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John Conyers On Rosa Parks - ’She Earned the Title as Mother of the Civil Rights Movement’
by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 26 October 200510 comments
Edito Movement Discriminations-Minorit. USA History
We speak with Rep. John Conyers (D-Michigan), who
worked with Parks for over a decade. Conyers remembers
Parks’ life and speaks about the possibility of a state
funeral and a national ’Rosa Parks day.’
Rep. John Conyers, (D-Michigan)
AMY GOODMAN: Civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks has died
at the age of 92. It was 50 years ago this December
that she refused to give up her seat to a white man
aboard a city bus in Montgomery, Alabama. She was
arrested and convicted of violating the state’s
segregation laws. Her act of resistance led to a 13-
month boycott of the Montgomery bus system that would
spark the modern-day Civil Rights Movement. Rosa Parks
later lived in Detroit for more than half her life.
Earlier this morning, we reached Congress Member John
Conyers in Detroit. He worked with Rosa Parks for more
than a decade. I asked him to talk about Rosa Parks’s
JOHN CONYERS: Sure, I can tell you about Rosa Parks. I
began meeting her many years ago in the Civil Rights
Movement. And I had met her before she came to Detroit,
because I was invited down South to different places
with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. And
I was happy to be in her company. I had no idea at the
time that she would end up in Detroit. It so happened
that there was some family here, and when she couldn’t
get a job — she was a pariah in Alabama, Montgomery.
She couldn’t find work, so she decided to relocate. And
she and her husband, Raymond, decided to come to
And so, it so happened that she was also coming to my
campaign meetings, as I was a candidate for Congress at
that time. And to our great delight, she was very
quiet, but she would come and she would help us. And I
said that when I won this seat, the first thing I would
do is offer her a position on my staff, if she would
accept. And to my honor and delight, she did accept.
And we were happy to have her in my original staff.
AMY GOODMAN: What are the adjectives you would use to
describe Rosa Parks?
JOHN CONYERS: She was a humble person. That’s the first
term, I think, that would come to mind. Also, that she
was very resolute. She happened to be a religious
person, as well, and she took her Bible and the
teachings quite seriously. But she also believed in
Constitutional government, and she believed that a
civil rights movement was going to be necessary. And I
think that that combination of considerations led her
to one day, coming home from work, decide that she
would not obey the segregation laws of Alabama and
would face arrest, incarceration, trial, imprisonment
as a result of it. And she had deep religious
convictions, but she also believed very strongly that
the Constitutional requirement of equality and freedom
was something that had to be initiated and continued.
And she earned her title as Mother of the Civil Rights
Movement. There wasn’t any question about that, because
out of the bus boycott came this young new minister
from Boston named Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., 26
years old. And that really not only sparked the 380-day
bus boycott that then led to a federal suit that struck
down desegregation, not only in the buses, but it was
interpreted to extend to all forms of desegregation, of
which there was plenty. And it wasn’t all in the South.
There was desegregation in the North, as well.
So it was out of that turbulence and it was — it was a
very violent era. I had just returned from Birmingham,
Alabama, and I was taken by the school in which
Reverend Shuttlesworth was beaten. He was protesting
segregation and he was severely beaten. He had to go to
the hospital. Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth, who
incidentally is one of the few last original members of
the Dr. King organization with Ralph Abernathy and
Andrew Young that came together to put the new Civil
Rights Movement on the map and to really get it moving
in all the directions that it eventually took, was
right there. And you’re sort of stunned when you go by
a place in the city that’s now so relatively quiet and
say, "Good night, that’s where that incident took place."
And I can’t help but marvel at the fact that Rosa Parks
essentially had a saint-like quality. And I use that
term advisedly, because she never raised her voice. She
was not an emotional person in terms of expressing
anger or rage or vindictiveness. But she was resolute.
And this was an unusual set of circumstances for a
person who, as the Movement went on and the successes
built up, she became more and more recognized as the
person who had, without probably intending to initiate
it, a resurrection of the Civil Rights Movement.
And it seems to me that her passing is probably the end
of an era, because Rosa Parks for so long was
celebrated in many instances all over the world. She
was constantly traveling, receiving awards. She
received the Congressional Medal of Honor. She was
honored in Washington. And, as a matter of fact, one of
my responsibilities this week is to meet with our
federal officials, both in the Executive Branch and in
the Congress, to determine what is befitting national
response to the life and legacy of someone who dared to
struggle to give her life to chart an unknown path
which eventually made America much stronger, brought
about the civil rights laws that were so desperately
needed and gave many of us hope that through a people’s
power, we would be able to make this Constitutional
mandate of equality and justice something that was real
and tangible in a country whose original coming
together had agreed that the vile institution of
enslavement would continue, even as we formed a new
independent democratic nation.
AMY GOODMAN: We’re talking to Congress Member John
Conyers, who worked with Rosa Parks for more than a
decade. We’re speaking to him in Detroit, where Rosa
Parks lived more than half of her life. Congress Member
Conyers, would there be a state funeral for Rosa Parks?
JOHN CONYERS: I think that’s one of the options that
are on the table. We’ll be meeting to consider how this
should be done, and that’s an important consideration.
