Home > OH LOVELY: Residents Near Fukushima Are Pissing Radioactive Urine
OH LOVELY: Residents Near Fukushima Are Pissing Radioactive Urine
by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 29 June 20112 comments

You could be, too.}}
(San Francisco) - Business Insider’s Joe Weisenthal reported Jun 26, 2011:
“Newsflash: The radioactive crisis near Fukushima isn’t getting any better.
This has been something we discussed in the last few weeks, but now there are some new disturbing details.
From Japan Times:
More than 3 millisieverts of radiation has been measured in the urine of 15 Fukushima residents of the village of Iitate and the town of Kawamata, confirming internal radiation exposure, it was learned Sunday.
Both are about 30 to 40 km from the Fukushima No. 1 power plant, which has been releasing radioactive material into the environment since the week of March 11, when the quake and tsunami caused core meltdowns.”
Thank you to Joe Weisenthal and to the Japan Times.
As VeteransToday readers will immediately recognize, urine assay with a mass spectrometer, is one of the few valid ways to determine internal radioactive uranium contamination. ...
Forum posts
1 July 2011, 20:03, by Amerikagulag
As though anyone expected it to get better?
Japan is TOAST. Face it! They don’t deserve this, BUT the world does deserve the truth.
Anyone with any amount of rudimentary math skills can decipher that FUKISHIMA is at least 4 times Chernobyl.
But considering reactor 2 contains MOX fuel, the order of magnitude goes up! We’re looking at the biggest nuclear disaster in human history. And it will remain with us for generations. Filling the containment vessels won’t help because the radioactivity is going DOWN into the soil. Japan is TOAST. And we’d better think about relocating the residents of that island.
The "west" has successfully destroyed yet another ancient culture. Japan can take its place alongside Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Native Americans of both South and North America.
5 July 2011, 01:28, by gmathol
"Yes, Master" - please pollute me.
It makes me weep. It makes me also weep why we still allow to run similar plants in Europe. Nuclear reactors in France are also hushing up all incidents as not dangerous or bellow the overall allowed exposure.
If only one of France’s Phenix reactors has a melt down, whole Europe will become a death zone, because we are talking Plutonium here.
Solar works, wind works, tides work - question is when.