Home > People’s Choice Awards Nominates "Fahrenheit 9/11" as "Favorite Film of the (…)

People’s Choice Awards Nominates "Fahrenheit 9/11" as "Favorite Film of the Year"

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 9 December 2004

Edito Cinema-Video USA

by Michael Moore

Dear Friends,

May I take a break from our post-election despair to share with you a little
piece of happy/silly/cool news?

"Fahrenheit 9/11" has been nominated by the People’s Choice Awards as the American
public’s "Favorite Film of the Year." The five nominees were chosen from a poll
of thousands of Americans in mid-to-late November. The other nominees for best
film are "Spiderman 2," "The Incredibles," "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless
Mind" (with Jim Carrey), and "Shrek 2." It is the first time ever a documentary
has been nominated for best film by the People’s Choice Awards.

The People’s Choice Awards are considered, among all the awards shows, to be the one which most accurately reflects the "mainstream" public opinion in the United States.

OK, now, here’s the best part: YOU get to vote! Online. Now. Just go to http://www.pcavote.com/voting/film/f01 .shtml, click on the little circle next to "Fahrenheit 9/11" in the "Favorite Movie" category and press the "vote" button. Voting is going on now and continues only through this coming Monday, December 13, at 3:00pm ET, so send an e-mail to your friends and let them know they can vote, too. Winners will accept their awards live on CBS on January 9.

Now, normally I wouldn’t make a very big deal out of something like this. It’s nice and I’m honored, but it’s not exactly the number one priority on any of our minds these days. In fact, when we found out we were nominated over a week ago, I didn’t even think to tell you about it or put it up on our website.

But then a group of top Republicans took out a full page ad in USA Today (and placed a similar one in the Hollywood trade magazine, Variety) proclaiming that "An election is over, but a war of ideas continues." The point of the ad was to say that while they, as right wing conservatives, were proud of getting rid of Kerry, there was still one more nuisance running around loose they had to deal with — me! They also issued a not-so-subtle threat to the Academy Awards voters that, in essence, said don’t even THINK about nominating "Fahrenheit 9/11" for Best Picture. And Bill O’Reilly recently bellowed that if the Oscars recognize my work this year, Middle America will boycott Hollywood.

Oops. I guess he spoke too soon. Because now along comes Middle America’s favorite awards show, the People’s Choice, and the People’s Choice this year, along with a Spiderman superhero and a lovable green ogre, is a film that apparently continues to resonate throughout the country. The truth about Iraq, Bush, terror and fear. The election has not altered or made irrelevant, unfortunately, a single one of these issues. That they (and the film that dealt with these issues) are still at the forefront of the majority of the public’s minds should give serious pause to Mr. Bush as he brags about a nonexistent "mandate" and begins to spend his "political capital."

He may have been (barely) the people’s choice on November 2 (Ohio recount excluded), but now the people get to vote again, this time for a movie. It’s about the best we can do right now, and, trust me, it won’t be long before we start the real work we need to do to get our country back.

Again, go to http://www.pcavote.com/voting/film/f01.shtml if you want to vote for our film. I promise, if we win, to give a nice and polite speech.


Michael Moore



P.S. Please feel free to post or forward this to your friends...
P.P.S. Yes, it’s true, I’m on the Barbara Walters people of the year special tonight. Did I cry? You’ll have to watch to find out! :-)


Forum posts

  • Go ahead and blow your own horn. Those of us who know better and aren’t playing the sycophant to your fallacies couldn’t care less about the movie you thought would result in a slam-dunk victory for Kerry. The emperor has no clothes, Mikey, especially since the throngs of ardent supporters you used to have now know where you stand.

    You’ve been exposed as an intellectually-dishonest hack cranking out propaganda, and insisting that your hand-picked, out-of-context facts be given credibility merely proves your intent. The People’s Choice Award nomination is pablum, as it is for any film that receives a nomination.

    The awful truth, Mikey, is that you’ll never have credibility because you’ve never had it to begin with. When Mother Jones fired you from their editorial staff because even you were too left-wing for them, your track record speaks for itself.

    Your characterization in the film TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE was priceless. The real injustice is, your movie was nominated and TEAM AMERICA wasn’t

    • Many of Michael Moores points in Fahrenheit 911 are edited and ’spun’ together. As in any documentary this is neccesary otherwise it would go on for days. The POINT is that there is not one untruth in the film. There has not been one lawsuit, and the other reason for the editing involves the amount of lies and deceipt from the US administration, that, like the election results, leaves no paper trail.

      He does blow his own trumpet, but no shrinking violet would produce such a piece of work. Any way, that shouldn’t be condemned when compared to Mr Bushs’ smirk when he ’thinks’ he’s just said a smart remark. The childish search for approval like a toddler whos just done a big shit.

      The only dodgy bit is voting for this film electronically, which seems a risky form of democracy at the moment.

    • Why does the truth frighten you so much? And, just to ruin your day, THERE IS NO SANTA CLAUS.

    • Its just that kind of right wing intellectualist argument that leaves us reeling.

