by Open-Publishing - Friday 8 December 2006

Governments USA Peter Fredson

By Peter Fredson
December 8, 2006

I still have some simple questions to help untangle a complicated web of misdirection, misinformation, deception, propaganda, and untruths that were spun by the disastrous Bush administration. Although several administration-controlled “investigations” brought out some of the architecture of this web, I am not at all satisfied that we got at any simple truth.

We need more “Deep Throats”, a few courageous senators, and some honest judges to help us understand the inception, strategy and goals of the neoconservative war-hawks that have seized control of what was once a decent democracy, but we need to wait until 2008 for someone to come forward.

We need some lie-detection mechanism, or truth serum, applied to the entire Bush team, to get honest and candid answers to the following questions:

Has Bush withdrawn from International treaties to expand his arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and militarize space with a "missile defense shield?"

Has Bush interfered in the elections of any other sovereign nation? Has he, though his agencies, arranged the change of regimes of any country in Asia, Central America, or South America?

Have the Neoconservatives, the Bush family and their sponsors, been major agents to finance and arm Israel in direct violations of United Nations resolutions?

Has the Bush family and their supporters supplied more weapons (of mass destruction and otherwise) to more nations and groups than any other nation?

Does the Bush administration pose a threat to any other nation in the world, particularly to those possessing oil?

Should the Bush Neoconservative logic of "pre-emptive" strikes over fortune-telling "hostile intentions" be followed by other nations as a good way to bring peace to this planet?

Is the Neoconservative concern for the “culture of life”, involving microscopic cells, an enormous hypocrisy and contradiction when they are indifferent to the “collateral damage” of 200,000 Iraqi civilians?

Should not masturbation, involving the destruction of millions of living cells, be outlawed and masturbators put to death?

Should not cancer cells, living human tissue, be allowed to flourish as God’s cells?

Is it moral for Bush to pretend concern for the death of 3,000 civilians in the 9/11 incident, and then go to Iraq and kill thousands of them?

When Bush went to war over WMD’s, and then discovered they didn’t exist, and abruptly switched over to “regime change” and EVIL leaders, why didn’t more senators and corporation sponsors criticize his aggression?

Is the wording “collateral damage” used by Pentagon killers an attempt to excuse murder of Iraqi civilians by rendering it banal?

Should Presidents lie, misinform, and distort facts for the purpose of illicit, illegal and immoral conquest?

If Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon were found to be lying to their nation and had to step down from their positions, should not George W. Bush be forced to do the same?

Was President Bush, so unequivocal about weapons of mass destruction and the need to fight EVIL in Iraq because it formed an "imminent threat" to the United States and to its neighbors, and that Saddam had “evil intentions”, perfectly honest?

When Bush said in his United Nations Address, September 12, 2002: "Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons," was he perfectly honest and above board?

When Bush said in his Radio Address of October 5, 2002: "We have sources that tell us that Saddam Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons — the very weapons the dictator tells us he does not have." Was he perfectly honest and above board?

When Bush said in his Radio Address of October 5, 2002: "We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas." was he perfectly honest and above board?

When Bush said in his Radio Address of October 5, 2002: "We’ve also discovered through intelligence that Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad areas. We’re concerned that Iraq is exploring ways of using these UAVS for missions targeting the United States." was he communicating fact or Neoconservative fantasy?

When Ari Fleischer, Bush spokesperson, on January 9, 2003 said: "We know for a fact that there are weapons there," was he communicating fact or Neoconservative fantasy?

When Donald Rumsfeld said he KNEW that WMDs were cached near Tikrit and Baghdad, despite the fact that all reputable information indicated he was lying, why would he lie?

Why did information about Valerie Plame get leaked to Newswhore Novak? Her husband, former ambassador, Joseph Wilson says it was because Bush wanted to discredit him because he denied Iraq was getting yellow cake uranium from Niger. He had dared contradict Bush who asserted the yellow cake lie in a State of the Union Message as part of his propaganda to declare war on Iraq. Who was right?

Was Gregory Thielman, retired head of the State Department’s intelligence office right when he said: "I believe the Bush administration did not provide an accurate picture to the American people of the military threat posed by Iraq. This administration has had a faith-based intelligence attitude—we know the answers, give us the intelligence to support those answers."

Why is it so difficult for Bush with his enormous resources of intelligence to find out who outed Valerie Plane as a CIA agent?

What do you call it when American soldiers and Iraqis die because of a lie that President Bush told despite his prior knowledge that it was a lie? Is that not an impeachable offense?

Are not the same people who demanded that Clinton be impeached for lying about fellatio, and now laud Bush for lying to start a war, killing thousands of people as a result, intolerable bigots and high-level hypocrites and sycophants?

Is it a coincidence that Dick Cheney and corporate oil executives made fortunes by invading Iraq?

On March 16, Dick Cheney, in Meet the Press said: “The Iraqis are desperate "to get rid of Saddam Hussein and they will welcome as liberators the United States when we come to do that.... [T]he vast majority of them would turn on [Saddam] in a minute if, in fact, they thought they could do so safely").

What was Cheney’s definition of “liberator?” How does one distinguish that from “bandit”, “terrorist invader”, and “murderous Shock and Awe?”

What happened to the “last throes of Iraq insurgency?”

Dick Cheney, C.E.O. of Millennium Corporation received a $20 million retirement package for five years of employment and a $1.4 million cash bonus in 2001. Did this in any way influence him to award Millennium Corporation contracts in Iraq?

Is it a coincidence that Halliburton Company, once led by Dick Cheney, was given Iraqi Oil without bothering about petty details like competitive bidding?