There are a number of things that we can do, and I want
to make sure that her home-going is properly observed,
not just in the cities in which she lived, but by our
national government, indeed, because she was certainly
a national citizen. She was a citizen of her country,
who held up her beliefs and fought for them in a way
that reflected great courage on everyone that joined
AMY GOODMAN: What else could the government do? What
are you considering?
JOHN CONYERS: We’re looking at a wide number of
options. There could always be erected a statue in her
behalf. There could be naming of federal installations
or buildings after her. There has already started,
before her passing, some that wanted a day in her
honor, a holiday for her. Those are among the other
things that might be considered.
AMY GOODMAN: A national holiday?
JOHN CONYERS: Yes, ma’am.
AMY GOODMAN: Like Martin Luther King Day, Rosa Parks
JOHN CONYERS: Yes, there are people that I’m sure have
started it already, because I was approached about that
a while back.
AMY GOODMAN: Congress Member Conyers, it’s often said
Rosa Parks was simply a tired seamstress who sat down.
But the fact is she was a longtime activist. It’s a
story that she tells. Do you think it’s significant
that that story be told?
JOHN CONYERS: Yes, it’s true that she had been one of
the active leaders in the struggle against segregation.
And, of course, she was well known and well respected.
But the fact was that she had not planned this, and
that it was because of her activity and her belief
system, to me, that something may have told her on that
day at that moment on that bus that she was going to do
what she did.
AMY GOODMAN: Congress Member John Conyers, speaking to
us from Detroit, worked with Rosa Parks for more than a
decade. Rosa Parks died yesterday at her home at the
age of 92. We’ll have more on her life in the days to
Forum posts
28 October 2005, 08:00
Cindy Sheehan is the new Rosa Parks. Like Rosa Parks, Cindy has decided she will not go along just to get along. This takes great courage, and the personal risk is something that not every one would be willing to take. Cindy through her determination to find out what "noble cause" her son was killed for has made a comitment to using her life experience to shine some light into the dark minds who would advocate killing another human being for corporate interests and profits. Cindy would want "Christians" everywhere to ask themselves who would Jesus kill?
Bush met with Cindy shortly after her son was killed, he tried to give her a snow job about how he appreciated her son’s sacrifice and her duty was to be proud. Well Cindy took those empty words and decided to speak out about what is really happening in this phony war. She has called Bush out on his lies and falsehoods. She dares to talk about the immoral reasons we are mired in Iraq. She has the courage to question a failed president that has disgraced our country and comitted crimes against the peace and against humanity.
Cindy should consider running for a federal seat in congress or the senate, her refreshing honesty would be a stark contrast to the current bunch of Nazi warmongers running the show now.
28 October 2005, 14:25
No way, shes a white person, she can never get fame like that in the USA.
Think again.
28 October 2005, 17:52
Is this remark mean to be:
1) Factual ?
2) Political ?
3) Racist ?
4) Humorous ?
5) Ridiculous ?
6) Absurd ?
Or none of the above.
cheers, jt
28 October 2005, 18:50
Why "mother"? It seems like everyone wants to cast Ms Parks as a passive nurturing mom type when she was anything but. She was an ACTIVist and leader, not sweet little old lady. I’m usually with Mr. Conyers on damn near every issue.
Get over it. How about the title of Leader? Are people still threatened by polictical uppity women? Give me a break.
28 October 2005, 23:54
God bless Rosa Parks, a great American, and an example to us all.
28 October 2005, 23:58
We should have a national holiday in her honor.
30 October 2005, 14:11
The True Parks’ Story: the behind-the-scene true story is that Rosa Parks was the secretary of the local NAACP.
The book, "Speak Now," a left-wing history of the civil rights movement, states that in August of 1955, (four months before the bus incident) Parks attended the Highlander Folk School in Mount Eagle, Tennessee. The "school" was started in 1932 by Myles Horton and James Dombrowski, both members of the Communist Party.
"Speak Now" states that the schools’ original purpose was to train Communists activists on how to promote textile strikes, hold protest marches, picket lines and learn "socialist songs."
The Textile Workers Union was completely controlled by the Communist Party. "Speak Now," page 529 reads as:
"FBI surveillance of the Highlander Folk School and the Southern Conference Educational Fund, (SCEF) intensified. In 1952 Myles Horton would invest their energy and resources in the historic Southern struggle over desegregation of the public schools."
"Speak Now," says that Parks attended summer training at the Highlander Folk school in 1955, 1956 and 1957. She is pictured with Martin Luther King sitting on the front row in a Highlander training class on September 2, 1957. Thus, the liberals’ story that she was just a "poor tired black seamstress" when she sat
in the front of the bus is a total lie!
They should drape her coffin with the Communist flag.
1 November 2005, 15:20
yep your correct and they have with the USA flag.
Good post.
5 November 2005, 14:15
It has always been known who Parks really was and how it was started. Well plan.
Funny how her Detroit friends did not do a thing when she was beaten and rob, and never step in when she was being move from home to home in that city.
She was a joke then as now, she is black and thats all that matters.
She will be forgotten very quickly as in time King will be forgotten also, just look at the leaders of EU long ago, most today do not even know that France was a leading nation at one time, with many others.
Time is on our side.
Lib...is dieing
5 November 2005, 14:47
Rosa Parks, for your information, was the mother of Bert Parks who hosted the Miss America contest for many years. We miss both of them!