      When you’re at your next crazy Baptist gathering and you’re in touch with your maker, ask him when he created you why he had to fucking rush it ?

    • Better yet, ask the crazy bastard when he is going to wake up and do something about the mess he made down here and why he would create a dumb fucker like you.

    • So all people who voted for Bush are Baptists? No, they just aren’t knee-jerk america haters. They are offended by Michael Moore and loud whiney liberal looney’s who offer no real solutions. Instead of giving in and surrendering to Islamic Fundamentalism they choose to destroy it.

    • And we of the left see the Baptist warmongers as more dangerous than the Islamic Fundamentalists and we choose to destroy them before they destroy our country.

  • Moore did one thing. He proved that democratic and republican leadership cannot be trusted.

    Between republican blind goose-stepping and democratic intellectual linguistics. Both parties have hurt the future of this country for all, except the power elite and pertroleum/military industrial complex.

    George Washinton warned us about the damage political parties would have on this country. Guess we should’ve listened to the founder. Check his farewell speech.

    America for sale to the highest bidder! Look elsewhere for democracy, it’s dead in the US. There is no reason to come here anymore unless you want to put on a burger king hat. Soon I will be writing words like this from prison, thanks to the Jersey girls, hope the settlement was worth it.

    I am more afraid of my own government, then terrorists. Secret spying, a terrorist on every block, scared to talk, move, and think for fear of government reprisal. Freedom is on the march? A joke that is no longer funny. Yeah, yeah, I know...I’m un-american...there’s no such thing anymore, because there is no "united" states of america. Land of the Greed, Home of the slaves.

    • You’d be much better of emigrating to Canada. Good luck with that.

    • Hey dumb fuck...no one is leaving here we want to stay around and watch the place go to hell so we can tell you , "we told you so".

  • I appreciate what Michael Moore has done for us as far as waking people up to the Bush Administration....but WHERE is he now? Thinking about his own movie, his own awards?!!! Could he be more selfish?

    Where the Fu** is Michael Moore when we need him. This election was stolen. The evidence is overwhelming. Wasn’t he supposed to be helping expose these bastards!!!!!!!!!

    • I agree, but maybe he’s gathering all the definitive evidence first ? But to back Kerry just because its not Bush ??? Fucking crazy.

  • Michael,

    I don’t know how excited I would be about this. Your movie ranks right up there with Spiderman 2 and Shrek 2. Classics for sure.

    Also, I hated your movie. You think you are slamming George Bush, but really you are slamming the United States. It would be one thing if you took a balanced approach to looking at the Bush Administration but your so called documentary is just a propaganda film.

    If you want to make another movie, why not make a movie about all the good that has happened in Afaghanistan and Iraq over the last few years. For all the bad you can point out there is good too. The people around the world who watch your films see the ugly Americans they want to see up on the screen. How about showing some positive images of your countrymen? How about making a difference in your country in a positive way?

    • I’m nominating you for the BEST naivete internet posting of 2004!

    • Positive image of the United States?

      You have got to be kidding.

      I cannot think of a time that is not as similar to the mid 1930’s when the world was watching Hitler gain his power.

      Of course we are already in our World War, unfortunatly what happens in when....three....four...five....years is the consolidation of the triumvirate - the Orwellian wonder (George you were a little advanced in giving your story the date of 1984) of Russia China and the ’positive’ USA.

      Someday of course China will decide it has had enough of supplying the USA with its goodies, for paper (electronic) money that is worthless. They will want to cash in. And then of course the shit hits the fan.

    • So if you think this time in the US is similar to the era of the rise of Nazi germany, you shouldn’t be able to write the above nasty comments. You should get the hell out and emigrate to Europe or Canada. You’ll love their company.

    • Speaking as an American Socialist, Michael Moore is such a—how do the French say it—poseur.
      In 2000 he was for Ralph Nader, in 2004 he was for John Kerry, and in 2008 it’s anyone’s guess.
      The guy is such a loose cannon you can’t be sure in which direction he’ll be pointing when he next
      goes off. He’s just not very good at ennunciating a real clear and consistent message over time
      — it’s just shoot-from-the-hip and never mind the consequences.

      As for getting fired from Mother Jones, they fired him because those artsy-craftsy types discov-
      ered he was too WORKING CLASS for such an upscale mag. And since Moore actually had some-
      thing the French call a contract, he successfully sued their assets off and made his film "Roger
      And Me" with the compensation payment.

    • Europe is getting ready to life the weapons embargo on China, of course the US who supplies 60% of the worlds weapons and most of the ugliest kind will not want to be left out of the money to be made, but its a catch 22 because we are already terrified of China and so we don’t want them to have any weapons that would challenge the ones we have here at home..what to do what to do, worse yet they are loaning us the money to keep ourselves out of bankruptcy so we can’t be too hard about it...what to do, what to do....and if we put too much pressure on the Europeans to not lift the embargo maybe, China will embargo us and we won’t have an economy left here at home, what to do, what to do....we shouldn’t have sold our souls to them...now they have us over a barrel...those dirty commies...wonder if we can buy our souls back, oh that’s right we are broke and have nothing to offer them...

