Gerstner hired Podesta Associates. The owner of this firm has a brother who is chief of staff to President Clinton. Consequently Gerstner has an in the the White House.

(4) When Companies and individuals get in the way of their plan...they die!!!...Judge Bagnasco witness in Argentina. Other examples the murder of Joan LoDato in Kingston NY.

(5) Under Gerstner leadership IBM set up an Institute to tell governments how to act in the Information Age. Gerstner is a member of the Tri Lateral Commission, the CFR...and a voice in the Bilderbergers.

(6) Under Gerstner leadership, tens of thousands of americans lost their jobs at IBM. These same jobs were and are being transferred to IBM China and IBM India.

(7) Gerstner has a modest salary of only a few million a year. However over his tenure he made over one billion dollars from his stock options.... A poor boy who became rich...and sold his soul and lack of concern for the USA for money...This is an example of the new NWO leaders.


Yes the Casolaro Octopus is well; so is IBM its key company. Gerstner made one billion dollars in stock options over a period of six or so years and some murders too.

Finally my sister is dead and that is real; and she died because of a fire and that is real, and my home was arsoned and that is real, therefore my sister was murdered..via second degree murder and that is real....so this is why I pursue this avenue....the dead cry out for JUSTICE and hopefully as this story unfolds the proper law enforcement agencies will put this all to rest and let JUSTICE prevail.

Mr Gerstner, Mr. Akers & Dr. O’Hara...Joan wants to know "Why" she was murdered

Please tell the Internet Audience

Post Script BBE’s final meeting with IBM

Vince LoDato was invited to IBM Endicott by Mrs. Benz, the plant manager of this IBM facility attendance at that meeting was a Mr. Powers, a past IBM manager from East Fishkill IBM, and Mrs. Benz’s brother Barry Knight.

At that meeting ... the same proposal was made to IBM as that what was made to O’Hara at NSA. BBE sought to make the stepper with the following conditions.

BBE can make a point source x-ray lithography tool that can process chips with design rules from 0.25 to0.10 microns with a throughput time of 40 wafers per hour for an eight inch wafer, and for a ten inch wafer, 20 wafers per hour with ninety percent uptime. The cost for this system is approximately $20M.

Assuming that BBE can make this tool and deliver it within a 30 month time period, would the IBM company be interested in purchasing it? (Answering yes would make no commitment on IBM’s part.) This would not be a best effort contract, but very simply, if we (BBE) cannot produce for you (IBM) this tool which will be delivered on time, within cost and to the agreed specification, then IBM does not have to pay; but however if we (BBE) succeed then you would at least buy one tool.

Please recall, a number of BBE senior management, were retired IBMers and proposed a deal that IBM would not refuse. It would cost them nothing and they need it.

Mrs. Benz response was that IBM was going out of the chip business and had no need for this tool.

Well, years have past and what Mrs. Benz, the plant manager of IBM Endicott said is not true.Yet the principals of BBE still tried to build this tool...until Vince Lodato’s home was arsoned and sister murdered.


What Mrs. Benz, a senior IBMer, conveyed was not true. Please recall before this meeting she had ample time to check with Corporate. In fact she had Mr. Powers, a senior IBM manager, involved in chip making at EAST FISHKILL present at the meeting. This was the last meeting of BBE and IBM.

Yet recently it was announce that IBM was building a chip plant in the Hudson Valley at East Fishkill. Here is the announcement in 1997.

".....IBM’s $700 million deal, announced in November 1997, was a complex agreement spanning two counties — Dutchess and Westchester — involving three IBM divisions — its computer chip fabrication, Credit Corporation and Global Services Center — as well as the creation of 1,550 new jobs. The chip development plant will be the world’s most advanced fabrication facility. The deal signifies the largest, single manufacturing investment in New York State history....."

In the year 2000, they (Gerstner’s IBM) announced more about their chip plant at EAST FISHKILL IBM. Again

Mr Gerstner & Dr. O’Hara...Joan wants to know "Why" she was murdered

Please tell the Internet Audience

As this story unfolds on the Internet..we found from the Yahoo financial board under "IBM Messages" the following which clearly shows how IBM is trying to stop this story from getting out.

