by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 1 November 20056 comments
By John Hanchette
OLEAN — Last week’s column warned of imminent federal legislation that would toss powerful pharmaceutical companies billions of dollars and complete protection from liability suits in case untested and experimental bird flu vaccines damage American recipients. It drew heavy response.

The bill (S. 1873) — a big congressional wet kiss to the drug industry — is dressed up in a noble-sounding title: "Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act."
In essence, however, it would force Americans to receive inoculations against a disease that has yet to kill one of them, while removing their constitutional right to seek redress in our courts in case of injury or death from the shots because of company negligence. The proposal, now moving its way through the Senate, would also ban citizens from using the Freedom of Information Act and other popular informational laws to discover whether the new vaccine (when it is finally produced) was effective and safe, and even whether anyone had suffered adverse reactions to it.
Some of the e-mails and letters were laudatory, but sadly and predictably, many readers missed the point.
One wrote that I could only have reached my conclusions if I started from the position that the pharmaceutical companies were "evil" and that the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control, and "practically every virologist and epidemiologist in the world is part of a conspiracy." Or was I saying that I have "some sort of privileged information that H5N1 influenza will never mutate and begin to infect humans and even if it does, it won’t reach the USA?"
He ended by quoting some venerable Chinese philosopher’s advice to "plan for what is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small."
Well, yes, point taken on the aphorism — but that’s exactly the philosophical tack I’m following here: identifying a cancerous piece of federal business and dissecting it while it is still an undivided cell. If this bill — which is absolutely laden with hidden agendas — metastasizes into actual law, Senate 1873 could further ruin an already devastated national health care system.
Sure, the bird influenza that has killed 62 Asians may mutate into easily contractible flu for humans. I acknowledge that. It may soon reach the United States. I acknowledge that. But my beef is the thematic hidden agenda in this dangerous Senate bill that is designed to protect wealthy corporate contributors from any consequences of money-motivated, irresponsible scientific research and development. The legal precedent would be ruinous and take decades to set right.

One thing the bill-backer friends of Big Pharma are trying to slip through with this legislation is a market exclusivity provision that would extend patents on hugely profitable drugs that are about to evolve into the category of cheaper generic medicines.
Further, it would prohibit federal drug buyers from contracting with generic medicine makers to save taxpayers billions of dollars — a current admirable practice.
Further, it would allow federal health officials to purchase medicines, vaccines and other palliatives by simple fiat without taking bids.
Further, and most onerously, the bill would vastly broaden the definition of products eligible to be characterized as "countermeasures" to terrorism — in other words, potentially classifying commonly purchased substances like ibuprofen and aspirin as terrorist-fighting devices.
I’m not the only one who’s noticed the exclusivity aspect of this legislative turkey.
The Coalition for a Competitive Pharmaceutical Market (CCPM) is an unusually broad-based national coalition of organizations powerful on Capitol Hill in representing employers, health insurers, chain drugstores, generic drug makers and pharmacy benefit managers.
Last week, this huge group urged the Senate to revise the "biodefense" bill to remove the broadened definition of terrorism "countermeasures" because the proposal allows it to be done "in a way that could grant existing everyday medicines — rather than novel products related to (defense) against bioterrorism — multiple years of additional market exclusivity."
This, contends CCPM chairman Annette Guarisco, "would unnecessarily drive up prescription drug costs for private and public payers without advancing our nation’s bioterrorism preparedness."
Even the big health insurance companies and pharmaceutical management lobbyists were startled by the brazen provisions at the expense of common citizens Senate 1873 portends.
Mark J. Rubino, chief pharmacy officer for Aetna Inc., states, "For private and public purchasers seeking to provide consumers with therapeutically equivalent, but more cost-efficient generic drugs, the market exclusivity provision included in the Biodefense bill takes us in exactly the wrong direction."
Mark Merritt, president of the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association, said, "This drug monopoly extension proposal is a sweeping and unprecedented measure that would rewrite drug-patenting and force working families, the disabled, and seniors to pay more for their prescription drugs. Perhaps most troubling of all, this measure has moved forward without any regard to the cost (effects) it would have on on Medicare, Medicaid, and private payers. America’s working families, seniors, and small businesses deserve better."
