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Un/Employment Economy-budget USA Daveparts
By David Glenn Cox

There are few people in this world that I wish hard tidings upon, some, but few just the same. Generally they fall into three categories. The first are the media rich who offer us suggestions as to how to climb to their lofty level without having wealthy birth parents. They are, for the most part, full of it! “Max out your 401K contributions every year and start a medical savings account. Don’t buy that new car every year; keep it for two or even three years, then use the money you save to buy tax free municipal bonds.”
You see these clowns on cable channels and they always have pat answers, but no one asks them the really tough questions that I’d like to hear the answers for. “My husband and I worked at the auto parts plant here in Kentucky. We’ve been laid off for a year now and we are two payments behind on our mortgage. My husband’s car was repossessed and mine broke down and we don’t have the money to fix it. What should we do?” Exactly! You won’t ever hear that question because there are no easy answers, and these people are just pretending that they know it all.
The second group is the "I’ve got mine" crowd, so therefore this society is fair and equitable. I don’t dislike them as much as I would just like to wake them up. I wrote about tent cities springing up across America and I got, “Why didn’t they save their money? I only make 24K a year and I have a home and a car and everything is wonderful.” What can you say to people who are unable to walk a mile in another’s moccasins? Millions will work at McDonalds but only one person gets to be the CEO. Success has many fathers and failure is an orphan.
The third group all work together at CNBC, and as best as I can figure it out CNBC stands for Creepy, Neanderthal, Bigoted Corespondents. I have written about them before. There was Erin "Black Widow" Burnett who couldn’t understand the concern over lead paint on children’s toys, “I don’t get it. I mean, what’s the big deal?”
Then there is Dennis "the human dildo" Kneale who, in the course of twenty-four hours, explained that autoworkers should take what they can get and be thankful that they have jobs, and then with tears in his eyes expressed dismay at limiting executive compensation. “It just seems punitive to limit the compensation on the best and the brightest.” Kneale forgot to mention that the limits were only placed on the companies that had already failed and were taking TARP money. The best and the brightest had dropped the ball and caused this mess in the first place, but we shouldn’t be cruel when it comes to millionaires.
But there is one CNBC star who shines far brighter than the rest. It is her star that should adorn outhouses doors all across America. While discussing European-style health care she opined, “Yeah, but those people all live in small houses and I like my big house and I don’t want to give it up and live in a country where the people smell bad.”
A prudent station manger would have had a long talk with Michelle Caruso-Cabrera. That would have been the classy thing to do, but that’s not CNBC, you can’t even buy class in the gift shop at CNBC. It should have been explained to her that her opinions were, at best, parochial and indicative of one with limited horizons, and even more, limited experience. To slander an entire continent of nations that have controlled heath care costs, established a safety net for the poor and run trade surpluses to boot shows Cabrera for what she is, the epitome of ignorance.
She would rather not live in a world where people smell bad; in her narrow little mind she belongs at Elysee Palace. There, servants shall bend and scrape before her countenance. Serving her only the best champagne and the finest cakes while she laughs and taunts the poor as so deserving of their station for she is certain that she is deserving of hers. This nearly forty-year-old woman still thinks that she is the head high school cheerleader and belle of the ball at the prom next week.
But don’t take it from me. My words fall far short in describing one whose ego is so over-inflated and whose self-worth so over-estimated that only the sound of amplified flatulence could capture its true spirit. I give you Michelle Caruso-Cabrera in all her raging glory.
“When it comes to Apple and Steve Jobs, all the focus today will be on whether the company should have revealed the state of Job’s Health. That is unfortunate. This story should serve as another lesson in the evils of government intervention. What do we know about organs that people need in order to survive? There aren’t enough of them. Want more? Pay for them. Give people a financial incentive to give up their liver when they die. Supply will sky rocket.”
And you thought “let them eat cake” was over the top!
"Are you aghast? I’m going to infuriate you even more with this one: Let living people sell a kidney.
One argument against paying the deceased’s family for organs is the fear that those relatives will be more likely to let the donor die at crucial decision-making points. Well, under that logic, you’d have to outlaw all inheritances.”
I don’t wonder what Michelle herself would do under the circumstances.
“Another argument you will hear: If you let people sell a kidney, you are exploiting the poor as they are the only ones who will be desperate enough to do so.
Yes, the poor will be the suppliers, but I think it is paternalistic to tell them what they can or cannot do with their bodies. In addition, they could be making a very rationale choice.”
So we can smoke pot, Michelle, and drop acid and get hooked on heroin? Suddenly, when the issue is organs for the rich, you’ve become so very liberal!
“Will the money they receive make their family’s life far better then? It is easy when you are well-off to dictate to the poor the kinds of decisions they should make about their lives. Get off your high horse.”
Why, we thanks you for your kindness, ma’am, knowins that you cares so much about us makes our dreary, endless days picking your cotton and wet nursing your babies all worth while, ma’am, cause you really cares for us.
“And seriously, do you think the current system doesn’t benefit the rich and well-connected? The minute you have rationing and government control like we do right now, the system is ripe for those who have money and friends to get moved up the list and game the system.”
I wonder what rationing she is referring to. The national organ tissue registry? The one operated by the not for profit charity the National Transplant Society. That palace of bureaucrats who decide who gets what on the basis of need rather than the more relevant facts of how much money you have. But Michelle has always despised government control even if there isn’t any and what is at issue is organs for the wealthy and a free market would increase the supply. And backroom surgeons accross the third world would begin cutting and gutting any whom might fall prey to them. That’s all right with Michelle as long as it will save the rich, and the more organs on the market means lower the prices. God Bless America and the free market!
I have known some despicable people in my life, egotistical, self-centered, lacking empathy and compassion for their fellow man. Yet Michelle Caruso-Cabrera tops them all, for she is a public person and a cable network pays her money to be a… well, there is just no other word for it, a bitch! So lacking in humanity she advocates making the poor less than slaves of the rich; she favors making them into the spare parts department. But what’s wrong with that? She ponders, "We’re going to pay them!" On top of all of this is the irony that this black-hearted demon from hell has the nerve to worry about the odor of others.