Home > The 2004 election was stolen - will someone please tell the media?
The 2004 election was stolen - will someone please tell the media?
by Open-Publishing - Friday 15 April 20054 comments
Media-Network Elections-Elected USA
Tribune Media Services
As they slowly hack democracy to death, we’re as alone - we citizens - as we’ve ever been, protected only by the dust-covered clichés of the nation’s founding: “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”
It’s time to blow off the dust and start paying the price.
The media are not on our side. The politicians are not on our side. It’s just us, connecting the dots, fitting the fragments together, crunching the numbers, wanting to know why there were so many irregularities in the last election and why these glitches and dirty tricks and wacko numbers had not just an anti-Kerry but a racist tinge. This is not about partisan politics. It’s more like: “Oh no, this can’t be true.”
I just got back from what was officially called the National Election Reform Conference, in Nashville, Tenn., an extraordinary pulling together of disparate voting-rights activists - 30 states were represented, 15 red and 15 blue - sponsored by a Nashville group called Gathering To Save Our Democracy. It had the feel of 1775: citizen patriots taking matters into their own hands to reclaim the republic. This was the level of its urgency.
Was the election of 2004 stolen? Thus is the question framed by those who don’t want to know the answer. Anyone who says yes is immediately a conspiracy nut, and the listener’s eyeballs roll. So let’s not ask that question.
Let’s simply ask why the lines were so long and the voting machines so few in Columbus and Cleveland and inner-city and college precincts across the country, especially in the swing states, causing an estimated one-third of the voters in these precincts to drop out of line without casting a ballot; why so many otherwise Democratic ballots, thousands and thousands in Ohio alone, but by no means only in Ohio, recorded no vote for president (as though people with no opinion on the presidential race waited in line for three or six or eight hours out of a fervor to have their say in the race for county commissioner); and why virtually every voter complaint about electronic voting machine malfunction indicated an unauthorized vote switch from Kerry to Bush.
This, mind you, is just for starters. We might also ask why so many Ph.D.-level mathematicians and computer programmers and other numbers-savvy scientists are saying that the numbers don’t make sense (see, for instance, www.northnet.org/minstrel, the Web site of Dr. Richard Hayes Phillips, lead statistician in the Moss v. Bush lawsuit challenging the Ohio election results). Indeed, the movement to investigate the 2004 election is led by such people, because the numbers are screaming at them that something is wrong.
And we might, no, we must, ask - with more seriousness than the media have asked - about those exit polls, which in years past were extraordinarily accurate but last November went haywire, predicting Kerry by roughly the margin by which he ultimately lost to Bush. This swing is out of the realm of random chance, forcing chagrined pollsters to hypothesize a “shy Republican” factor as the explanation; and the media have bought this evidence-free absurdity because it spares them the need to think about the F-word: fraud.
And the numbers are still haywire. A few days ago, Terry Neal wrote in the Washington Post about Bush’s inexplicably low approval rating in the latest Gallup poll, 45 percent, vs. a 49 percent disapproval rating. This is, by a huge margin, the worst rating at this point in a president’s second term ever recorded by Gallup, dating back to Truman.
“What’s wrong with this picture?” asks exit polling expert Jonathan Simon, who pointed these latest numbers out to me. Bush mustered low approval ratings immediately before the election, surged on Election Day, then saw his ratings plunge immediately afterward. Yet Big Media has no curiosity about this anomaly.
Simon, who spoke at the Nashville conference - one of dozens of speakers to give highly detailed testimony on evidence of fraud and dirty tricks from sea to shining sea - said, “When the autopsy of our democracy is performed, it is my belief that media silence will be given as the primary cause of death.”
In contrast to the deathly silence of the media is the silent scream of the numbers. The more you ponder these numbers, and all the accompanying data, the louder that scream grows. Did the people’s choice get thwarted? Were thousands disenfranchised by chaos in the precincts, spurious challenges and uncounted provisional ballots? Were millions disenfranchised by electronic voting fraud on insecure, easily hacked computers? And who is authorized to act if this is so? Who is authorized to care?
No one, apparently, except average Americans, who want to be able to trust the voting process again, and who want their country back.
Forum posts
16 April 2005, 06:30
W. wasn’t elected in 2000 or 2004. The majority didn’tvotefor him. We didn’t elect him and we don’t want him, do you expect the polls to suddenly jump,when he wasn’t well liked before the election.
He’s a two time cheater and a REAL loser!!
16 April 2005, 17:25
We are now the media.
US mainstream media has become the laughing stock of the world. Television news has lost all credibility. Shut it off. It is corrupting and distracting the minds of otherwise intelligent people.
17 April 2005, 06:21
What media....I think you must mean the propaganda machine that twists and manufacturers every piece of information into turdblossoms. It is sad that after all of those years of us accusing the Soviet Union of having no truth for the people that WE adopted this and are going them one better. At least when the Soviets were doing this they didn’t pretend they were being"fair and balanced", and they didn’t take tabloid issues and run on them for weeks at a time. How could anyone have anything but disgust for what is called news outlets here? Does anyone out there believe a word they say???
16 May 2005, 23:12
Unfortunately there is only one answer for this, and truly few dare speak its name: revolution. We need to erase all current leadership, democract and republican, and start anew. The way to truly fix it has to start with the people, and we must either rewrite the Constitution or establish an independent but equally binding document that only governs politicians. Here are some of the things such a rewrite/document must contain:
An absolute maximum that can be spent on campaigns for any politician. I beleive that it should be set at about $10,000 for a local Congressional run and move up and down from there depending on the race. Debates will not be counted as partof campaign money. All 527’s and all money spent on their part either disparaging one candidate or supporting another will be counted.
Make the wage of all Congressmen so low that it would be the least desirable job in the country.
No political contributions from any individual or business, or governing body or any other such institution of any kind, for any purpose, whatsoever.
Every representative and senator must hold an open-to-the-public meeting with his or her constituents once a quarter.
As part of every campaign each candidate must submit to a lie detector test in which either the constituents or members of the press can ask any question they like.
If your father or mother was President, you can’t be. Sorry.
No-bid contracts from the government should be made illegal.
Any politician found to be using Churches to help his/her campaign will be immediately disqualified.
Any church found to be advocating one politician over another will immediately lose tax-exempt status for 20 years.
Politicians will not be allowed to discuss their family life, religion, or sexual preference.
Every US presidential election will be monitored by a non-partisan, foreign accounting firm.
I’m sure I’m missing a lot of areas, but I think by getting rid of all money contributions to politicians we could make a major dent and bring this country back to the people. Just think, a Washington with no PACs, no lobbyists, no big galas hosted by corporations, no special trips, and add that to a dramatically decreased payroll and we might just get some honest men and women who will actually defend the interests of the average citizen.