Home > NY Daily News Describes University of Oklahoma Bomber Joel Hinrichs as (...)

NY Daily News Describes University of Oklahoma Bomber Joel Hinrichs as "Infamous Terrorist"

by Open-Publishing - Monday 8 May 2006

School-University Attack-Terrorism USA Michael P. Wright

Michael P. Wright — Norman, Oklahoma, USA — mpwright9@aol.com

In October 2005, on a University of Oklahoma bench within a two-minute walk of the stadium while a football game was in progress, OU student Joel Hinrichs set off a bomb in his backpack and killed himself. This happened three minutes before half time. The bench was adjacent to a sidewalk. Go here for my full report:


Evidence strongly suggests that Hinrichs intended to kill others but experienced an accidental early detonation. Shortly after the bombing, OU President David Boren began to shoot off his mouth as usual and told the media that it was just a "lone suicide" by an "emotionally troubled" student. Boren, a former U.S. Senator widely known as the mentor and patron of George Tenet, was obviously concerned that the event might frighten people who would otherwise buy fall ’06 football tickets. Heavy on his mind was the fact that, due to his 2002 stadium expansion, OU acquired an annual debt service of $5 million for 30 years.

Now the New York Daily News has reported that the "NYPD’s highly guarded counterterrorism training center" has "re-created the workrooms where infamous terrorists cooked up their deadly explosives and schemes." One of the "infamous terrorists" just happened to be Joel Hinrichs.


The fact that New York terrorism experts don’t buy Boren’s nonsense that this was just a "lone suicide" by an "emotionally troubled" student is most interesting. What a world of mirrors and illusions OU has become under David Boren !

For my investigation of Boren, Tenet, and 9/11, start here:


For my investigation of Boren’s corrupt mismanagement of OU, go here:


Forum posts

  • mr. Wright: I suggest you closely scrutinize Hossam Barakat the Egyptian hired by OU in the fall 2005 to teach Arabic. I personally observed him enter the OU daily press room to talk with editor Sara Ganus..we were the only two there.. she was very tense on his arrival. I was providing background information to her that might be helpful. Im an Attorney, Arabic student and former military officer.. she told me... a graduate of OU and a loyal citizen,,"it might be a good idea if YOU dont come here again"!!! Mr. Barakat unmarked office is immediately above the Daily office and not in the language department. Mr. Barakat was detained on the night of the bombing but never charged..My research reveals Mr. Barakat, prior to coming to Norman, had several addresses in Brooklyn and the Bronx.. another Arabic teacher confirmed to me he had been in Brooklyn... as Author Peter Lance states, "All roads lead to Brooklyn"...The same man told me in person that Abu Masob Zacarwy is NOT a terrorist and he also spoke well of Bin Laden! This Muslim also said he sometimes delivers the Friday Sermon at the Norman Mosque.. This is only some of the info on this account. Another Muslim told me the so called Algerian in question..the one with the one way ticket to Algeria.. was a graduate student from France and NOT an Instructor as reported. Yet no one can say his name..And later we learned about Algerians arrested in Italy in December with alleged plans to attack American stadiums!! ... The OU editor also said she was getting calls from the Vice President of Student Affairs who kept close tabs on the story. She told me later via phone that Mr. Barakat was checking to make sure she got the story right...As for TV 9 reporter Tamara Pratt who was on the story I see she has left the business!..And the Mr. Elyazgi who was put on TV9 to refute any nexus with the Mosque was noted by Journalist Annie Jacobsen to have business ties with Mufid AbdulQader who our government has indicted as a top fundraiser for Hamas via the HLF in Richardson Texas. They were sued in April 1995 for being 14,000 dollars behind in rent at Crossroads mall on a Greek sandwich shop according to Oklahoma County court records. And the Oklahoma Secretary of State records state in 1993 that Mufid and Elyazgi were incorporators of the Oklahoma City Mosque. Elyazgi told Jacobsen that Mufid and he were well acquainted. Mufids half brother is Khaled Mishal who is a specially designated terrorist living in Syria and is the leader of Hamas’s political wing and accused of authorizing terror attacks that have killed Americans...There is much to be uncovered so that the truth is revealed.


      Your comments are interesting and consistent with my impression of the University of Oklahoma. Under David Boren it has become a vile island of dishonesty and corruption, and the student newspaper is little more than a propaganda rag for him. Still, on the information market your report has no value, since it gives me no one to quote other than an anonymous source not even known to me. Apparently you live in Norman or nearby. If you want to meet in person and confirm your identity to me as an attorney, your word would be most valuable, since attorneys are officers of the court and bound by their ethical code to be honest. I’ll be glad to show you my ID also so you’ll know who I am. We can meet for coffee. My email address is in this post. I encourage you to read my 9/11 investigation about Boren and Tenet. I provided a link in this post.

      I did find one error in your comments. According to the OU directory, Barakat’s office is in Kaufman Hall.

    • I have a question for you, are you a troller where is your reference sites to back up what you say.

      Mr. Wright at least gives us site information to read.

      Interesting you seem so sure of your facts. I like to have reference something that I can check for myself the creditability of a writer.

      thank you

      No matter how you look at it was an attempt to blow up the University Football Stadium,

      Mr. Boren and George Tenet both need to be investigated more for their cover ups in this.

      The truth will come, those who are hiding the facts they will fall, all of them.

      GWB and his buddies all have questions to answer to.

      Starting with the election , Sept. 11, Invasion of Iraq. More to come

      Facts and knowledge prepared will soon change the way we look at the current events and past.


    • Okay Robin, try this. Go to the Oklahoma Court Index Site and enter the name Elyazgi. You will find a suit filed in Oklahoma County in April 1995 by Crossroads Associates naming Elyazgi and Mufid AbdulQader as defendants. Likewise go the Oklahoma Secretary of State and check on the filing documents of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City. You will see that Elyazgi and Mufid are co-incorporators in November 1993..Google the article by Author Annie Jacobsen who writes for the Womans Wall Street.. the article is " How normal is Norman".. there you will find direct quotes from Elyazgi about his relationship with Mufid.. you do agree that Mufid is under indictment in the HLF dont you?...All that I gave isin the public record or a personal experience. ..You may have to pay a fee from the Oklahoma Secretary of State to get the incorporatos names but its there.

    • Thank you this is great, I appreciate your information