Right-wing Israeli interests are engaged in an all out Twitter attack with hopes of delegitimizing the Iranian election and causing political instability within Iran.
Anyone using Twitter over the past few days knows that the topic of the Iranian election has been the most popular. Thousands of tweets and retweets alleging that the election was a fraud, calling for protests in Iran, and even urging followers hack various Iranian news websites (which they did successfully). The Twitter (…)
Home > Keywords > Media > Internet
Proof: "Israeli Effort" to Destabilize Iran Via Twitter #Iran Election
18 June 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
Troo Wit Troot
17 June 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
I am not Irish. However, I like the way they speak what is called, for no good reason I have been able to discover, "English," and hence I feel that even if what I have to say fails to make the kind of sense I have in mind at least I will have the satisfaction of having said it in a way I like. I did not do so well with Greek (see my "9/11 Aletheia"), having learned that aletheia does not rhyme with panacea but is pronounced "uh LAY thee uh," with the stress on the second syllable. It does (…)
Pirate Bay Verdict: Why Americans Should Fight Sweden’s Persecution of Its Citizens
20 April 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
Against the US Constitution (quoted below) and — ask any lawyer — still the law of the land.
by Clayton Hallmark
Americans can ignore the court in Sweden that has just sentenced the four operators of the Pirate Bay search engine to "Download music, movies, games, software!" to 1 year each and to pay $900.000 each to Big Business/Nashville/Hollywood and related interests. The guys certainly intend to defy it. So do I. Watch their courageous stand made at their news conference here (…) -
Goldman Sachs hires law firm to shut blogger’s site
16 April 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
Goldman Sachs hires law firm to shut blogger’s site
Goldman Sachs is attempting to shut down a dissident blogger who is extremely critical of the investment bank, its board members and its practices.
Continue to read:
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/5137489/Goldman-Sachs-hires-law-firm-to-shut-bloggers-site.html -
Brainwashed mind control or the internet browsers
20 February 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
I’ll tell you what-that’s just a bunch of bullsh-all these browsers that ask you to register and then log in-they just collect personal information-what sites do you visit, how long do you surf the net etc,,,do you even think how much this sh is worth?noooo, you probably never ask yourself why is something "free".there’s no such a thing as free-first of all it costs you wasting your time-second of all there are sites out there that pay you money just to use their browser(or fill out surveys (…)
Israel recruits ’army of bloggers’ to combat anti-Zionist Web sites
21 January 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
By Cnaan Liphshiz
The Immigrant Absorption Ministry announced on Sunday it was setting up an "army of bloggers," to be made up of Israelis who speak a second language, to represent Israel in "anti-Zionist blogs" in English, French, Spanish and German.
The program’s first volunteer was Sandrine Pitousi, 31, from Kfar Maimon, situated five kilometers from Gaza. "I heard about the project over the radio and decided to join because I’m living in the middle of the conflict," she said. (…) -
Latest hasbara weapon: ’Army of bloggers’
21 January 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
Israel’s newest weapon on the public relations front is "an army of bloggers," according to a statement issued by the Absorption Ministry Sunday afternoon.
In cooperation with the Foreign Ministry’s Public Relations Department, the Absorption Ministry has initiated a statewide effort to locate volunteers who speak other languages, to take part in the country’s PR efforts over the Internet.
The volunteers will post comments in their native languages - including English, (…) -
Cables break, Internet snaps in Middle East, S Asia
21 December 2008 par (Open-Publishing)
Cairo: Breaks in three submarine cables which link Europe and the Middle East have disrupted Internet and international telephone services in parts of the Middle East and South Asia, officials said on Saturday.
Reuters Published on Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 15:32 in Sci-Tech section
The disruption reduced Egypt’s Internet capacity by about 80 per cent. Technicians were restoring some capacity by diverting communications traffic through the Red Sea, said a Communications Ministry official, (…) -
Western Murdochracy Denial & Google Censorship of British Indian Holocaust & Churchill’s Crimes
23 November 2008 par (Open-Publishing)
Many people are aware that Google censors the Internet access of the people of China. However I suspect that many people are unaware of a more general Google censorship and how Google censors the Internet for everyone in the world.
Thus, as detailed below, Google censors Churchill’s Crimes (notably his murder of 6-7 million Indians in the man-made 1943-1945 Bengal Famine) and the British Indian Holocaust (1.8 billion avoidable Indians deaths under the racist, genocidal British Occupation, (…) -
Letter to Google re anti-Science, anti-Humanity Google Censorship that threatens World
1 November 2008 par (Open-Publishing)
Risk management depends on information but Google Censors information world-wide – not just for China. The World is acutely at risk from nuclear, greenhouse and poverty threats – as indeed is the whole world, according to the prestigious American Association for the Advancement of Science (the world’s biggest general scientific organization and publisher of the world’s number 1 scientific journal Science: ).
Dealing with risk involves (a) getting accurate data about the threats, (b) (…)