Home > Tony Blair Ordered The London Bombings
Former MI6 operative: The mainstream media
ignores vital evidence of an inside job.
By Michael James in Frankfurt, Germany
Rested after a good night’s sleep in the Gleneagles Hotel, Tony Blair glanced nervously at his watch and wondered if the bombing of the London transport system would take place on schedule. London’s Chief of Police, Sir Ian Blair, and MI5 boss, Eliza Manningham-Buller, had promised to keep him firmly in the loop; and Jack Straw had advised him that the Israelis had been placated.
Blair caught a glimpse of himself in the dresser and checked his profile. Carole, his personal image advisor, had told him to soften the pronounced jaw when seated next to Bush. "You’re overdoing the Winston thing," she had said pointedly. "Killing people was yesterday; starving Africans and rainforests is now the thing." She was wrong about the killing, of course. The good Miz Caplin would never understand his rites of passage, at least not in the Brethren’s sense of the term. And yet something was still bothering him.
The intelligence services had been caught off balance by Mossad’s unwelcome intrusion into matters they considered a strictly British affair. Having the headline "Israel Warned Blair Two Days Before Attack" splashed across the front pages of an otherwise complicit print media was something to be avoided at all costs. Binyamin Netanyahu would go ahead with preparations for his press conference and allow himself to be "advised" by Scotland Yard shortly after the first blast. If MI5 were to dally in their attacks on commuters, he would have no choice but to claim that Scotland Yard had warned him prior to the event, and the Blair government would have to hope that the British people would not notice the obvious irregularity.
Back in London, Netanyahu dropped security protocol and looked cautiously out of his hotel window. Reflecting on his long years of experience in helping to finance and organise terror attacks on Israeli citizens to provoke world outrage against the rightful inhabitants of his stolen country, he knew that errors would be made and officials would let their tongues slip when the heat was on. Press reports would have to be altered at short notice and the volume turned up loud until all the world would hear nothing but "al Qaeda, alQaeda, al Qaeda". It had worked before and it would work again. The Goyim, whether American or British, would once more be led by the nose to believe the official version of events. Binyamin snickered inwardly at Eliza Manningham-Buller’s chosen title for the fictitious terror group. The nonsensical "Secret Group of the al Qaeda Organisation in Europe" suggested to him that Manningham-Buller had probably spent her childhood reading nothing other than Enid Blyton’s "Famous Five" and "Secret Seven" adventure books. Yes, that was it, the Secret Seven on the seventh of July. How apt. How very Qabalah.
Whatever, the British had insisted on bombing close to the venue at which he had been billed to deliver an important seminar, if only to give the attacks, in the words of an MI6 liason officer, "a real whiff of al Qaeda". The Liverpool Street bombing would even lift the hotel in which former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani was staying. The Prime Minister of Ontario, Dalton McGuinty, was also close to the epicentre. The British government and their Freemason paymasters in the City of London were sure sending a message to the Americans and Canadians: "We’re back in control of the terror game now. This time, the British Crown is playing for keeps."
But the clock was ticking, and still no word. "Hashem," Netanyahu growled softly, "deliver us from the ignorant Goyim and their slow-witted ways."
At 8.40 am, "Mad Dog" Spencer stepped into the third carriage of a subway train bound for Aldgate and Liverpool Street Stations. He knew he would have very little time to leave the package behind in a shabby plastic bag and put sufficient distance between himself and the ten pounds of high explosives strapped to a timer. The latex treatment, which had given him the facial appearance of a down-and-out, was beginning to itch. Such inconveniences would have meant nothing to him back in the days when working in Kabul with his old MI6 friend, Clive Newell. It was Newell who had introduced him to the legendary CIA asset, Osama bin Laden, then known by his American codename "Tim Osman". Those were the days: fighting the Soviets back-to-back with artificial Islamic terror groups financed out of London, courtesy of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International.
Spencer remembered Clive fawning over Osama as "our baby", and his raging against the CIA’s unwarranted incursions on the British Crown’s right to use the fledgling al Qaeda gang as it saw fit. After all, the British had established the occultic Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt during the 1920s for the express purpose of destroying pro-American Arab nationalism as a counterforce to continued British imperial rule and as a means to defame the world’s fastest growing religion. America had paid for her obstinacy on September 11, 2001, although the Bush administration had deliberately left the gate wide open to all comers, including Mossad and the mercenary wing of the British SAS. Bush got what he wanted. Now it’s our turn.
Had "J-boy" been telepathic, he would doubtless have been sharing Spencer’s thoughts. They were old pals and had been through much the same thing. J-boy scanned the faces of his fellow commuters on the southbound Piccadilly Line train. They will all be dead in less than three minutes, he thought. Still, it all works to the good of Queen and country, and Tony will get his shiny new National Identity Cards. A shame it had to be a "wet job", but his many years of experience in helping the IRA to carry out terrorist atrocities in Northern Ireland and on the British mainland had shown him that only the proactive approach toward bringing things to a head delivered the political goods.
The 1974 Birmingham pub bombings. Yes, sir, that was us; and six innocent Paddies went to prison. It didn’t stop there. The good times for J-boy only started in earnest when working for the maverick Gordon Kerr. As an operative for the DET 14th Intelligence squad, J-boy had killed both Republicans and Loyalists, changing sides as frequently as was required by both MI5 and the SAS. The slaying of pensioner Francisco Notarantonio was J-boy’s finest moment because, in contrast to bombings with a high civilian body count, it required a level of deception unmatched in any previous MI5 assassinations in Ireland and Britain. Sir John Stevens finally ended the fun, despite MI5’s efforts to kill him too. But still, Her Majesty’s Government saved the day by forbidding the press from revealing any further names. Not that the press requires censorship these days - the mainstream boys do it themselves. It’s a cakewalk.
