Home > NSA-Urantia ny911Gate: Jamieson escapes from TV Debate, expells Foti, Haupt, (…)
NSA-Urantia ny911Gate: Jamieson escapes from TV Debate, expells Foti, Haupt, "Geo"...
by Open-Publishing - Friday 9 February 20071 comment
Internet Attack-Terrorism Secret Services USA
NSA-Urantia ny911Gate: Jamieson escapes from TV Debate, expells Foti, Haupt, "Geo"...
How NSA, Urantia, NYPD Intel Unit + Co. finally approve an Infiltration of ny911truth.org....
February 09, 2007
NSAUrantia-Jamieson (ny911truth) finally escapes from local TV Debate picked up at: From:"Les Jamieson" To:"paula gloria tsakona" Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2007 13:42:35 -0500
UPDATE: Jamieson "expels" Tom Foti (scroll below)
... Last reported contacts of Neal Waldrop (NSA) and Urantia in 2007:
Trustees Emeriti:
Patricia Mundelius
Neal Waldrop ..
... Les Jamieson linked as webdesigner (Dec 2006) for http://www.datashowplace.com/ aka http://www.nycinterfaith.org/ (Interfaith Council of Greater New York), which is a Urantia cooperation.
"...This is the kind of stuff Jamieson has been known to distribute..."
A Urantia, 9/11Truth.org & CIA Mind Control Technology Development Timeline
The OSS-Tavistock MindControl Cult- 9/11 Truthling Infiltration Timeline
by Nico Haupt aka ewing2001 (December 28, 2006)
more at http://www.911researchers.com/node/194
Forum posts
10 August 2009, 04:50, by Paul Isaac (NYsentinel)
“My sources in the Obama Administration also inform me that Federal agents are planning a raid…”
Les Jamieson | 13 April 2009
“I personally sat down with local law enforcement…”
Les Jamieson | 05.28.09 – 6:08 pm
Les Jamieson
National Coordinator
NYC Ballot Initiative / NYCCAN
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