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IBM researcher & top peformer..caught

by: thegoldenowl 01/27/01 08:23 am EST

Msg: 71926 of 71928

"see evidence below:.....Truth ladies and gentleman is very powerful...when you lie it come back to haunt you..take a top IBM programmer who is a cyber tug..and just for money...read what another IBM says about this individual..he is on all day on this site during work hours monday to friday...

The Gerstner’s IBM has a series of paid contractors whose sole purpose is to keep information about IBM from getting to the public by causing disruption across key message boards. We have track them from Quicken.com ...to Aol.com ...to Yahoo’s message boards.

It all legal but very unfair to the novice Internet user. They (these IBM employees —directly or indirectly) "pump up the stock", sow false rumors so you invest or sell your IBM stock at key times, and try to get rid of people who uncover the devious ways of this NON AMERICAN COMPANY...Gerstner is giving IBM a bad name ...just like Hitler gave Germany a bad image

The IBM cyber thugs are equivalent to the SS in Germany. However their main purpose is to discredit decent people on the web, use foul language like "fuked up"...with a misspelling and to intimidate. They are several people who are paid to do this. IBM when it panics calls in research at Yorktown and tries to hack and track...here is the proof:

socks3.watson.ibm.com - - [25/Jan/2001:03:16:35 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 12052 "-" "Crawl_Application"

socks3.watson.ibm.com - - [25/Jan/2001:03:16:46 -0500] "GET /news.html HTTP/1.1" 200 8532 "-" "Crawl_Application"

More information....Jetskiman=IBM cyber thug according to kikimyboy (From Yahoo finance IBM message board)

"....Re: Professionalism - Funnyman: Talking about professionalism, Jetskiman is a top performer at IBM he work for IBM for 21 years, and I’m a basically nobody. Read all of his argument, name calling, obcent suggestion...etc... after you have finish reading, please tell me if Jetskiman is conduct in professionalizm as IBM expect it top performer do. Thank you for your attention on the matter of professionalism. - by: kikimyboy ..."

Finally it is amazing to read the responses of some of the IBM cyber thugs on this site.

Folks, we are talking about murder. Real people are dead. The latest one that has IBM connections is Joan LoDato. The arsoning of a home in Kingston NY was established by the State Police of NY. Come to a cemetery in Kingston and we will show you Joan’s grave. A 72 year old kind lady is dead and murdered by IBM’s orders. But like the Mafia you cannot get the top guy...contractors were used.

Folks, go to Rochester, NY...Lubin hung himself in his basement.. NO NO folks not suicide. IBM stole his work and killed him.... Again hard to prove.

Folks, go to Argentina. Mr. Cattaneo hung himself (?) and stuffed a newspaper in his mouth about the IBM bribery deal. Judge Bagnascio’s only witness, and this deed was traced back to IBM Corporate. Gerstner got away again, probably with Ricciadi’s counseling.

This analogy may be strong but Germany received a bad image because of Hitler’s deeds. IBM isn’t bad per se but Gerstner, Ricciardi etc., who are corporate officers, are misusing IBM and many of you people are just there...just like people were just there in Germany. So, please think about it.

Write your jokes and say some bad lines if you wish..but please just think about what we write about...because there for the Grace of God you could have been,... Joan Lodato,... Moshe Lubin, ....Mr Cattaneo and even ...Vince Lodato, ...Mrs Lubin, ...the children of Mr. Cattaneo, ...Judge Bagnasco who saw justice bought by IBM."

Mr. Gerstner...Joan wants to know "Why" she was murdered

Please tell the Internet Audience


July 2004

Well years have past and the last piece of this horrible puzzle came together. The reader will ask?

Why didn’t IBM just buy LoDato? Remember IBM is a business. If Lodato really had something he would have been bought out!

All this is true. The basic cause lies with John E. Kelly III Ph.D. Kelly was and is in charge for the manufacturing process for these ultra high density chips. At the time he was a senior executive in line for Dr. Attardo job and more. Kelly also had the ear of Gerstner...Gerstner relied on his technical ability.

