Robert Thompson
As I have done in previous essays, I feel it appropriate to preface my remarks by making it clear that I write as a committed practising Catholic Christian, and by stressing that I am always shocked and upset by the misuse of religion as a cover for, or in pursuit of, material and/or political gain.
On Tuesday night, my wife and I watched with growing fear and horror a television report on "Arte" (the Franco-German channel) on the religiosity of Mr George W. Bush. If the (…)
Home > Keywords > Politics > Religions-Beliefs
Terrifying Tyranny
21 October 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
1 comment -
Eggs In One Basket
11 October 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentWhat would happen if Americans started to wonder about the roots of the terrorism of Islamic fanatics? Won’t there be some who would argue that America got into the Clash of Civilizations with the Muslim world only because of Israel?
About a hundred years ago, the Russian Czar’s secret police cobbled together a document they called the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". The "authors" were not particularly original - they took a satire, written decades earlier about Napoleon (…) -
Uptight Christian Women get 10 mill to teach Iraqi Women How to Shop and Pray
8 October 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
5 commentsWhat bullshit this is. Remember how the "missionaries" helped genicide the indigenous, then the white wives dressed up indigenous women and children in hideous western garb, slapped the shit out of them so they would not speak their own language and put them in bording schools which taught them to be "good xtians"...this will be the "modern" version of the christian/capitalist/demodictatorship of Iraq by the capitalist wives. Maybe Ann Coulter will go over there and get beheaded!
GET THE (…) -
The Great Alliance
6 September 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentby Robert Thompson
These comments are addressed above all to those among you who follow Judaism, Christianity or Islam, but it might be useful for others to ponder on the points raised.
At the end of June, when I wrote on the subject of the "Misappropriation of Christianity (or of any other religion)", I ended with the advice "Above all, pray for guidance to our loving, compassionate and merciful God, who cannot be served with evil actions".
This has since become even more urgent, and (…) -
Christians fear persecution in the new Iraq
27 July 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
by Jamie Tarabay
On a Sunday afternoon, attendance at mass at St. Peter and Paul’s Cathedral in Baghdad was decidedly thin.
A handful of Syrian Orthodox loitered on the steps of the church afterward, women removing their dainty white lace veils as they chatted with friends. For many, church on Sunday is the only time they can really socialize because of safety fears.
Most Christians blame concern over a tumultuous security situation for keeping them away from church, but it’s only a (…) -
The Hoax of Paris Marie and the Ghosts
21 July 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
Sometimes a trivial episode throws a revealing light on a grave public disease.
A classic example: the Captain of Koepenick. On the face of it, it was a minor criminal incident: in 1906, a shoemaker named Wilhelm Voigt was released from prison, after serving a sentence for forgery. To get work he needed a passport, which, as a former convict, he could not get.
So he went to a junk shop and bought the uniform of an army captain, commandeered some soldiers in the street, (…) -
Onward Christian Soldier: U.S. Atrocity Photo from Iraq You May Have Not Seen (Warning: Graphic)
8 May 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
3 commentsculled this from one of the dark internet sites a few months back. It was posted by someone claiming to be a U.S. soldier in Iraq. It has since been deleted from the site along with similar pictures.
I guess it is safe to presume that the U.S. tank driver, allowing himself to indulge in war-time passion, and breach international law in the process, took the time to swerve into and run over the head of downed Iraqi.
Instead of posting from the Geneva conventions, and as a rebuttal to the (…)