J-boy allowed the package to slip neatly between his feet, and he gently sidled it into the corner of the standing room in front of the double doors to the carriage. When the train pulled into the station, J-boy was gone. He would disappear into the crowd and make an expeditious exit before the explosion would claim the lives of twenty-one "useless eaters", and leave at least one hundred survivors without vital body parts for the rest of their lives.
As J-boy vanished into the back seat of an Astra Cabrio before being driven to an MI5 safe house, Tony Blair entered the foyer of the Gleneagles Hotel with a smile on his face. He knew that the first three bombs had been detonated just split seconds apart. Mentally, he quickly ran through the lines he had prepared the night before. He would say something Churchillian with an allusion to the wartime blitz and the unfailing courage of Londoners. It would be a bravely defiant speech. Nobody would suspect that the bombings were his own handiwork. Still, until such time he would have to play dumb and wait for Jonathan Powell or Ian Gleeson to brief him officially. Powell, he knew, had not been informed, but would know soon enough once John Scarlett had apprised him of the matter.
Sir Ian Blair, London’s Chief of Police, tried to sound surprised when informed of the bombings. The transport police had, as agreed in prior exercises, already briefed the press about an unexplained power surge. The rationale for such an explanation would be based on the alleged need to minimise panic and, as a helpful corollary, to maximise any potential casualties at sites where bombs had yet to be detonated. MI5 had quite deliberately misbriefed Sir Ian on the number of detonations they had planned, just to keep him sharp. This was the first time that such a hugely complex operation was known to senior figures within the British executive, Scotland Yard and the intelligence services. In fact, considering the potential for accidental disclosure, it was unprecedented in its scope and daring.
Sir Ian was nervous, and rightfully so. He had wanted to suspend all cell phone network services, but had been overruled by both Eliza Manningham-Buller and Tony Blair, the latter saying that "commuters should be given the chance to digitally record the full horror of the attacks". Yet Sir Ian knew that journalists would be curious as to why services were allowed to continue, given the widely known fact that the Madrid bombings had been detonated by mobile devices. It would be a tough call. He wouldn’t, of course, be able to say that he knew well in advance that timers had triggered the explosives. He would just have to HOPE THAT JOURNALISTS WOULD IGNORE THIS SMOKING GUN and fall for the mantra their editors would insist on repeating: "al Qaeda, al Qaeda, al Qaeda." Sir Ian took a deep breath and quietly thanked Moloch in his heart for making real investigative journalism a thing of the past.
Eliza Manningham-Buller discovered a spring in her step. This was the first time she had been allowed to participate in the killing of large numbers of innocent people. It was a great day for England. It meant that she and John Scarlett would regain full control over al Qaeda and all the other terror front groups that had deserted to the CIA following Clinton’s symbolic and disciplinary cruise missile attacks on the Taliban. Eliza had also been cleaning house. There were no more David Shaylers around to be blowing whistles on payments made to Osama. No more attempts to expose her protection of British-trained and financed terrorists, such as Abu Qatada, a pro-British, anti-American gentleman with impeccable manners and a heart for the Queen.
Department K had already confirmed that both Spencer and J-boy were safe and in debrief. With the Edgware Road detonation also a success, Simpson wouldn’t be far behind. That just left ’Green Eagle’, Lawton and Pettigrew. Blair would now have been fully informed and she would take the conference call alone. There was still the matter of the fake al Qaeda website. The DNS was still POINTING TO AN INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER IN MARYLAND, AMERICA. The Israeli intern had, according to one duty officer who speaks fluent Farsi and classic Arabic, done a poor job of the grammar and had even misquoted the ayahs selected from the Koran. MSNBC TV translator Jacob Keryakes was already saying that al Qaeda would never have posted a statement on a secular website and that the claim of responsibility contained give-away errors. The whole thing is phoney, he scoffed. "This is not something al-Qaeda would do," he said.
Eliza, being a perfectionist and the first to laugh at the CIA’s obvious home movie and audio productions of fake al Qaeda PR, was not entirely happy with substandard work. The press, however, would be cowed, online bloggers dismissed as nutty conspiracy theorists and the website pulled as soon as it had served its purpose. She could only hope that the ad hoc team charged with planting "clues" and tampering with forensic "evidence" in the subway stations would make a much better job at framing fictitious Islamic extremists. But, darling, no mini-vans full of Korans or miraculously intact Arab passports to be found within the eye of the blasts. Manningham-Buller sniggered into her coffee cup at the crass ineptitude of the Bush administration. British terrorism had always had a touch of class.
Meanwhile, all hell had broken lose in Tel Aviv. Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom had been barking down the phone to Israeli Ambassador Zvi Heifetz, enraged that the British had not acted on his warnings of an attack on the subway system, but had instead failed to communicate that this was an inside job. How dare they endanger Netanyahu’s life? Now they’re claiming the finance minister was warned before the attacks and are preparing a damage limitation exercise that points to Mossad in the event that things go awry. Shalom had the soon-to-be redacted Associated Press report in front of him:
(Jerusalem-AP) July 7, 2005 - "British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before Thursday’s explosions that they had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city, a senior Israeli official said.
"Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had planned to attend an economic conference in a hotel over the subway stop where one of the blasts occurred, and the warning prompted him to stay in his hotel room instead, government officials said. ... Just before the blasts, Scotland Yard called the security officer at the Israeli Embassy to say they had received warnings of possible attacks, the official said. He did not say whether British police made any link to the economic conference.
"The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the nature of his position."
Shalom was aware of the political fallout this would cause. The British were trying to spin things their way and his opposite number, John Scarlett, was refusing to take his calls. All this despite repeated warnings from the Israeli side since July 4. Yes, we told them it was going to happen, and TONY BLAIR SAT ON THE INFORMATION AND DID NOTHING.