If Lodato had the opportunity to build this tool ( the proximity stepper) then Kelly would look like a failure. His job and future was in jeporady. Hence for his job security and advancement he convinced Gerester to stop the BBE patent purchase from NYS.

BBE had three fourth of the problem solve but it needed Hampshire’s point source technology. Remember LoDato was offered a $1.5 million dollars not to purchase the Hampshire patents, and he was also offered a job at IBM via the plant manager at Endicott.

LoDato would have worked for IBM via BBE but not as an IBM employee. If he was an IBM employee then he would be under the control of Kelly; and Kelly would have stopped this project because it wasn’t his approach.

Kelly acted on his own interest not IBM’s interest. So Kelly advised Gerstner to use the system (IBM’s relations with the state of NY and the Federal Governement NSA...see O’Hara’s letter deputy chief scientist of NSA)...Lodato’s house was arsoned and Joan Lodato climbed to the roof to escape the flames of the fire, then she fell off the roof (three stories) and broke her neck on the brick floor below.

Kelly you stopped the purchase of Hampshire’s patents by BBE (for you job security), just so you could get an advancement at IBM to be senior vice president at IBM...Was it worth it Mr. Kelly?

You did not think about IBM etc etc....just for your own advancement, and you convinced Gerstner, a man who does not know the front end from the back end of a computer, to destroy BBE. The house was arsoned in hopes that the contract papers between BBE and State would be lost. And you thought that Lodato would committ sucide just like Lubin (of Hampshire Instruments) did.

Well it back fired and all this would not have occured if you just did your job at IBM—so far Kelly, years have past and you have failed to bring a manufacturing proximity stepper to the market place. Your nanotechnology scheme to bring SemiTech to Albany will help NYS out, but you ’ve failed and continue to fail concerning this technical challange —a successful manufacturing proximity stepper.

Your history has shown it.

We forgive you Kelly but we want JUSTICE for yours actions that caused the system to go wrong and end in the death of Joan LoDato. Kelly this is Vince Lodato accusing you...you used IBM, Gerstner, the intelligence system just for your own advancement.

John H. O’Hara requested from Vince Lodato a copy of the BBE business plan and wanted it sent to his home instead of NSA for expedience. So I complied and sent this letter along with the business plan.


Dr. John H. O’Hara

3038 Traymore Lane

Bowie Maryland 20715 Sept 23,1997

Dear Dr. O’Hara,

Thank you for returning the call today. Enclosed you will find a copy of "Not recent business plan for BBE. However the technology, i.e. the X-ray lithography tool has not changes. The purpose of our communication with your agency is that we share a mutual interest in seeing this technology come to reality, and within the confines of the USA. The Bizzy Bee Equipment (BBE) Company is an American company whose roots are within the USA with no multinational interests.

Assuming that your agency has interest in seeing this work accomplished, and assuming your agency is interested in seeing BBE succeed. Your agency can help BBE achieve their goal by endorsing our program, i.e., you see it has technical merit and believe it should be funded. The funds do not necessarily have to come from the U.S. Government but can be generated in the free market economy. The Bizzy Bee Equipment company is making the following claim.

"BBE can make a point source x-ray lithography tool that can process chips with design rules from 0.25 to0.10 microns with a throughput time of 40 wafers per hour for an eight inch wafer, and for a ten inch wafer, 20 wafers per hour with ninety percent uptime. The cost for this system is approximately $20M.

Assuming that BBE can make this tool and deliver it within a 30 month time period, would the U.S. government be interested in purchasing it? (Answering yes would make no commitment on the Government’s part.) This would not be a best effort contract, but very simply, if we (BBE) can not produce for you (the Government) this tool which will be delivered on time, within cost and to the agreed specification, then the Government does not have to pay; but however if we (BBE) succeed then you would at least buy one tool.

This area is plagued with many implications and after working for over seven years we realize that the help of the U.S. government is the only way America can stay on the leading edge in the manufacture for high density electronic chips.

