Home > STRAUSS-KAHN : French writer and human rights activist Claude Ribbe has (…)

STRAUSS-KAHN : French writer and human rights activist Claude Ribbe has created a Support Committee for Nafissatou Diallo

by Open-Publishing - Monday 13 June 2011

Justice France

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the French ex-managing director of the International Monetary Fund, rich, powerful, famous, bloated with arrogance and vanity, is accused by a perfectly ordinary, hard-working African Muslim immigrant in New York of attempting to rape her and forcing her against her will to engage in sexual acts.

Because the ambitious Dominique Strauss-Kahn – the self-proclaimed future president of the French republic – claims to be a leftist, because he was the favourite of the French socialist party for the 2012 election, one shocked part of the French ruling class hastily denied the facts, thus revealing its own racism, sexism, Islamophobia and complete disdain for those in a humble position.

By virtue of the principle whereby a defendant is innocent until proven guilty, the accused has become the victim and the presumed victim has been referred to by the mediocre "elites", the experts on misinformation that control the media world in France, as being guilty of having taken part in a so-called "conspiracy". And the rape has become a mere "roll in the hay".

It was minimised because "no lives were lost". The supposed attacker was pitied because of his "fragility". And to crown it all, the fact that the presumed rapist was accused has been presented as a "new Dreyfus affair".

Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s character witnesses are the same ones who formerly supported the racists Georges Frèche and Pascal Sevran. However, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, whose friends refer to him as a "seducer", certainly never seduced anyone except easy prey.
He is better known as a notorious sex maniac with a certain taste for "diversity" who has harassed women time and again, even in Sarcelles.
This miserable attitude that is more reminiscent of Pervers Pépère – a stereotypical dirty old man – than Don Juan, projects a deplorable image of France, the country whose supreme representative Strauss-Kahn hoped to become.

To express my condemnation of the racism, the sexism and the Islamophobia, to demonstrate that in the land that produced the universal declaration of human rights, being a multimillionaire and claiming to be a leftist does not mean one is always right and above the law, to protest against the systematic impunity accorded in France to those who resent Africans and Afro-descendants, I hereby join the Support Committee for Nafissatou Diallo, also known as "Ophelia", the presumed victim of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, accused of attempted rape, forced sexual acts and illegal imprisonment.
