Home > Martial Law - is this for real?
Edito Democracy Governments USA

By Ian
Look what I found posted to my door this morning! It was a multi-page document printed on bright red paper. I took a look out my window, and sure enough, there’s an army humvee parked down the streets with a couple of soldiers milling about. What the fuck is going on?
This is an official communication from the United States Government. Read and understand these instructions! Failure to comply with these instructions may result in arrest.
As of 30 September 2007, 12:00 AM EDT, the United States Army, under the auspices of the President of the United States of America, is now enforcing Martial Law in the United States. Pursuant to presidential executive orders 13372, 13375, 13388, 13399, 13401, 13416, 13422, 13423, 13425, 13434, 13438, 13440, and 13441; presidential directive 51; homeland security directives 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 18 and 20, various situations in the United States compel the imposition of Martial Law until such time as these situations can be brought under control. Understand that Martial Law is being imposed to ensure the safety of American citizens. It is unknown at this time how long Martial Law will remain in effect.
During this period of Martial Law, you MUST obey the following orders:
* A nighttime curfew is imposed between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM. Any person found outside their home, even in their own yard, during these hours WILL be arrested.
* Within the next few days, United States Army personnel will come to your house to collect the following items: ALL firearms, gold, silver, cash amounts exceeding $200, passports. Failure to surrender these items on demand WILL result in arrest. If soldiers believe these items are not being surrendered, they are authorized to perform a thorough search of your house.
* Any attempt to send or receive firearms, gold, silver, cash, or passports by postal mail or private shipping company WILL result in arrest.
* Any attempt to smuggle or hide firearms, gold, silver, cash, or passports WILL result in arrest.
* Within the next two weeks, United States Army personnel will come to your house to administer vaccinations against avian flu. If you believe you may be allergic to such vaccinations, you must inform United States Army personnel BEFORE they visit your home. Refusal to receive these inoculations WILL result in arrest.
* All persons outside their homes MUST carry government-issued identity cards at all times. These include drivers licenses or state-issued identity cards. Any person lacking such identity cards, including children, should inform United States Army personnel and arrangements will be made to issue you such an identity card. Any person found outside their home without such an identity card WILL be arrested.
* Within the next six months, United States Army personnel will come to your house to implant an RFID identity chip in each member of your household, including pets. This RFID chip will contain detailed information about you, including biometric data, and be your new official identity device, superseding all other identity documents. Refusal to permit implanting of this RFID identity chip WILL result in arrest. Removing this RFID identity chip from your person WILL result in arrest.
* Travel into or out of the United States is prohibited. Any illegal aliens discovered will be deported. Any aliens whose residency status cannot be readily determined will be interned until their status can be determined. Any person attempting to hide an alien WILL be arrested.
* Travel within the United States is permitted. All travelers MUST carry official identity documents at all times. Payment for such travel MUST be in electronic form. Using cash to pay for travel expenses is PROHIBITED!
* Travel by means of private boats is permitted. All persons piloting boats MUST carry official identity documents at all times and MUST present them to United States Coast Guard personnel or other United States Government personnel upon demand. No private boat may travel more than 12 miles from the coast of the United States. Any person violating this rule WILL be arrested and their boat WILL be confiscated.
* Travel by means of private aircraft is PROHIBITED! Commercial airlines may fly within the United States, according to rules governing their operation.
* ALL forms of communication are hereby regulated by the United States Army. This includes telephone, Internet, and radio communications. In addition, all incoming and outgoing postal mail will be examined and possibly opened. Any attempt to circumvent regulation of these and any other forms of communication WILL result in arrest.
* Any person found driving a vehicle without the following WILL be arrested and their vehicle will be confiscated: valid drivers license, proof of insurance, valid vehicle registration.
* When driving your vehicle you MUST stop at ALL official United States Army roadblocks. United States Army personnel at these roadblocks have the authority to demand to see the identity cards of all persons in the vehicle, your drivers license, proof of insurance, vehicle registration, and to search all persons in the vehicle or your vehicle for any reason. Failure to comply with any demands made by these personnel WILL result in arrest.
* Any person found in possession of illicit drugs, regardless of the quantity, WILL be arrested. Alcohol and cigarettes may only be consumed in the home. Any person found in possession of alcohol or cigarettes outside their home WILL be arrested.