The politics and power of the multinationals, and simply their greed, and lack of national interest is hurting the success of this technology. The evidence is in the following facts: The Hampshire failure coupled with Dr. Moshe Lubin’s untimely suicide. Today in our society we do not hold a gun to another’s head, but rather their wallet. The IBM influence in N.Y. state is stopping BBE from entering this field. First by excluding us from bidding on U.S. Government contracts. This was several years ago. Recently, stopping BBE from purchasing or having an option to purchase the remainder of Hampshire, i.e. their patent portfolio, which is in the possession of New York state. The bribe offered personally to me to stop pursuing the Hampshire documents. This was $1.5M consulting fee. The recent offer of a job through a third party.

We at BBE are not unreasonable, but willing to work as a team member to bring this technology to the market place and helping in the creation of jobs for Americans. This technology has personally tested me in fire. Nevertheless, I am committed to see BBE grow into a fine American company.

In closing I would hope that after reading this letter and the early draft version of our business plan, your agency can help bring this needed technology to reality.

Thank you in advance for your time and actions.


Vincent A. LoDato Ph.D.

President of BBE

Enclosed Business plan

From this chart (old one) the reader can see that John O’Hara was deputy chief scientist of NSA

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A copy of the letter sent to Anita Laremont, after receiving the Gargano letter sent to Vince Lodato telling him to effectively leave the state. This letter was sent to a number of people see the CC and is a summary of all the events with the State of New York. The State officials were pressured by IBM and others to stop the sale to BBE.


Anita W. Laremont

Senior Vice President

Legal and General Counsel

Empire State Development Corporation

633 Third Ave

New York, New York April 7,1996

Dear Ms. Laremont,

Thank you for your letter dated April 5, 1996. On behalf of Bizzy Bee we are sad to see a state corporation act in such a manner when confronted with the truth and the economic health of our great Empire State. Our past involvement with the officials of the Job Development Authority (JDA) and what is now called the Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC) concerning the acquisition of the remnants of the technology and equipment of Hampshire Instruments which the State acquired via a default on the loan guarantee and the manner in which BBE has been treated clearly demonstrated that this is not a political issue, i.e. Democratic or Republican but raises very serious concerns has the officials of this part of state government protects and insure the best for New York and its residents.

The Story of BBE and the present ESDC has been documented in the following news articles:

Daily Freeman March 20, 1995

Daily Freeman September 22 1995

Hudson Valley Business Journal May 1 1995

Rochester Business Journal Nov 1, 1995 etc.

Endorsements have come from all the major local and state politicians whether being from Democrats and/or Republicans. Senator Joe Bruno, the Senate majority leader asked the new Governor at the time for the State to "honor the contract", (Letter dated Jan 6, 1995 to Gov. elect Pataki) The Mayor of Kingston T.R. Gallo, who is a democrat, asked Lee Webb who was from the past democratic administration to honor the contract. (Letter dated Dec 12 1994 to Lee Webb) Anita our first meeting with you, Garry Ryan, Lee Webb, Bob Dederich of BBE and myself was at your offices in Dec of 1994 where the contract was changed from $125K plus royalties to over $1M. This was your first change.

Recently when I was in Albany concerning the ESDC-BBE matter I spoke to an attorney in the criminal division of the state Government, she told me to convey the given information to you. I sent it to you and I informed you of an initial FBI probe concerning the Tom Doyle incident and also conveyed this information to senior officials of the ESDC, (the Doyle-ESDC affair) again the ESDC became mute.

The present contract which BBE now has went from 100K plus royalties from Bob Northrop your initial sole sales agent to the present contract for the price of $2.5M and the demand to have all your funds within six months which by the way BBE is prepared to sign and give the State $10K for the Option to Purchase this technology. You will also recall one of your attorney’s misrepresented via the phone "after our meeting in Kingston" that the ESDC was going to sell the laser, but when BBE received the contract it was a lease agreement for the laser. This stopped the purchase of the Semi Films building and precipitated my letter of Now 1995 to Chairman Garano. Again later BBE capitulated with regards to your contract of November 1995. Please excuse me for being redundant with the english grammar, and "again", BBE is willing to sign the last contract, you now say that

you will not deal with BBE for the good of the Corporation and the State

even though you have not sold this technology. (It is costing the State over $100K in outside legal, patent and licensing fees.) and it is growing stale and it is useless without the "original BBE stepper technology".