Shalom knew that AP would eventually redact the news report (and they did: nomorefakenews.com); so he was pleased to read what Stratfor had put out:
"Contrary to original claims that Israel was warned "minutes before" the first attack, unconfirmed rumours in intelligence circles indicate that the Israeli government actually warned London of the attacks "a couple of days" previous. Israel has apparently given other warnings about possible attacks that turned out to be aborted operations. The British government did not want to disrupt the G-8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, or call off visits by foreign dignitaries to London, hoping this would be another false alarm.
"The British government sat on this information for days and failed to respond. Though the Israeli government is playing along publicly, it may not stay quiet for long. This is sure to apply pressure on Blair very soon for his failure to deter this major terrorist attack."
Heifetz ended his conversation with Shalom and eyed his liquor cabinet. If the press runs with this, he thought wistfully, Blair will be exposed as a murderer of his own people. You can kill Israelis and get away with it. You can kill Americans and they’ll make you President for a second time. But the Brits are made of wiser stuff. They’ll hang Blair from the highest lamppost in London.
Heifetz had also been told that Sir Ian Blair had refused to disable the cell phone networks. That’s an open admission that Blair knew well beforehand that explosions were not to be triggered by cell phones. Heifetz whistled at the audacity of it all, and wondered if just one curious journalist would push the matter to its logical conclusion. Not any of the media whores from the Murdoch press, of course. Or even from the Fabian socialist Guardian newspaper. The BBC would naturally report the government-approved version of events and any embarrassing questions would be drowned out in the general cry for revenge and increased police state powers.
As reports of bus explosions hit the airwaves, Tony Blair’s face animated the live feed. Flanked by Chirac and Bush, Blair went into Churchill mode and began the spin. Trying to look shocked and concerned, but inwardly full of glee, Blair let loose the repertoire he had prepared the night before. He would be returning to London to meet with police and intelligence chiefs, and he would preside over a press and propaganda control operation known as COBRA.
"A co-ordinated effort is slowly bringing order out of the chaos," Sir Ian Blair told Sky News in a telltale direct translation of the Freemasons’ Satanic motto "Ordo Ab Chao".
The British people had been fooled again. Another war is on the cards.
On Saturday July 10, a British freelance journalist with a wealth of experience in sniffing out illegal MI6 activities in Germany took a stroll along the Muenchner Strasse in Frankfurt and recalled the warm summer evening in 1997 when a gun-wielding MI6 operative tried to shoot him dead: an incident witnessed by several passers-by and still on file with Inspector Werner Dietz at Frankfurt’s central police headquarters. The attack only strengthened Michael James’ determination to return a popular politician from enforced exile to his homeland in Kenya and to continue on African soil his investigation into the MI6 assassination of Robert Ouko, Kenya’s anti-British foreign minister.
The same journalist was mulling a call from a former MI6 agent who, back in 1997, had warned him of the clear and present danger to his life. Even though he already knew that Tony Blair had been informed of the impending attacks on London, what he had been told in terms of Blair’s direct involvement sounded almost too fantastical. That Tony Blair enjoyed killing Arab children was a proven fact. But British citizens on British soil? "Then tell it as a short story with the outline of events I have provided, my friend," his confidante implored. "The facts will speak for themselves."
And these are the facts: Tony Blair played a direct executive role in the false flag terror attacks on London, killing over sixty innocent civilians and maiming hundreds, possibly thousands, more. He worked in close cooperation with his namesake and fellow occultist, Sir Ian Blair, and with the head of MI5, Eliza Manningham-Buller. Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, was also kept informed of events leading up to the atrocities.
The first expositor that will surely hang Tony Blair came in the form of reports by the Associated Press and the intelligence specialists Stratfor that the Israelis had been repeatedly warning the British government since July 4, and that Blair chose to ignore both Shalom and Heifetz. The AP reports, which were quickly withdrawn from public view, have been salvaged from the Google cache and are on display at nomorefakenews.com, among many other websites. The second is represented by a major blunder in planning and response, namely Sir Ian Blair’s decision not to shut down the cell phone networks. That decision was based entirely on his foreknowledge that the explosives would not be detonated by means of mobile phones, as was the case with the equally suspicious events that struck Madrid on March 3, 2004, and his deferring to Tony Blair’s desire for graphic images of the carnage. A third expositor lies in the fact that MI5 made a number of glaring and very telling errors in their presentation of the "al Qaeda" website, even allowing a simple DNS trace to a server in the United States.
Another anomaly may emerge in the fact that the perpetrators seem to have somehow escaped being filmed by London’s vast network of CCTV cameras - a remarkable feat when one considers that the average Londoner is caught on camera three hundred times a day, and certainly more evidence that these operations were carried out by sophisticated insiders. Without a doubt, a number of Arab men will be rounded up in the days ahead and questioned by police until charges can be made to look credible.
When Tony Blair told the press that the bombings bore all the hallmarks of al Qaeda, he broke with tradition and actually told the truth. The fall-guy al Qaeda network is the bastard child of the British intelligence services and the Freemasonic terror school, the occultic Muslim Brotherhood. MI5, MI6 and al Qaeda are virtually indistinguishable. Yes, Mr Blair, the bombings bore all the hallmarks of MI5 - and you know it, precisely because it was you who authorised the attacks.
It’s not the first time that MI5 has been active in perpetrating acts of terror against the British people. Recent exposures have shown that most of the bombings carried out by the Irish Republican Army during its long campaign against the illegal British occupation of Northern Ireland were, in fact, provoked, instigated and executed by undercover MI5 agents posing as Irish patriots.
