Governments Secret Services Russia

The KGB (Komitet Gosudárstvennoy Bezopasnosti;) was the name of the Intelligence Agency (CIA equivalent) as well as the principal agency of the secret policy of the USSR (equivalent to the FBI) from 1954-1991, popularly known as "The Center "and even Khrushchev was responsible for obtaining and analyzing all intelligence of the nation for the Kremlin (the sword and shield of the USSR). One of the features was" the extraordinary dependence of the oligarchs of the PCU and the strength and protection that it gave the KGB ", and from Khrushchev becomes a parallel state within the state, refractory to the control of the Politburo and under direct dependence" Comrade President "who baptized the expeditious methods abroad with the euphemism of" neutralization "and the 9th Section of the KGB (then the Department of murder) as the 13th Department, still more secret and placed under its own supervision.
General Ion Mihai Pacepa is the intelligence officer to have defected highest level of the former Soviet bloc and in his book "Red Horizons", warned of the subsequent mutation of the original "Center" until the real power in the shadow that protects the pseudo-democracy in Russia today:
"After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russians had a unique opportunity to get rid of his old police state Byzantine form that for centuries, has left them ill-equipped to deal with the complexities of modern society. Unfortunately, they could not do so. Since the collapse of communism, have faced a form of capitalism led by old Communist bureaucrats, speculators and gangsters who have only managed to increase social inequalities. Therefore, after a period of disruption, the Russians have been slipping as historical of government: autocracy that goes back to Ivan the Terrible, in which a feudal lord governed the country with the help of his personal political police. Good or bad, for most Russians the old political police may find their only defense against the rapacity of the new capitalists.
It will not be easy to break with 500 years tradition. That does not mean that Russia can not change. But for that to happen, the U.S. has to help. We must stop pretending that the Russian government is democratic. We must recognize what it is: a band of 6,000 former KGB officers - one of the largest criminal organizations in history - that have captured the most important posts in local and federal governments. They are perpetuating the old practice of killing their opponents. But murder has always had a price, and the Kremlin will have to pay before they give up their practice. "
The Gorbachev-KGB missed:
Bakatin defined the KGB as "vicious state" within a state and was responsible for cleaning Gorbachev KGB officers reluctant to Glasnost and Perestroika (Перестройка), a term coined during Gorbachev’s mandate to define "a reform process based in the restructuring of the economy with the aim to reform and preserve the outdated system and give socialiesta Soviet society a certain spirit of enterprise and innovation. " This process, also accompanied by a faltering democratization of political life, led to profound socioeconomic changes that led to Gorbachev’s era, the subsequent collapse and disintegration of the USSR and the enthronement of economic globalization with Yeltsin.
The attempted coup of August 19, 1991 against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, would be attributable to residual elements within the KG Brefractarios e PCU to Perestroika. Thus, according to former Gorbachev adviser and "ideologue" of perestroika, Alexandre Yakovlev said in an interview to AFP:
. ’It was a revolt of the party and the KGB, led by KGB chief Vladimir Kryuchkov, who had the political council of the Supreme Soviet chairman Anatoly Lukyanov and one of the reasons why the coup had no chance of success was that the army would never have agreed to play along to the KGB. " Indeed, thousands of Muscovites lined the streets and erected barricades to defend the Russian parliament building where Boris Yeltsin (then president of the Soviet Republic of Russia), assumed leadership of the resistance against the coup, which won the band babbling of the defender of democratic process of the former USSR and finally on 24 October 1991, Gorbachev abolished the KGB and its functions were taken over temporarily by the Federal Intelligence Service (FSK).
The FSB, which employed 75,000 people, was established on April 12, 1995 by a Yeltsin decree-law to replace the Federal Intelligence Service (FSK) (agency had temporarily replaced the KGB in December 1993) Adding to the powers of the FSK internal security tasks assumed by the KGB (the fight against organized crime and terrorism, as well as monitoring all matters relating to nuclear safety and production of strategic minerals) and appointed the 2000 as a stranger Director Vladimir Putin in place of Nikolai Kovalyov.
Coup of the New KGB (FSB) with Putin:
Until the shocking slaughter of Beslan (known as 3-S), the Russian secret services were languishing between remnants of the defunct Cold War, but in the basement of the FSB, Putin with their environment known as the KGB cronies, "was forging a true virtual coup that would have its trigger in the assault and subsequent killing of the school in Beslan (North Ossetia), action attributed to a mixture of Chechen and Ingush, setting up "the fight against Chechen terrorism" as the leitmotiv the mandate of the new strong man of Russia, Vladimir Putin and Shamil Basayev and Magomedali being Vagabov as paradigms of the new policy of "neutralization" of the NewKGB,, having been either killed by special forces of the National Counterterrorism Committee (NAK).