You are well aware that Kingston, New York is a disaster area caused by the loss of 6000 IBM jobs

You are also aware of the fact that BBE has a $3.5M IDA bond issue endorsed by local officials.

You are aware of the Semi Films Building we could purchase for $454K worth well over a $1M. This is a very real manufacturing site for our stepper.

You are aware of the 350 jobs, "real manufacturing jobs" that would come to our community-(see business plan)

You are aware of over $70M that would enter Ulster county via spending capital-(see business plan)

You are aware of the millions of dollars in sales tax that would be generated.

You are aware that BBE ask of no money but is willing to give money ($10K) to the State to help New York via signing the Option to Purchase.

You are aware of the facts that some major manufacturers are desperate and do not want to see this BBE/Hampshire technology in the market place i.e. the BBE stepper coupled to the Hampshire point source for the following reasons. First they will not obtain an ROI in their proposed capital expenditure for their 256mb DRAM manufacturing facilities. Our technology will decrease their active manufacturing life by at least five years. Secondly, and an important fact, the smaller and medium size chip manufacturers can enter the 256 mb and the next 1 gigabit DRAM chip market. Therefore the cartel will not have control of the world market. Also within a five year period BBE would be doing over $350M in business and within a ten year period BBE will be the world’s largest semiconductor equipment maker. This would take place in New York State with major facilities in the Hudson Valley. This is great for New York and America and bad for the Cartel!

You are aware of BBE’s 100 page business plan that has been favorably received from a technical and business approach. The BBE philosophy is stated on page three of our business plan. This was personally given to the ESDC by Sandy Treadwell, our Secretary of State and was in the ESDC possession for at least four months.

You are aware of the key employees of BBE who will make this project a success. Garry Ryan and Fred Einsenstein meet them at our Kingston meeting.

You are aware of IBM’s failure to succeed in stepper technology and its many failures in X-ray lithography and Lee Webb’s failure to sell this technology to IBM. (See Rochester Business Journal "JDA hopes pay back from HAMPSHIRE" Nov 1994)

You are aware of our dedication to New York. Time has shown this fact.

You are aware of the $1.5M bribe personally offered to me by an alleged agent of a multinational corporation to walk away from the success of this project via not pursuing the acquisition of Hampshire Technology. The FBI has the evidence and documentation.

You know that my colleague Dr. Moshe Lubin committed suicide over this work. He gave his life for the success of this technology. He built the Laboratory for Laser Energetic at the University of Rochester. He had a Chair at the University when he was in his thirties; he was a VP of a multinational corporation before he founded Hampshire. He could have taken the easy way out years ago, but was a builder and a visionary ahead of his times, finally gave his life for his beliefs. BBE’s intentions are to continue his work and make it a reality.

Finally you are aware of my dedication, honor and commitment to BBE and the success of this project. The greatest sadness I have is to see an outstanding group of BBE employees be disbanded; our community devastated financially by the IBM job loss, and my young grand daughter not being able to experience the quality of life she deserves as a resident of the Hudson Valley in the State in which I was born (you know I’m a Brooklyn boy). I love New York and this is why I am fighting so hard.

Anita, again please reconsider BBE’s request to purchase the Hampshire technology after reading this letter. If the ESDC does not allow BBE to purchase the Option to Purchase the Hampshire Technology then BBE Inc. cannot exist or have an opportunity for infant life. On behalf of BBE we wish all the personnel of the ESDC the blessing of Jesus Christ on this Easter day, and personally you are in my prayers, Anita


Vincent a Lodato Ph.D.

President of BBE

CC to Gov. Pataki, Sen. Joe Bruno, Assemblyman Silver, Sen Larkin, Assemblyman Guerin, Members of the NY Senate Committe on Commerce, Economic Development and Small Business, Members of the Assemly Small Business Committe, Members of the Assembly Economic Development, Job Creation, Commerce and Industry Committee, Hon. Sandy Treadwell, Hon. Carl McCall, Hon. Maurice Hinchey, Amabasssador Charles Gargano, Frank Mahoney, Mayor Gallo, David and Kathy L, Daniel B Walsh, Brian McMahon, David Quist, etc etc

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