This pattern of subterfuge and deception in creating terror to manipulate public perceptions has been a specialty of American and British governments for the best part of fifty years. Diligent researchers and real journalists who aren’t fooled by government propaganda and the mainstream media, already know that the CIA, MI5 and MI6 financed al Qaeda during its heyday as the main organiser against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. They also know that Osama bin Laden was, and probably still is, on the CIA payroll, operating under the name "Tim Osman". The business relationship between the mercurial and sinister Bush family and the bin Ladens is well known. All of these facts can now be verified on the public record, thanks to the efforts of independent journalists and truth campaigners. Less well known is the integral role played by the British intelligence services (both MI5 and MI6) in creating, steering and financing the terror network, and also in protecting key operatives from public exposure and arrest.
Blair has obtained the results he wanted: the collapse of all resistance to the imminent introduction of National Identity Cards, the inflaming of public rage against Islam in preparation for an attack on Iran and Syria, and a distraction from the continued illegality of the Iraq war and issues that threaten to overwhelm his administration, such as the Downing Street memo, which evidences fraud and treason at the highest levels of state.
Tony Blair has one other ambition that remains unfulfilled. He has stated that he wishes to become the first ever president of a European superstate, a project recently derailed by the stunning French and Dutch rejection of the proposed European constitution. He also wishes, in his capacity as the new Prince of Europe, to remodel the European entity as a UK-US-Israeli forward base for imperial expansion in the Middle East and Central Asia; and he wishes to stamp this initiative with the imprimatur of the British Crown, forcing the United States to play the junior role in a new world order shaped by international bankers in the City of London.
The attacks on London and the forthcoming attacks on France and Germany are therefore also designed to resurrect the failing European project as the answer to the demands for increased security and surveillance and the continued negation of civil liberties - demands that will now be heard and amplified throughout the European Union by frightened and gullible citizens.
I was the first, long before Harold Pinter, to publicly call for the lawful arrest and execution of Tony Blair for mass murder and high treason, and I would like to renew that call here and now. With a wry nod in the direction of the British Consulate in Frankfurt, which has already tried to nail me for honest journalism, allow me in my capacity as one who possesses pre-degree qualifications in British Law, Constitution and Government to stress that such measures are not only lawful, but are indeed obligatory under the code governing statutes on Citizens’ Arrests.
Tony Blair is a dangerous psychopath who must be stopped before he kills and maims again. According to psychologist Dr Paul Broks, his repeated lies and his lust for the blood of innocent people evidence "a plausible psychopath - charming, intelligent, emotionally manipulative, ruthlessly ambitious and self-serving." How much longer do we permit Blair to remain at large? How many more deaths and fake terror attacks will it take before men and women of courage invoke the law and apprehend this monster?
To paraphrase another serial killer, George W. Bush, if we can’t bring Tony Blair to justice, we must bring justice to Tony Blair.
Israel Warned United Kingdom About Possible Attacks
Who’s Behind The Bombings In London Town?
See No Evil: Spinning Netanyahu’s London Terror Tip-off
Al Qaeda Net Site Tracks Back To Maryland
Network Not Downed
Zionists finally strike London
The Muslim Brotherhood: The Globalists’ Secret Weapon
British Intelligence: Her Majesty’s Terrorist Network
Fomenting the "Clash of Civilizations" for a New World Order
Al-Qaida suspect hidden by UK agents
Britain sheltering al-Qaeda leader
British army allowed IRA to bomb Ulster Pub
My unit conspired in the murder of civilians in Ireland
Abandoned for killing their own, British Army officers planted as terrorists appeal to MoD
British intelligence sanctioned 1987 killing of pensioner to protect IRA agent
Army ’colluded’ with loyalist killers
Michael James is a British freelance journalist and translator, resident in Germany for almost 13 years. Permission to republish his work in any media is freely granted.
Forum posts
11 July 2005, 15:15
Nice job! Hits the nail squarely on the head. All HONEST (as in, non-mainstream, non-cowed) journalists, should post this story, or at least link to it, on their websites. The truth may set us free, may get more of us killed, but it’s surely worth the effort.
11 July 2005, 16:04
Remember that George Galloway warned us back in May about staged terrorist attacks. He was right! Don’t hold your breath waiting for "Smiling Boy" Blair to be brought to justice. It will probably take as long as it seems to be taking for the Americans to wake up to the double-dealing of Bush. People just don’t want to believe that these people don’t care who or what gets hurt in their drive to power.
11 July 2005, 16:43
You sick people, theres always a conspiracy theory with you mugs.
Get a life and accept there are evil people out there, why would Tony Blair kill innocent Londoners you dim people?
Get back to hugging some tree somewhere and leave the big issues alone. People like you make this world a poor place to live.
11 July 2005, 17:07
Just try to keep your mind open.
11 July 2005, 17:14
"Get a life and accept there are evil people out there, why would Tony Blair kill innocent Londoners you dim people?"
Why would Tony Blair kill innocent Londoners???
The answer....is for the exact same reasons why blair and bush killed innocent Iraq’s.
The Londoners and Iraq’s were all killed for basically the same reasons.
Wake up!!!!!!
Hey, isn’t it about time that you wake up and smell the memos!!
11 July 2005, 18:17
To understand why some might be suspicious, google "operation Northwoods"? Also see "Reichstag Fire".
13 July 2005, 14:02
It’s ok, relax, time will tell whether they are conspiracy theorists or not. Perhaps you need to open your mind a little and read a little bit more. There will be a New World Order, as there is a new world bank and police force. Do yourself a favour and ask yourself, who gains from this atrocity?
This will reinforce ID Card and New Terror legislation. It will create racial conflict at home and abroad. The UK and US will get their justification to invade Iran. Your country is fast becoming a police state. And Man is once again divided.
Don’t worry though...just keep watching the TV and you’ll be fine.