In 2004, Putin approved the reform of the intelligence services prior to the creation of a powerful Ministry of State Security in Russia that would include the FSB with SVR (responsible for overseas operations), and got the defenestration of the original ruling class from the Yeltsin era (oligarchs), corrupt clique mafia equivalent of a mini-state within the Russian state and that 36% of large wealth concentrated in their hands the equivalent of 25% of GDP (which would paradigms Berezovksy, exiled in London and Mikhail Khodorkovsky, in prison on charges of tax evasion and fraud against the State) and its replacement by individuals of proven loyalty to his person, not political whims and the only goal of quick profit.
Subsequently, silencing the voices and dissident media by stage fright, economic asphyxiation, the introduction of arbitrary files for tax offenses and speedy, Putin would have gotten the disappearance of the opposition’s own democratic countries and the establishment of the ruling : political doctrine that combines the expansionist ideas of Russian nationalism, the blessings of the powerful Orthodox Church, the priceless services of the FSB (successor to the KGB), the lush monetary liquidity achieved by energy companies (Gazprom) and part of the ideology symbolized jruschoviano autocratic personal power trying to gather in his person the Head of State and the Presidency of the Party.
Possible Strike against Putin’s hand FSB:
However, the reforms to streamline the bureaucracy coupled with reducing the power of regional governors (the ruling party, United Russia, have decided not to nominate for reelection to the current governor of Kaliningrad), the worsening economic crisis because the collapse in oil prices and excessive dependence on oil and gas exports (70% of revenues come from these pathways), the devaluation of the ruble (30% since the beginning of the crisis) and the dreadful fires that have consumed 1 million hectares of forest, have diminished the popularity of Putin, Russian society that considers primary responsibility to approve the State Duma in 2006 the Forest Code, a law that dissolved the centralized management of forest protection, reducing the powers of Forestry Agency. and giving responsibility for the protection of forests tenant companies and local governments, have argued that lack of funds to control territory equivalent to twice the EU (809 million hectares).,
Putin, in particular "annus horribilis", must deal with the unprecedented drought that has affected the western part of Russia since early July and would have caused 20% of its 10 million hectares of arable land have been ruined by drought, (with estimates of wheat crop this year of 70-75 million tons, instead of the annual average of 90 million, according to RIA Novosti agency) and the subsequent embargo on exports wheat in the year 2010 (Russia supplies 8% of world production of wheat and in 2009 exported 21.4 million tons of cereals).
Such measures may be insufficient and require massive grain imports to prevent starvation in the winter, with consequent increases in commodity prices that will produce a runaway inflation close to 13% in 2010, which coupled with the possible rise interest rates will lead to the exacerbation of social divisions to be large sections of the population forced to live in poverty line and depend on social benefits (30% of the population), must spend large parts of the reserves to fill the rampant deficit of the Pension Plan and accelerate the planned reduction in bureaucracy and are thus diluted the beneficial effects of its objectives of promoting the Housing and Public Health, Reducing Taxes and Demographic Change in trend which suffers from a negative growth since 1991 ( -12 million people) experiencing the "sui generis" Russian democracy a severe cutback of freedom and being able to reissue the riots and protests occurred with Khrushchev due to the high cost of living.
This could make it unpopular in the party and weaken the administration and Putin’s former absolute power and permit a conspiracy was brewing defenestrated encouraged by Putin’s oligarchs and forced into exile abroad (which would have the executive arm to the FSB) being accused of the same charges with which decapitated the oligarchic clique (abuse of power, corruption and tax offenses) and was replaced probably by Mendeiev. (Reliving the coup against Khrushchev in 1964 hand and Leoniv sutitución by Brezhnev after being accused of cult of personality and policy mistakes.)
Case of being over politically, could attend the enthronement of the KGB, the reappearance of the Troika to avoid the accumulation of autocratic power and the return of the Brezhnev Doctrine (also called doctrine of limited sovereignty), which established doctrine that Russia has the right to intervene (including military) in the internal affairs of countries in its area of influence and skillfully combining ethnic Russian minority outreach oppressed energy blackmail, the threat of nuclear deterrence, surgical military intervention, the destabilization of governments neighbors "non grata" and the drowning of domestic political opposition will try to place under its orbit most countries abstracted from the former USSR and to build the New Great Russia on the horizon of 2020, as a result of atavism of Russia of Peter the Great the Great.