    • Oh sure like you even saw the movie, you phony Republipukes are nothing...but a joke.

    • China embargo us? What a joke. You obviously have never been to China and don’t do business with China.

    • That’s funny, since all of the laughing going on at the moment is aimed at you seething Dimocraps. You don’t have to step in bullshit to recognize it, and F9/11 piled it on in classic Moore-esque style.

    • I don’t have to be an economics professor or do business in China to see that if they leand us the money to pay our bills, they have the upper hand...any housewife can tell you that if the bank who owns your mortgage decides to give you nightmares by threatening to call in your loan, and you don’t have any money because you squandered it all (unnecessary warmongering, etc.) and have to live on borrowed money, the bank (in this case the US being the housewife and China being the BANK) won’t lend you any more, guess who calls the shots? It’s not the housewife.

    • What good has been done in Iraq or Afghanistan? Iraq has never been in worse shape. All the propaganda about what "good" things we have done is luidicrous. We have killed 100,000 of their citizens, ruined their homes, hospitals, schools, and infrastructure, cultural sites, temples, many have no running clean water, or electricity. The reason the so called liberal (tell that to Rupert Nurdoch, Time magazine. ABC/Westinghouse NBC/General Electric) hasn’t shown all of the glorious things we have done there is because we haven’t done any. Your stupid Fuehrer announced last week that the money allocated for rebuilding things there is reallocated to security (Halliburton/Kellogg Brown & Root) so get your head out of your ass and go play on the RNC website your kind is outnumbered and unwelcome here.

  • Michael Moore has already given more than the whole of us ever did, and he owes us nothing. He has endured for his courage an amount of hatred we can have no idea of. But as an all-time follower, I’m utterly sad to see what the blend of humiliation and success has done to him. When Bush was re-elected it was all too much.

    He’s no longer the Mike I love - unpredictable and creative, free and fluid as life itself. The Leno jokes were sinister. His bragging is like a rock star’s. His duel with Bush is stiff and old. He identifies to F9/11 in an obsessional, fruitless way. He says nothing about health care, nothing about the fundies, nothing about the election - nothing new, nothing vital... nothing sincere ?

    He’s like a caricature of himself, a bad imitation from someone who really doesn’t know him. I hardly dared to use the phrase, but here it is : "Invasion of the bodysnatchers".

    No. I won’t vote for his bloody Awards.

    I hope - I really really hope - he soon gets a grip on himself !

  • Dear Mike

    I hope you read this. I got your video out yesterday and I’ve watched it twice. I plan to watch it again before returning it. As a Scottish journalist, all I have is praise for the work you have produced. It is the best piece of investigative journalism I have ever come across in my 40 plus years in the industry. Mr Bush and Mr Blair should be ashamed to call themselves members of the human race. If only we had honest people in power life would be so much different. Greed and power is what makes them so different from me. Thanks for all your efforts.

  • Mr. Moore is brilliant. He chose a group of people (democrats) that have no concept of reality and made a movie that would attract them. He knew that the democrats would pay money to see his movie and make him rich. Don’t you all get it? He just wanted to get rich!! That was the only goal. He knew he was making a film that would best fit into the “science-fiction” category. However he campaigned for it as a documentary!! As if any intelligent person would buy that! Oh, I forgot about Hollywood. I meant people who live in the REAL world. His one mistake was that although democrats are misguided they’re not ALL stupid. Lots of them were able to see that his film was created from fabrications and the art of “creative editing”
    Republicans like the fact he made the movie because …it gave us the election (well, that and Teresa Heinz-Kerry!) God bless that mouth of hers! And you thought we had no use for democrats. Ha

    • Oh thats a bit cynical, what are you frightened of ? Mr Moore made an excellent documentary exposing the lengths the greedy corporates go to protect their Saudi interests. He showed their callous disregard for human life and that they’re a mass murdering bunch of greedy fuckers. Even though you condone that attitude, I’m afraid they’d consider you dispensible as well, if you got in their way.

    • I noticed that most of the people who respond in favor of the “sci-fi flick” have trouble expressing their opinions with out using profanity. Using profanity to express one’s thoughts and opinions can be equated with possessing a small vocabulary. Could there be a connection with Michael Moore supporters and lower intelligence?
      Hmmm … perhaps he can make millions more on a film exploring the evidence of reduced brain function with regards to his supporters. Now that would be a movie worth seeing!!!

    • Jesus H Christ ! Whats worse ? A few fucking profanities -which incidentally your son of satan bush isn’t averse to OR... OR get this....cheering the cluster bombing, napalming, 50mm bullet blowing head off, of WOMEN and CHILDREN, from the sidelines BECAUSE your too inept or scared to do it YOURSELF. A little re examination of morals and priorities might not be amiss here.

    • Jesus H Christ ! Whats worse ? A few fucking profanities -which incidentally your son of satan bush isn’t averse to OR... OR get this....cheering the cluster bombing, napalming, 50mm bullet blowing head off, of WOMEN and CHILDREN, from the sidelines BECAUSE your too inept or scared to do it YOURSELF. A little re examination of morals and priorities might not be amiss here