15 July 2005, 16:20
Ahhhh, we sick, tree hugging conspiracy theorists! Aen’t we a motley crew. You’re right, I AM sick. I’m sick of being lied to by the government that is supposed to represent the people of a nation, not their self interests, greed and lust for power. I’m sick of the "Terrorist attacks" on innocent people by certain ones just to advance their agenda. I’m sick of the poisions that are introduced into food and water such as artificial sweeteners in "diet" food and beverages and the floride in water and toothpaste that is touted as "good to strenghten teeth" but in reality is a mind deadener and has nothing to do with dental health. I’d be willing to bet that most of you didn’t know that it was used as a rodent control agent years ago did you? We "conspiracy theorists" aren’t the ones that are making the world a bad place. We’re actually trying to save it, if there is any saving it left. If you "conspiracy theorist" haters would actually do some real research with an open mind instead of reading a couple articles such as this one and locking up your mind and saying "conspiracy stuff", and read more articles and other information, (some of it comes from very reliable sources.), maybe you just might understand what’s really going on in YOUR world.
And you’re right again. There ARE some evil people out there. That’s what we’re trying to do, shed light on them and expose them for what they REALLY are. As long as you believe all the propaganda in the controlled media, or read THESE articles with a CLOSED mind, there is no way you’re going to get at the truth of what’s going on. Stop being a sheep.
And what’s wrong with hugging trees? Don’t you like them? I do, along with all other life on the planet. Does that make me evil? If it does, then I don’t wanna be "good" because I know what sustains my life. Do you?
16 July 2005, 19:14
I agree with M James.
You are all mad. The only hope I have is that this is some kind of sick joke (one clue: Carole Caplan does not work for Tony Blair).
9 August 2005, 03:42
7 December 2007, 10:48
You are the one to be pitied. Don’t you know that the vocation of politicians is to lie? How can you let another person feed you lies, when you are supposedly lucid, intelligent and rational? You’re the one who needs to get a life, you poor thing.
11 July 2005, 18:19
Are you serious? You caution that you will erase messages with ’caractere defamatory’ abusive etc? After reading your blog, I feel such utter hopelessness. That people like you exist and post such offensive material mere days after London was devastated is unbelievable to me. And I can imagine you sitting back, feeling all self-righteous, totally disregarding the real pain people are going through in the aftermath of the bombings. Feeling like you’ve voiced the truth, well, your version of it anyways, regardless of the grief and agony. It is so disheartening. It is hateful, there is no use in the world, for people and websites like you. Hate is what bombed London - hate is what bombed NY, hate is what bombed Spain - YOU are hate!
11 July 2005, 19:31
Dont be a sheep
13 July 2005, 14:05
Direct your hatred to MI5 and 6, and the CIA and Neocons. Watch the BBC’s Power of Nightmares. Get educated instead of criticising those who want to get to the truth. Knowledge saves; ignorance kills.
16 July 2005, 04:45
The fact is a chosen few are talking all this rot about conspiracy theories.
Let’s call it conspiracy facts, since you are the ’sheep’ who refuse to think over anything but the ’offical version’. Many children are capable of coming up with more coherant stories than the journalists now! You can indeed be wrong and if you are not thinking, don’t be so quick to call someone who is a sheep.
You say it is a sickness and there you are perfectly right. Say something from the heart and you are immediately targeted. What’s wrong is most of the ’accusers’ are ’sheeple’ who don’t know that it does not benefit them to go along with everything your ’respective’ government says. this is not real freedom. WAKE UP!
11 July 2005, 21:54
This is a quote from the one and only "Daily Kos (aka Markos Moulitsas “Screw Them” Zuniga) from the Daily Kos Ultra Left Wing website:
""Today I did something I’ve never done before (not even during the Fraudster mess), and wish I’d never had to do.
I made a mass banning of people perpetuating a series of bizarre, off-the-wall, unsupported and frankly embarassing conspiracy theories.
I have a high tolerance level for material I deem appropriate for this site, but one thing I REFUSE to allow is bullsh*t conspiracy theories. You know the ones — Bush and Blair conspired to bomb London in order to take the heat off their respective political problems. I can’t imagine what f*cking world these people live in, but it sure ain’t the Reality Based Community. [This irony meter goes to 11. —ed.]
So I banned these people, and those that have been recommending diaries like it. And I will continue to do so until the purge is complete, and make no mistake — this is a purge.""
OK guys? That comes from one of your OWN. Not from the right wing.
12 July 2005, 12:14
The bigger the lie the more idiots you’ll get to believe it.
12 July 2005, 12:52
I take it that the Pope told Blair that people needed to be purged! /Sarcasm off
12 July 2005, 13:01
Tend to agree. What’s accomplished by it being an inside job ? No way. That’s not to say governments don’t do this kind of thing. Bologna railway station in the seventies , for one.
Blair and Bush ARE responsible though.
When you bomb innocents all round the world, retaliation is inevitable.
One incident. Remember that wedding in Afghanistan when they were bombed and fifty killed ? Initial reaction -’’oh they must have done it themselves, we weren’t in the area’’. Then it was ’’oh they were firing guns in the air’’. End of story.
You see, you can’t do things like that and hopefully sweep it under the carpet. It’s things like that that tend to inflame the Muslim world.
12 July 2005, 16:50
Your wrong, i have an inside gov source who has leaked bomber identity/identities to various WS6T cellcrete individuals re: [KM0010.083375]...eyes on the Green Day and Bob.
Dr Mashiba Carr
12 July 2005, 20:37
It was the Pope who was told by the Martians who told Blair. The Martians did it. This Website is better than Disneyland!
What truly hurts here, the destructive damage that this Website does - is that if terror bomb victims read this - it makes a joke of the fact that they had lost loved ones, an arm, a leg, their eyesight.
This Website makes a joke of the victims of terror.
It says that Osama bin-Laden does not exist.
– An Israeli journalist who stepped over too many bodies after Islamic terror attacks.
