Home > Photos of Strange Sculptures at the University of Oklahoma (David Boren’s (…)

Photos of Strange Sculptures at the University of Oklahoma (David Boren’s Campus)

by Open-Publishing - Friday 28 November 2008
1 comment

Edito Governments USA Michael P. Wright

By Michael P. Wright — Norman, Oklahoma, USA — mpwright8@aol.com

The new information in this post provides more “dots” to be connected to this earlier BellaCiao post, which displays two interesting videos:


1. an ABC news broadcast with evidence strongly suggesting that Skull and Bones is a Satanic cult, and

2. a video with David Boren admitting that he is a member of Skull and Bones.

Boren is a former U.S. Senator and 9/11 suspect who is widely known as the mentor and sponsor of George Tenet. He also assisted in installing Robert Gates as CIA director in 1991. This was a favor to the elder George Bush. After the gay press began to out Boren and accuse him of sexually harassing his male staff members, in 1994 Boren persuaded the University of Oklahoma regents into appointing him as president of that school and then resigned from his prominent and seemingly invulnerable U.S . Senate seat.

For more information about Boren, see these:

Photos of Strange Sculptures at the University of Oklahoma


OU’s Graduation Ceremony: Black Robes, Red Wands, Friday the 13th, and Sulfur in the Air


See this recent post about Boren’s henchmen attempting to obstruct a federal investigation:


David Boren is one of the most corrupt scoundrels in public office in America.

Forum posts

  • Could not it be true that Obama appointing two key ministers of GW Bush to his cabinet ( members of skul & bones ) could be himself a S & B - TriLATTERAL Commission - Friedman’s Chicago School of CIA-Economics all at the same time ?