Some who read the column accused me of overstating the liability protections for Big Pharma contained in the bill. Surely, they wrote, I was guilty of hyperbole or making things up. Surely, federal legislators wouldn’t remove the cherished American right to redress wrongs or seek compensation for uninvited injury.
Oh, yeah? The language seems pretty clear to me. It provides incredibly broad and iron-clad protection from any American seeking legal remedy from Big Pharma and just about everyone else involved in protecting against bird flu. Look up the draft bill’s Section 319F-3 (a) if you don’t believe me.
"Authority — As provided in subsection (b), and subject to subsection (b) (1) C, a manufacturer, distributor, or administrator of a security countermeasure, or a qualified pandemic and epidemic product, or a health care provider shall be immune from suit or liability caused by or arising out of the design, development, clinical testing and investigation, manufacture, labeling, distribution, sale, purchase, donation, dispensing, prescribing, administration, or use of a countermeasure, or a qualified pandemic and epidemic product, described in subsection (b) (1) (a)."
That just about covers the waterfront, as they say. The only avenue of relief an injured vaccine or medicine recipient or survivor could follow is requesting an investigation of their allegation by the Secretary of Health and Human Services — who would have to find "clear and convincing evidence" of "willful misconduct" that "caused the product to present a significant or unreasonable risk to human health and proximately caused the injury alleged by the party."
There are at least seven tough legal tests contained in that one paragraph. And if the HHS Secretary refuses to even investigate the complaint of injury or death, such decision is completely "within the Secretary’s discretion and shall not be subject to judicial review."
If the secretary does find for the complaining injured party — which is extremely unlikely — the drugmaker or distributor or health care provider named in the determination can petition the federal court in the District of Columbia for "judicial review" of the HHS ruling. But no subpoenas shall be issued, "nor shall other compulsory process apply," and no third parties can intervene. The drug company appeal "shall automatically stay the Secretary’s determination for the duration of the judicial proceeding."
There are six more pages of legal gobbledygook backing this up, one of them defining the scope of protection from lawsuit as extending to allegations "relating to, or resulting from the design, development, clinical testing and investigation, manufacture, labeling, distribution, sale, purchase, donation, dispensing, prescribing, administration, or use of product" defined as measures against pandemics or terrorism. There, is that specific enough for you? Is that an imaginative figment?
Interpretation of this congressional language: Pigs will fly backwards and upside down before the common citizen gets any redress or compensation for injury or death resulting from a bird flu vaccine or medicine.
Why are vaccine safety advocates so adamant that John Q. Public might get screwed by all this protect-Big Pharma bird flu legislation? Because it has happened before.
In the 1970s, the panic over swine flu led to an ill-advised vaccine push that crippled many recipients and cost the drug makers millions.
In the 1980s, a dangerously reactive vaccine against whooping cough injured and killed thousands when a safer foreign alternative was already available but stubbornly unapproved by the FDA.
In the 1990s, the federal health establishment insisted — and still insists — there is no connection between toxic mercury preservatives in mandated childhood vaccines and the astounding increase in autism (from 1 in 10,000 births to 1 in 166 births), despite ample scientific evidence to the contrary.
Experimental anthrax vaccine is still being tested on troops without informed consent, and was almost tested on infants until a big public fuss erupted.
The yearly hoohah over getting your flu shots to protect against contractible human flu results in less than desired protection because the scientists are always fighting the previous year’s struggle that has already mutated or died out.
Both the federal government and big pharmaceutical firms will go to almost any length to protect themselves from blame when vaccines are involved.
Now we read the government experts and private researchers are predicting a minimum of 200,000 deaths and perhaps as many as 2 million deaths if the Asian bird flu mutates into a disease that can be passed from bird to human and then human to human.
"This is shoddy science at best and beyond belief that any reputable scientist could get away with such nonsense," writes Dr. Joseph Mercola, an alternative health physician and author of the popular Total Health Program. "Most of the people (in Asia) who acquired this infection were bird handlers who were in continuous contact with these sick birds. Does anyone in their right mind envision similar circumstances in the United States?"