12 July 2005, 21:28
The more you sheep react to these proposed theories, the more credibility you give them. Without exception, the postings which are critical of those who feel that these are inside jobs are overly emotional and defensive. You never counter with facts. "Why would Blair hurt innocent Londerers?" is not a valid retort to the very solid evidence which points to a conspiracy (suicide bombers using timing devices?, the "live terror drills" occuring at the exact same time [an eerie, but I beleive non-coincidental, resemblence to 9/11], and - of course - Beny’s warning). Your main ’argument’ is that this is just crazy talk. This shows complete ignorance of history. Look it up. We are presenting you with facts and evidence of a cover-up and a pattern of behavior, and all you can do in reply is get indignant and attack us personally. We know that these are uneasy topics and most of us felt the same way you do at one point; but the lies can only be stretched so far. To say that those who are pressing for truth are dis-respecting the dead is just rediculous - nobody is trying to tread on their memories. When the truth turns out to be something in between the official story and the ’conspiracy theories’; I beleive that those who forced the government to admit their part will be celebrated as heroes while you who have swallowed the entire lie will be shown for the pussies you are.
13 July 2005, 14:38
What fun this is? Are these people out on the streets?
15 July 2005, 12:27
This was an Inside job with Isreali Mossads help.
Those of you who think this is just another conspiracy theory, just keep watching the TV and buying the Murdoch owned newspapers.
There I bet you feel better now your beingtold whatto think.
Who benifits???
Not the Muslims for sure !
15 July 2005, 18:31
Eventually the Truth will come out and there will be alot of very shocked people out there.
15 July 2005, 18:46
Wow man, I don’t spend much time in blogs and I rarely post in them but I just wanna say that that was an EXCELLENT post which really explained where us "conspiracy theorists" are coming from in a way that I probably couldn’t have put into words.
I have a suggestion for those of you who seem to respond with hostility to those who criticise us. Remember that YOU know that you are not belittling the innocent victims by seeking the truth, so it doesn’t matter if somebody ELSE THINKS that your agenda is to belittle them (if it is your agenda, shame on you). Yes, it makes you angry that they accuse you of this, but when you react in same low-level hostility that they are in, you are doing exactly what they want. Remain professional, stick to the facts, and don’t be baited by their attempts to reduce the argument to nonsense & name-calling.
And especially understand that a lot of these people know deep down that what you’re saying COULD be true and it FRIGHTENS THEM TO DEATH, not so much because of the fact that their government is corrupt, but actually because they may have to come face-to-face with the possibility that THEY WERE DECEIVED INTO BELIEVING that their government was NOT corrupt. Some people put up massive resistance against ever admitting to being deceived, even to themselves. So, forgive these people for the way they would insult you or attack you, and respond with love, no matter how much they try to tell you it’s "hate".
15 July 2005, 20:27
One way or another Tony Blair is responsable for all the deaths and should be held accountable, he should be tried for war crimes. Am sure one day the real truth will come out, it can’t be hiden forever.
16 July 2005, 02:53
you write:
We are presenting you with facts and evidence of a cover-up and a pattern of behavior, and all you can do in reply is get indignant and attack us personally. We know that these are uneasy topics and most of us felt the same way you do at one point; but the lies can only be stretched so far. To say that those who are pressing for truth are dis-respecting the dead is just rediculous - nobody is trying to tread on their memories. When the truth turns out to be something in between the official story and the ’conspiracy theories’; I beleive that those who forced the government to admit their part will be celebrated as heroes while you who have swallowed the entire lie will be shown for the pussies you are.
As I am sure you are aware, it is extremely difficult for most people to accept the fact that those that they entrust (governments, et al) to basically ’protect their welfare’ and ’appear to be intelligent and generally OK human beings’ in the public domain are often doing just the opposite of that, and are so weak of character that they repeatedly emesh themselves and their citizens in the most egregious behind the scenes agreements and activities. Just like the abusive parent or authority figure, the child still longs for parental approval, love and protection. Human beings generally want to ’believe’ in goodness in all people, their spirit (unless they are completely corrupt) looks upward and outward for redemption either personally and/or universally. The long story of human history repeats this Shakesperean drama of love, power, corruption, betrayal almost like clockwork-and still with every new millennia people look for the ’silver lining’ out of the chaos of human activity. Unfortunately, over and over powerful leadership abuses its citizenry-in one form or another-but, it is still abuse-and the kids still keep investing trust in their leaders.
I really get what you are saying...really, but I have given up trying to ’convince the masses’ - it is frightening to wake up to this reality, so I have to respect in the people - we all have that fear.
16 July 2005, 21:41
16 July 2005, 22:45
are you extremests?
sickos heres a gr8 way to get your url a crap name.
26 July 2005, 21:23
It’s a joke....right? You should write books...you’ve got a great imagination!
17 July 2005, 11:24
How come Israeli warning is so relevent when yousay the Brits did it themselves ?
18 July 2005, 08:20
Can’t blame some of the people who say it was a conspiracy.... the government has lied so many times. In actuality four British Pakistanis and an Afro Carribeam.
However, in the London bombings it is disenfranchised Muslims who see an attack on one as an attack on all. US and GB policies in toadying up to Israels slaughter of Palestinians, the carpet bombing of Afghanistan and the illegal occupation iof Iraq are three. There is also Bagram Airbase and Guantanomo Bay. Blair and Bush are responsible indirectly for the London bombs.
End of story.
A Londoner
20 July 2005, 20:07
Good job, Atleast it provides a different perspective than what the conventional media propagates.
23 July 2005, 17:44
You’re all wrong because I spoke to Elvis last night and he told me that the bombings are a prelude to an alien invasion.