* No person may withdraw more than $50 cash per week from their local bank. Any person found having more than $200 cash on their person WILL be arrested.
* Within the next few weeks, each household will be issued a ration book which will limit their consumption of various vital necessities, including food, household energy, gasoline and automotive supplies, and building materials.
* All housing in the United States is hereby under the control of United States Government. The United States Government is in the process of analyzing the available supply of, and demand for housing. Within the next few months the United States Government will ascertain the proper cost for each housing unit and will assign people to houses in order to maximize utilization of all available housing. This may result in some people being relocated. People within the United States may not relocate to a different address without approval of the United States Government.
* All farms of one acre or more in size are hereby under the control of the United States Government. Any person attempting to independently operate a farm of one acre or larger WILL be arrested.
* Within the next six months, United States Army personnel will come to your house to assess the skills and health of each member of your household in order to assign each member to a suitable work detail, which may include service in the United States Army or another branch of the military. Refusal to participate in your assigned work detail WILL result in arrest.
* All public gatherings are PROHIBITED! Any public gathering, for any purpose, WILL result in arrest.
* Posting of notices of any kind is PROHIBITED! Any person violating this rule WILL be arrested.
* Membership in any organization declared by the President of the United States to be subversive is PROHIBITED! Any person who is a member of such a designated organization, or who gives material support to such an organization WILL be arrested.
Forum posts
30 September 2007, 19:30
What a bunch of crap! This is just the kind of stuff that is posted to cause trouble.
30 September 2007, 21:14
Obviously this poster is trying to make an illustrative POINT, well made I might add IMO. While this type of destruction of the Constitutional principles the U.S. is founded on would result instead in our military and citizenry most likely REVOLTING from the final straw, some of the items contained in the post are indeed food for thought as to where those Nazi’s in power now here in the U.S. (and outside of it) would like to take America. Back to Third Reich mentality or perhaps to a condition FAR exceeding Saddams absuses and love of dictatorial control. If the Cheney faction gets it’s warmongering way and perhaps it’s NEXT FALSE FLAG don’t be surprised to see mass riots in the streets and armed bands of Blackwater Gestapo GOONS turning on their fellow Americans. Our only real hope at the present is that those True Patriots who reside within our military and Itel services are TRULY fighting to keep America safe from the lusts of the Power hungry wherever they may be, that have targeted our Bill of Rights, Constitution, economy, and citizens for destruction. I think it would be a cold day in hell before our vets surrendered their weapons not to mention our "rednecks" and law abiding second amendment supporters.
1 October 2007, 09:37
Nonesense post, lousy try. Nobody in the US can live on 50 USD a week. What a joke.
If somebody shows up and asks me for my money I will call the police and they will arrest this person. Yeah, the situation in the US is getting worse, but martial law would enrage the hole population and would end the current Jewish system immediately.
6 October 2007, 15:56
I hear in Iraq they live on less, at least maybe we will have medicine and decent drinking water... and if they can do it, why can’t we?
1 October 2007, 13:59
When the real deal comes it won’t b a surprise to anyone... Trouble is that unless americans R willing to physically remove this fascist government - martial law will come shortly after EMP weapons shut down the electronic ignition switch to your ride... Better save some dried rice and beans weapons tents crossbows to hunt dear and excape routes... Masonic Politics is coming for U!
1 October 2007, 16:20
From our Fox studio’s reports are filtering in that the President has imposed Marshall law to prevent another 9-11. It is important that everyone comply quickly and quietly as it plays into the terrorist hands when Americans fail to comply.
The President is doing this for our own good and this is only temporary until we can root out the terrorists.
We must collect the weapons to keep them from falling into the terrorists hands. They will be returned to you once the emergency is over. Likewise your cash is valuable to the terrorist because it cannot be tracked through electronic banking.
The President is to be commended on his diligence trying to root out the terrorists among us. It is your patriotic duty to comply and it’s only those who wish to destroy America that won’t comply peaceably.
A statement from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi did not read as follows,
While I might find the Presidents tactics excessive and repressive all Americans should be encouraged to comply. Our troops have a difficult task and by resisting we would be making their task more difficult still. I along with Senator Reid will hold hearings behind closed doors to investigate the appropriateness of the Presidents actions. We will then make a report on it’s findings to be read to the congressional select committee on pointless congressional committee’s then they in turn will then report to the department of redundancy department.