The issue is certainly timely. This column’s date of publication (Tuesday, Nov. 1) will see President George W. Bush go to the National Institutes of Health to tell us how he will spend — at his executive discretion — nearly $8 billion that was quickly added to the 2006 funding bill for HHS last Thursday in light of the concern over bird flu. He is expected to devote much of it to stockpiling vaccines once they are developed. The federal government has already committed to buying $162.5 million worth of experimental vaccines against the bird flu strain — doses which may or may not protect humans — from Chiron Corp. and Sanofi-Aventis. The feds are also ordering millions of doses of Relenza and Tamiflu, two human anti-flu drugs that seem to slow down the advance of bird flu but not completely halt it.
Meanwhile, the best possible outcome — that the H5N1 bird flu strain fizzles out or never mutates to threaten humans — is triggering a new concern among federal officials: that all the frantic warnings so far may have created a sense of public cynicism (or at least skepticism) over global health admonitions about pandemics.
"Will critics say we have been crying wolf?" worried HHS Secretary Michael Leavitt at the end of last week. Will the public "lose the sense of urgency we feel about this issue?"
Well, maybe, Mr. Secretary. But Americans would lend you a lot more credence if you ensured they were treated fairly.
John Hanchette, a professor of journalism at St. Bonaventure University, is a former editor of the Niagara Gazette and a Pulitzer Prize-winning national correspondent. He was a founding editor of USA Today and was recently named by Gannett as one of the Top 10 reporters of the past 25 years. He can be contacted via e-mail at Hanchette6@aol.com.
Niagara Falls Reporter www.niagarafallsreporter.com Nov. 1 2005
Bush wants authority to force you to take the bird flu shot

President Bush, stirring debate on the worrisome possibility of a bird flu pandemic, suggested dispatching American troops to enforce quarantines in any areas with outbreaks of the killer virus.
Full Story (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051005/ap_on_he_me/bush_avian_flu)
You know I saw this and I was thinking that it would belong here, but I was busy at the time and didn’t post it.
It is pretty obsurd though that we need the army to keep people in their town if they have the flu. When I get sick I don’t go anywhere, at all.
This will go over really well with the people allergic to them, as well as the people following the conspiracy that flu shots are mind control agents.
I HOPE it doesn’t come to this. But this Bird Flu is some scary shit. Panademics (A panademic is an epidemic on steroids) begin when an animal flu mutates enough to jump from animals to humans. When that happens, humans have no immunity to the new flu virus.
Get this month’s issue of National Geographic — it has a great article on this.
I HOPE it doesn’t come to this. But this Bird Flu is some scary shit. Panademics (A panademic is an epidemic on steroids) begin when an animal flu mutates enough to jump from animals to humans. When that happens, humans have no immunity to the new flu virus.
Get this month’s issue of National Geographic — it has a great article on this.
Thank you! While I agree, I hope it doesn’t come to this, the matter is a serious issue. Before you search desperatly for an opporutnity to attack Bush Chris, please look into the matter. I say this based on every post I’ve ever read by you.
You know I saw this and I was thinking that it would belong here, but I was busy at the time and didn’t post it.
It is pretty obsurd though that we need the army to keep people in their town if they have the flu. When I get sick I don’t go anywhere, at all.

They are worried about the incubation period — you’ve got it, but aren’t showing symptoms yet. So you catch a plane, and if we’re unlucky you spread your flu bug around... AND introduce it to the city you land in.
(War Hawk)
Why would you fight it?
I always get flu shots, on my own free will.
"Bush wants authority to force you to take the bird flu shot"
That’s a laugh. They are already predicting a shortage of it.
Thank you! While I agree, I hope it doesn’t come to this, the matter is a serious issue. Before you search desperatly for an opporutnity to attack Bush Chris, please look into the matter. I say this based on every post I’ve ever read by you.
I’m pissed for Bush to even think he can force us to put something in our bodies.
As much as you have the freedom to get the shot, we should have the freedom NOT to get the shot. That’s freedom.
If you want to call it a religious belief or not having faith in shots, whatever, that’s why schools have a waiver where students can skip a shot IF they have parental or adult’s permission not to get it if it’s against your religious beliefs. And I am an adult!! And just like we all have the RIGHT to believe in Jesus, God, or whatever, we have the right to get the shot or not.