15 August 2005, 13:54
Look at www.lookingglassnews.org. It’s a report about a failed attempt to blow up the chicago subway under the Dirksen Federal Building. (By the way US federal prosecutor issued perjury and obstruction of justice indictments on George Bush and Tony Blair)
18 August 2005, 17:09
This is all very interesting....but for those of us who have spare time ( I am required to find such articles for my job...this is NOT my spare time) I like to spend it with my kid and trying to earn more money so we can actually afford to do something nice with her this weekend...not worrying about such things as this that we can never fully prove...It may or may not be true...but who cares? and before you say we do....why don’t ye go out and do summat about it if it riles you that much...or you could spend more of your sad spare time moaning on the internet I guess.
We live in a harsh world people...a lot of it is not right...but if you cannot do anything about it...why not do something a little more productive than keeping the sewing circle afloat with rumour-mongering.
I may be wrong, but I would be willin to bet some of you are groupies or museos...bet at least one of you is in a tribute band....sad.
6 September 2005, 18:57
Do some research, in particular the timelines. In fact direct your attention to the cancelled train.
19 September 2005, 00:31
I did. The question is: did the four suicide bombers (so-called) have enough time to get to the platform to catch the earlier, 7.24am train to Kings Cross? We are told there was not enough time, but did the researchers who originally reported this discrepancy in the police account run (as the four men might have done) when they timed how long it took to get to the platform from the entrance at Luton Station? Unitl someone has independently checked their claim, the jury is still out on whether it was physically impossible for the men to get to London in time.
19 October 2005, 02:01
I am not too sure about MI6 complicity in the London bombings. I think that most of the posters here do not realise just how complex matters are. One thing is certain, the bombings have benefitted shadowy groups with agendas far removed from those of Al-Qaida
For the past 4 or 5 years I have suspected that the "Great and the Good" who run the UK have become racist and wish to get the Black people out of the Country. Of course they would have little chance to do it by setting up a Nazi style party, but seem to have decided on a hearts and minds approach to make the indiginous British heartily sick of immigrants.
There are a few obvious clues, for instance a TV play involving the Police tracking down a racist gang, it just happened that the gang leader was shown addressing his party, it just happened that his speech was allowed to run on in full and seemed modest and reasonable. Of course, before the end of the programme, he was caught, and the Police officers (one was black) made various anti racist speeches, but I am sure that this was a clever way of making an overtly racist comment at Prime Time.
Why is British immigration so utterly hopeless? is it intentional?
Frankly, I am not sure that Tony Blair and the Government really "run" the UK. I think that the set up is more like a family firm where the owners remain in the back ground and employ Directors and a Chief Executive Officer. The anonymous "Great and Good" faced with the loss of an Empire, no longer able to exploit the resources of the subject countries faced financial ruin. Consequently, they went in for post Imperial Expansion. Suddenly everybody was welcome to come and live in the UK (provided they took low paid jobs) even worse, the intelligensia of these countries was exploited and they lost their Doctors and Nurses who came to Britain to fill posts vacated by British Doctors and Nurses because they could get higher pay in the US.
Now, for some reason, not yet obvious, the G+G have decided that the wheel must turn again and these people must leave.
Could this be anything to do with the fact that UK companies are doing very nicely thank you in Third World locations.
Am I a Conspiracy Nut??
Well in a way I hope that I am wrong
24 October 2005, 18:02
The detrimental effects of the London bombings far out weigh the possible positive ones for the British Government. You state that it was neccessary for a staged terrorist attack to introduce ID cards for all of the British public, and in order to give Blair and Bush the moral reasoning and support to attack Iran...wrong. Firstly the government could have pushed throught the ID cards without the terrorist attack in London, they would have just watered them down like they have done anyway. Did they gain any new laws that restrict civil liberties? No have tried to introduce three month periods of detention for terrorist suspects, but once again the proposals have been watered down. If the British government had carried out terrorist acts on their own people I am sure that they would have thought through the possible gains of an attack. I don’t see any, a few extra armed policemen around London, hardly a gain that would be worth an atrocity being committed against ones own country!
Someone also stated that perhaps it was in order to gain support for an attack on Iran. Firstly the 9/11 attacks against America may have won over American public support for an attack on Iraq, however that rapidly petered out. Would the British government really follow the same path and carry out a terrorist attack on their own people in order to win support for a war against Iran, when the support is clearly not stable and will result in plummeting ratings for the government. Also the terrorist attacks someone argued, resulted in a growth of support for the government as the country came together, wrong. Ratings fell, Blair as Prime Minister had always protected the public from terrorism. After the London bombings it seemed as if he could not protect theBritish public anymore. Put yourself in his position, would you want to be seen as the Prime Minister who couldn’t defend the people he is supposed to be protecting? Well I certainly wouldn’t, it doesn’t bode well for re-election prospects. Also economically speaking since the attack the economy has not been performing as well as it had been prior to the July bombings, tourism fell massively. For a government who prides itself on the strength and growth of the economy and the defence of this country, it seems absurd that they would attack the two pinnacles of their own foundation.
Obviously there is no way anyone can prove indefinately that the attack was terrorists trying to strike back at Britain, but consider the evidence, the negative effects of the bombing clearly outweigh the possible positive effects for the government. I fear people who believe the government was responsible for terrorist atrocities in their own country will only see sense when a ’dirty’ bomb or nuclear device is used in a large city by terrorists resulting in casualties in their millions. Even then some will still blame the very people who are protecting us from these attacks.
25 October 2005, 11:41
All the young Asians(Pakistanis) I meet, know and work with are Muslims with an extremely knowlegable grasp of World politics. They assimilate mostly into British life, and bizarrely embrace US rap/Jamaican cultural refences as their own identity is fragile. The Islam thread is the tangible lifeline for them.
They are all smouldering, incensed at the treatment of their Muslim ’brothers’ in the occupied Palestinian territories, Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantanamo, and Bhagram airbase. Up until Blair decided to poodle along with Bush, these young Muslims reserved their hatred for US foreign policies. Obviously this now includes Britain.