Stay tuned to Fox for more scary scary details.
6 October 2007, 16:00
Last I checked all the terrorist were part of our gov. We created all of it, now we’re going to give the terrorists complete control? Freedom comes with a price... though many are so willing to give up their freedom to feel safe. So give up your power and rights to the Fox in sheeps clothing... Talk about Sheeple!
1 October 2007, 21:47
You too? I woke up this morning and my TV was missing. There was a note from the Trilateral Commission stating that I was watching too much left wing programming. I was so saddened by that I went immediately to the liquor cabinet and wouldn’t you know. The booze was gone with a note from the First Evangelical Society of the End Times declaring that I had to be sober for the Rapture. Then, depressed more than ever, I headed for the medicine cabinet. I should’ve known better. The League of Natural Feelings stole my pain meds, insisting that Pain is a natural part of life.
Next I called my congressman, whose line was outsourced to an Indian by the name of "Samuel" who I had difficulty understanding. Nonetheless I left a detailed complaint about the infringements on my rights. In 10 days or so, someone possibly from the NSA may get back to me. In the meantime, I was assured that my phone and cable lines will be tapped to protect me from further invasion. Well, that was a relief.
Unfortunately, the League of Carbon Safety towed my Hummer, leaving a note that this was their way of exacting a carbon tax. Now I have to walk 23 miles to work along major highways. I’d tell you about how my running shoes were also stolen because they were manufactured in a "terrorist" country, but I don’t have time. I’m already 2 hours late for work. See ya.
2 October 2007, 18:06
I ask the same question as the last fellow. " Who are you? And exactly where was this posted(address, city, state, etc)?" You just post this so called Federal notice with no explainations concerning where and when it was posted by whom ?
Actually I firmly believe this notice is a Fraud even if it was posted by the Feds or military. Such a notice (especially from the President) must have a heading worded in a certain way that specifies the President’s or the officer who orders the content’s specifying His/her AUTHORITY and Rank and be signed by that Authority.
So even if this notice was issued somewhere by the Feds or the Military as far as I can see it is a FRAUD and of no effect. Quoting Executive Orders is not enough without the specifications of the Authority issuing the order.
Clipper-5 USMC
3 October 2007, 05:50
I’m not going out without a fight. Better to die on your feet than live (as a slave) on your knees.
6 October 2007, 16:01
Agreed! Thank You!
15 October 2007, 19:24
I suggest you all Google every one of the executive orders Ian’s post has outlined for you. These executive orders are for real, & the International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1978 is also for real.
What Ian is suggesting, correctly I might add, is this country is one false flag alert, one fake terrorist attack away from permanent Martial Law, or to be more precise, we are one fake terrorist attack from becoming a totalitarian regime that would make Stalin proud.
It need not be a terrorist attack, false or otherwise to bring Martial Law about. An international economic disaster, such as the continuing fall of the US dollar would suffice for this President to enforce the IEEPA, without a problem.
And yes, if you Google this act and the accompanying executive orders shown above you will see that this not bullshit, & under a fully enforced IEEPA the Federal Government will freeze all of our assets, property and even our ability to communicate with one another.
The little freedom we will have left better be used to cheer-lead our brave boys as they go out and kill the few remaining patriots that are left standing in this sad pathetic country that once was great.
I disagree with many of the commentators above who seem to think that most Americans wouldn’t put up with this ’end of the republic ’ shit. You are very wrong and haven’t bothered talking to very many Americans as of late. I have.
Most Americans are nothing but sheep and cattle who are afraid of their own shadows.
They confuse freedom with convenience and the easy life. As long as the government promises us a return to our lives of ease, convenience and narcissistic distractions most of us won’t do a damn thing to stop them from taking away our freedom and even our very lives.
What makes anyone of us think that we are somehow morally and intellectually superior to the Russians after 1918 or the Germans after 1933?
"Those who give up their freedom for security deserve neither"- Benjamin Franklin
We are about to see how true these words really are.
17 October 2007, 08:45
If they try to impose martial law with any of these Blackwater thugs, people will be ambushing them all over the place!