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The American Revenue Authorities: Expansion of the Combat Area (on to Switzerland)

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 13 May 2009

Economy-budget Digital-Technology Sciences USA

The American Revenue Authorities: Expansion of the Combat Area (on to Switzerland)

Discussion with Luis Suarez-Villa, professor for economy at the University of California, Irvine

Luis Suarez-Villa made his doctorate in international policy at the University of Cornell. He is a professor at the University of California, Irvine, whose member he has been since 1982. He specialized in innovative technology and its connections with social changes, economic development and regional analysis. For a longer period of time, Luis Suarez-Villa studied, taught and did research abroad, in particular in Europe, Asia and Latin America. He also often co-operates with the University of New York, the United Nations as well as Spanish and Brazilian universities.

In the following long discussion, Luis Suarez-Villa explains and criticizes the American tax system, which seems to be intended to do harm to Swiss banks. With respect to certain Swiss banks and their expansionist strategies, based on maximum risks without any foresight, his criticism is not less moderate. Luis Suarez-Villa also explains his theory of technocapitalism1 which will enable the reader to understand the latest changes in traditional capitalism.

Daniel Laufer: You invented the term of “technocapitalism” which considers “inviolable values” to be crucial. Could you briefly explain what you mean?

Luis Suarez Villa: Technocapitalism refers to the meaning of inviolable values such as creativity and knowledge. Technocapitalism directs its activity particularly toward the understanding of research and its importance for the new areas of interest for which the 21st century will be symbolic. These areas include nanotechnology, genomics, bio-computer science, genetic engineering, the proteomics, bio-pharmacy, bio-robotics and molecular computer science, just to name a few. The importance of technocapitalism for inviolable resources also covers services with highly increasing value, which require good knowledge; they include for example the financial world, medical supplies, education and computer science. These services will be very strongly bound to the new areas. Medical treatments, for example, are increasingly connected with bio-pharmaceutics, nano technology and genomics. As a consequence, a new kind of medicine is developing. Perhaps we could call it bio-medicine, supported by genetics.

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