Until this identity crisis is resolved, and until the British government responds to these young men, rather than refusing to acknowledge that their occupation, rape and slaughter in Iraq is responsible for inflaming so many people, there will be a permanent and real possibilty of further attacks.
30 October 2005, 15:56
"until the British government responds to these young men, rather than refusing to acknowledge that their occupation, rape and slaughter"
That is an irresponsible and false comment. The British military has a fine record in care for indigenous populations in occupied territories. To suggest that they rape and slaughter the very people they’re there to protect is a disgraceful comment and makes a mockery of the hard burden they are carrying in rebuilding Iraq.
1 November 2005, 10:02
Rape was meant in the context ’rape of the country’. Slaughter was meant in terms of SLAUGHTER. They aligned with the US and are responsible for thousands of deaths in Iraq, and subsequent retaliatory attacks in London and others that will surely follow.
They are part of an illegal invasion, theft and murder on the whim of a half wit in the White House.
2 November 2005, 00:38
this is bull i hope you know that. you dont know what your talking about. this affected people and ur playing games and making this kind off stuff up you should be ashamed in yourselfs
2 November 2005, 03:06
Please excuse some of our fellow posters here. They have been lied to sooooooo many times by the Bush and bLIAR governments that they now DO NOT BELIEVE ONE WORD either of these people say, thus the story. It may not be true that bLIAR ordered the bombings, but his complicity in the attack on Iraq is not only true, it is a perverted crime against an innocent unarmed population and the motive was to scare people and allow their tax money to be funneled into the private hands of Bu$h and bLIAR’s cronies. Its all about money and corruption, and the LIES that have and are being told, so it easy to understand the outrage, unless you are just a sycophant.
20 January 2006, 23:21
Hey be skeptical, please do. Being skeptical is NOT denying EVERY fact that comes your way. But questioning it. Have you questioned the 9/11 attacks and London bombings as much as you’ve simply disregarded the "conspiracy" theories?
Get a physics text-book. Go to the tower at Piza, drop a canonball and an apple off the top. Hit the ground at the same time huh? So, all things fall equally under gravity when they are falling FREELY with NO RESISTANCE!
Just like towers 1, 2 and 7 of the world trade center.
Just go look at building 7 and why it collapsed, don’t look at the official theory and accept it when you can’t prove it yourself! Why were ALL the documents covering wallstreet fraud (ENRON ANYONE?) being kept in building 7, which also housed the CIA? If it was SO likely that these buildings would collapse then why hasn’t even the STRUCTURE of ANY of the OTHER surrounding buildings damaged?
Go answer these questions, look at competing theories between the Governments accounts and what EVERY SINGLE LAW OF PHYSICS says. And wonder why they contradict.
And i KNOW you’ve NOT looked into it. If you had you would be unable to explain it, for every question asked you would get more incriminating ones arise. And you wouldn’t flame the internet with prejudice (an opinion formed without knowing all the FACTS).
I remain skeptical of some of the conspiracy theory, it is ESSENTIAL we all be OBJECTIVE. look at BOTH sides. This is the only way truth can emerge. Do you really think a government that kills it’s own people is looking out for the good of those people?
At the very least it is ADMITTED that the governments were aware of the attacks and let them happen. This is HIGH TREASON. And thanks to the ’WAR’ on terror, this carries a capital sentence EVEN IN THE UK!
9 April 2006, 18:50
About Madrid bombings:
"11-M: todos estan mintiendo"
23 May 2006, 03:14
Not to change the subject but Tony Blair is skull and bones just like George W Bush. The asian Bird Flu is nothing but a conspiracy to make Tyson foods a lot o cash and Donald Rumsfield a killing with the worthless Tamiflu, and now Vaccines as well as to align things for the UN and WHO and NWO to reduce the populus. Remember the 1918 Spanish flu that killed hundreds of thousands of people?! Its going to shed, the virus. My advice would be to not get the vaccine. You think the bombings were bad or 9-11 over here... this is just testing the waters. It’s causing panic to the masses, it is well and pre planned people. WAKE UP. WATCH Tyson Chicken will be one of the only Chicken providers when it suppossedly hits. They actually made 49% increase in the bird flu scare in Asia, the profits rose... I knew it. There are a bunch of sick and twisted people running things and we must not become weak as a people. We must do something! Keep your eyes peeled for the Bill OF Health Rights were going to win this world back one signature at a time! OZ
2 July 2007, 00:03
Gordon Brown against terrorism
3 January 2009, 21:46, by adam rush
What is so sad are all the people who believe the bullshit emanating from the Illuminati controlled media.They couldn’t perpetrate their evil without the support of the armed services,the intelligence services,the journalists in the media,the politicians etc.I believe that if people REFUSED TO DO THE RICH MAN’S DIRTY WORK then none of this evil could occur.Granted poverty is difficult to endure but I’ve done it,because quite frankly it must be obvious to anyone with a modicum of intelligence that the System is utterly unacceptable.Who has benefited from the supposed Al Quaeda attacks ? The Muslims of Iraq,Palestine and Afghanistan ? I don’t think so.Israhell and the Zionists—100%.Seneca said that in order to find the perpetrator of a crime,look to he who has profited from it the most ! Who gained from the death of Princess Diana ? A supposed trained bodyguard gets into a VIP Merc with a drunken chauffeur (alcohol usually smells on the breath ??) doesn’t insist on ALL passengers to wear seatbelts and then after the "accident" has the perfect selective amnesia.The chauffeur is a known contact of M.I.6/MOSSAD.I think they call it utter ballocks ! But that’s where it’s at.Israhell slaughters children in Gaza,one million Iraqi dead and a completely devastated country.People THE TRUTH IS SCREAMING IN YOUR FACE ! DO SOMETHING !