This shot isnt about taking away your freedom to refuse. This is about protecting the entire country from an epidemic that could kill many many people. A lot of you probably think it is stupid to force something like this on every person, but I would say its stupid NOT to force this one on us.
And Falcon0r, this flu shot is different from the typical flu shot. It is great that you always get a flu shot, I do the same, but the bird flu is a completely different strain of flu that the normal flu shot will not protect against.
This shot isnt about taking away your freedom to refuse. This is about protecting the entire country from an epidemic that could kill many many people. A lot of you probably think it is stupid to force something like this on every person, but I would say its stupid NOT to force this one on us.
Freedom trumps safety. It would be safer to outlaw guns all together, and I want guns to be outlawed, but because I accept people having guns because they do have the freedom to do it.
And Falcon0r, this flu shot is different from the typical flu shot. It is great that you always get a flu shot, I do the same, but the bird flu is a completely different strain of flu that the normal flu shot will not protect against.
Yah, this bird flu shot HASN’T BEEN TESTED enough to see how a massive amount of people will react to it like the regular flu shot, THAT’S WHY IT’S DANGEROUS! You say it’s dangerous not to take it, well, I believe it’s dangerous TO take it.
And STOP blindly believing what the gov/news tell you. They are liars!! Even the FDA and WHO organizations are a bunch of corrupt bastards. If you remember, the FDA approved several drugs that have caused heart attacks, and that was in 1999, and only early this year, 5 YEARS LATER, they tell us it wasn’t safe!!!! And you’re going to JUST trust them about this bird flu, THAT I THINK IS FAKE!! The flu shot is fake. More percentage of people who TOOK the flu shot ACTUALLY GOT SICK of the FLU compared to the people who DIDN’T take the flu shot. Think about that one.
Again, don’t just believe what the gov or media tells you. If they can brainwash you into a fake war against an enemy that wasn’t a threat, they can brainwash you into a fake epidemic that is also not really a threat, too.
All the people i know who took the flu shot, ended up getting the flu, and I never took it and I didn’t get the flu. hhhhmmmmmmm, yah.
I’m pissed for Bush to even think he can force us to put something in our bodies.
Chris56789 is pissed at Bush. Anyone else surprised?
As much as you have the freedom to get the shot, we should have the freedom NOT to get the shot. That’s freedom.
But you don’t have the right to endanger the general public when you exercise your freedoms. If you want to drive 100 MPH on the wrong side of the road, go right ahead... but if you survive the car crash that could happen, expect to be arrested and charged. You don’t have the right to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theatre, and your right to swing your fist ends at my nose.
If you want to call it a religious belief or not having faith in shots, whatever, that’s why schools have a waiver where students can skip a shot IF they have parental or adult’s permission not to get it if it’s against your religious beliefs. And I am an adult!! And just like we all have the RIGHT to believe in Jesus, God, or whatever, we have the right to get the shot or not.
HUH? Nowhere in his post did KingMoleRat say anything about religious beliefs. Your case of BDS is in an advanced stage!
Yeah... and the holocaust was a fake to.
Why don’t you take a vacation to southeast Asia?
Play with the chickens.
Keep us updated on your condition. ;-)
Fake my ass.
Freedom trumps safety. It would be safer to outlaw guns all together, and I want guns to be outlawed, but because I accept people having guns because they do have the freedom to do it.
Really? Doesn’t seem to work like that with the Patriot Act. OR Pretty much any other public safety agenda. My choice to speed in a car, but it endangers other people. I get pulled over. Safety trumps freedom. Don’t see where you think protecting the general public from dying due to a random virus that we have no resistance to is bad....How?
Yah, this bird flu shot HASN’T BEEN TESTED enough to see how a massive amount of people will react to it like the regular flu shot, THAT’S WHY IT’S DANGEROUS! You say it’s dangerous not to take it, well, I believe it’s dangerous TO take it.
You realize, before everyone vaccination is done, it has to be tested by the FDA? Same with every medication, food, and pretty much anything that can be put into your mouth and digested. Not tested my ass.
