Home > There ALREADY are 100s of ARM netbooks around $100! Didn’t know that?
There ALREADY are 100s of ARM netbooks around $100! Didn’t know that?
by Open-Publishing - Sunday 31 January 2010$100 ARM Computers Direct from China:Flooding US Market

There are hundreds of netbooks based on ARM processors, but they are all the same! If you didn’t know that, it’s because they are mostly in China — so far. They are about to flood the US markets with cheap computers, not much more, delivered to your door. Some are already in hole-in-the-wall electronics stores in New York and possibly other cities. This changes everything (in electronics, computers, and other fields).
For more: http://alpha-400-mips-elonex-razorb...
Here is an example. This link http://www.aliexpress.com/product-g... takes you to the 7-inch mini-laptop in the photo, offered by Shenzhen Dongdai Industry Co., Ltd., in Shenzhen, China.

FINALLY ON THE STREET: The other photo shows one of the ubiquitous cheap-electronics stores in Manhattan. This is where it all typically starts. Best Buy and other store chains (even Walmart) hate these cheap laptops. The reason is, they are making so much money on selling laptops for 4-10 times as much. You will find these stores in downtown Chicago, Los Angeles, and other really big cities.
FREE SHIPPING FROM CHINA: Dongdai offers the laptop in the photo for $118, and they will pay the shipping cost from China to you.
The procedure is, (1) you go to the above site, (2) make your payment for $118 with your credit card to Alipay, a service of the well known Alibaba Chinese e-commerce site. You pay securely with your credit card without exposing your details. (3) Alipay holds your payment in escrow until your notebook is delivered. They forward your order to the seller / manufacturer, Dongdai. (4) Dongdai sends your computer. (5) You receive your computer and confirm delivery. (6) Alipay forwards the payment to Dongdai, the seller, after you get the product.
This service even provides a tracking number for you to track your order.
The laptop is like the other ARM computers we have been covering recently in posts like this: APPLE TABLET CLONE — and Dozens of OTHER CHEAP PC’S . More here: http://alpha-400-mips-elonex-razorbook-coby.blogspot.com/2010/01/order-100-pcs-direct-from-china-you-are.html .
There are literally thousands of sources in China for these ARM laptops, among which there are hundreds of manufacturers. There are even dozens of Chinese people in the US who have established online stores for cheap electronics in the United States.
WHO NEEDS BEST BUY? By now, I would expect laptops for $100 or close to it are available on the street in the US. They should be found in the many cheap-electronics storefronts in Midtown Manhattan, especially near Times Square. Soon these will be available in stores everywhere. Chicago, Los Angeles — on the street in all the biggest cities.
However, don’t look for these in the big chain stores. Again, who needs Best Buy, Microsoft, Fry’s, or Geeks.com?