Is Dick Cheney’s office still fighting to block any disclosure of individuals and companies with whom his energy task force consulted? Was there collusion with giant energy companies to legislate in their favor?

Is it coincidence that Halliburton stock doubled because of the Iraqi war and that billions of dollars are missing or that Halliburton corruption has been rewarded by singularly benevolent justice?

Is it coincidence that Bush Republicans put a cap on any claims against Millennium or grant Millennium workers immunity from any prosecution for war crimes?

If no one disobeyed any laws, why are the Bush people trying to immunize themselves against any prosecution?

Is anyone a criminal who opposes the U.S. invasion and occupation of sovereign Iraq?

Is someone who criticized Bush and his cabinet for spinning truth, a traitor?

If any Iraqis resist occupation are they terrorists, thugs, criminals, or patriotic Iraqis opposing a murderous occupation of their country?

Did Bush have an exit strategy before invading Iraq? Does he have one now, or does he intend to remain hidden and silent inside of Iraq waiting to pounce on Iran and Syria at any moment he thinks convenient?

Is there any indication that the Iraq Study Group plan will be followed by Bush and that substantive changes will be made quickly?

Is "no plan" the plan Bush was following all along?

Why did the Pentagon make up lies about Private Jessica Lynch?

The Pentagon said rebuilding Iraq would take about $10 billion and three months; UN estimates stated that an aggressive rebuilding program could cost up to $100 billion a year for a minimum of three years.

What evidence is there that rebuilding Iraq will take less than 5 more years? Or that American soldiers can return to their homes in short order?

Does the Bush administration tend to have postures rather than plans?

Does Bush misuse the words “liberty”, “freedom”, and “democracy” as rhetorical distractions from his failures?

Do Neoconservatives care that almost 100,000 Iraqis civilians died in George W. Bush’s war, thousands of soldiers, not to mention 1,600 dead American soldiers and 15,000 wounded and maimed Americans? Or do they consider this is a legitimate crusade to get rid of infidels and that the cost is small?

Were U.S. troops under attack when they fired upon civilian protesters in Mosul and Fallujah?

“The Iraqi people are now free," said Bush proconsul L. Paul Bremer. Did this mean that no Iraqi would get shot or arrested for disagreeing with any invasion aspect?

Is there any administration outrage when American soldiers in daily raids still smash down doors of Iraqi houses, kill the occupants, imprison innocent civilians, and terrorize the entire country?

Does the death of a foreigner, crushed by tanks, or shot by American soldiers, matter less than if an ordinary American were killed?

When Bush wanted his open-ended mandate for war, why did Congress oblige?

Why was no investigation of Bush allegations even begun?

Palestinian prime minister, Mahmoud Abbas, told an Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz that Bush said to him: "God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East." Did God really tell Bush to invade Iraq?

Has the Bush administration made Americans safer from terror on U.S. soil?

How many nail clippers have been confiscated from airplane passengers and how many terrorists have the billion dollars worth of high-tech equipment actually found?

An airplane stewardess found a shoe bomber aboard a plane, and passengers helped capture him. How many bombers has the U.S. government found in the U.S. to date? How many people have been held in jails, often without warrant, under suspicious of being terrorists? Was this worth all the billions of dollars dedicated to Homeland Security, and the hundreds of thousands of hours and people’s lives wasted in airport delays?

Does Bush, and his cabinet and followers, represent government by the people, for the people, and of the people, or do they best represent special interests, giant corporations, billionaires, and privileged neoconservatives and brainwashed True Believer followers of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson?

Is it extortion when Bush destroys the infrastructure of a country, and then charges the country to rebuild itself?

Is it logical to invade a country, destroy its infrastructure, kill thousands of inhabitants and then complain that the survivors are not being cooperative and friendly?

Were Halliburton and the Carlyle Group and the Bush family partners with Osama bin Laden at one time? Were they arms dealers or what?

Did Bush with his “NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND” rhetoric, actually leave EVERY child behind by not giving sufficient funds for the purpose?

Has Bush with his unilateral “take it or leave it” policy destroyed years of American diplomacy?

Has Bush with his war mongering cost his country billions of dollars which could have been used to bail out the domestic economy?

Has Bush gutted environmental regulations in order that large corporations can make larger profits?

Do the Bush Tax Cuts really benefit rich people more than they do other people?

Can Democracy and Liberty be spread by bullets, cluster bombs, torture and missiles?

Is a country still sovereign when it is invaded and occupied by thousands of foreign troops armed to the teeth and pointing weapons constantly at the inhabitants?

Is a country still sovereign when huge military bases are built on it by foreigners and force?

I have several hundred more questions I would like to have the Bush people answer honestly and candidly. Until the questions are answered honestly and candidly I refuse to grant credence, legitimacy, approval, or any honor to the neoconservatives and True Believers that have hijacked our government and are holding it hostage to their greater goals of world conquest, and/or to the promise of an Apocalypse.

I do not trust them. I have heard so many lies that I no longer can listen to them. Fortunately others feel the same, as is attested by polls that today drop Bush below the 30% mark.

Perhaps in 2008 all the Bush sycophants will leave for exile in Paraguay? Can we use kidnapping and torture to process them?

Forum posts

  • Well done mate.

    Keep the attack up,
    I hope we bring this sucker

    • Yes, I think we are finally cutting the little brush-cutter down to size. He still doesn’t GET it, but eventually he will leave for Paraguay with the rest of is Neocon gang.

    • Yah!, Easy to say “Keep the attack up!” But, one of these days another mind changer will occur and the entire American public will again get refocused.

    • Refocused to what, yahoo? Insanity?