And STOP blindly believing what the gov/news tell you. They are liars!! Even the FDA and WHO organizations are a bunch of corrupt bastards. If you remember, the FDA approved several drugs that have caused heart attacks, and that was in 1999, and only early this year, 5 YEARS LATER, they tell us it wasn’t safe!!!! And you’re going to JUST trust them about this bird flu, THAT I THINK IS FAKE!! The flu shot is fake. More percentage of people who TOOK the flu shot ACTUALLY GOT SICK of the FLU compared to the people who DIDN’T take the flu shot. Think about that one.
Again, don’t just believe what the gov or media tells you. If they can brainwash you into a fake war against an enemy that wasn’t a threat, they can brainwash you into a fake epidemic that is also not really a threat, too.
All the people i know who took the flu shot, ended up getting the flu, and I never took it and I didn’t get the flu. hhhhmmmmmmm, yah.
Stop blindly believing the conspiracy theorists. Read both sides of the argument and make your own decision. What in this world doesn’t cause heart attacks? Are you sure the people that took the medicine just were in shitty health and ate shitty food? Sure. The medicines may increase the risk, but so does that 5lb value burger you just ate.
Mind showing me some statistics on that last bit, you know, the unrational part about everyone getting sick? You do know how a flu shot works, right? It injects a small portion of the virus (dead) into your body so the immune system works up the right antibodies for that strain of virus. You get sick, but not as badly as you would unvaccinated. Perhaps you didn’t get sick because you’re healthy, also?
The logic train left the station.
(KSoD Bartman)
I hate to interject some rational thought into this tin-foil hat parade, but I’d just like to point out the fact that NOWHERE in that article did it say WORD ONE about forcing anyone to get any kind of shot.
All it spoke of was possible quarantines in areas affected by outbreaks of the bird flu. (Quarantines, by the way, do not involve forced medication.)
Forum posts
1 November 2005, 17:31
Bird flue or forced population reduction ? 1900 population in America 76 million. Now 2005 it is 300 million you do the math.
1 November 2005, 18:18
world population 1900 1.6 billion
world population 2000 6.1 billion
with each billion being added at a rate of 1 billion per 11 years.
on second thought the human species seems to breed like rats maybe we need a massive pandemic to stem this tide. A great majority of this growth stems from 3rd. world nations. AIDS may actually be a god send to this world.
3 November 2005, 16:27
A great majority of this growth stems from 3rd. world nations. AIDS may actually be a god send to this world.
Wrong, extremely wrong.
A great amount of this scorn should be aimed at the catholic church, with its` repressive edicts on contraception.
Equally, a great amount of praise could be given to the chinese, with their "one child per couple" laws.
Instead of aids, perhaps we should look at smaller families, and like the chinese, maybe we would see economical growth rates that make europe and america seem slothful.
Of course a stagnant or shrinking population would lessen demand for food and housing, fuel and raw materials, which would of course lessen the prices and profits of the multinationals.
Less competition for resources might also lessen the demand for war and armaments, thus shrinking the power of the few demented a**holes who think they control the planet.
2 November 2005, 01:32
Somebody on this thread needs a lesson in humanity.
Dude, seriously, WTF is wrong with you?
2 November 2005, 15:59
"Finally, the pieces of the puzzle start to add up," writes Dr. Joseph
Mercola, author of the "Total Health Program." "President Bush sought to
instill panic in this country by telling us a minimum of 200,000 people will
die from the avian flu pandemic but it could be as bad as 2 million deaths
in this country alone."
"This hoax is then used to justify the immediate purchase of 80 million
doses of Tamiflu, a worthless drug that in no way shape or form treats the
avian flu, but only decreases the amount of days one is sick and can
actually contribute to the virus having more lethal mutations," Mercola
"So the U.S. placed an order for 20 million doses of this worthless drug at
a price of $100 per dose. That comes to a staggering $2 billion.
US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, former chairman of Gilead, the
manufacturer of Tamiflu, will also make big profits, since he is a major
2 November 2005, 15:56
PARIS, France — French President Jacques Chirac has called for calm and warned of a "dangerous situation" following a sixth night of violence in poor Paris suburbs.