June 5 is World Environment Day and around the World millions of decent folk have been participating in events demanding action on the worsening climate emergency. Put bluntly, unaddressed, man-made climate change is predicted to kill about 10 billion mostly non-European people or about 100 million people per year this century in what is described as a Climate Genocide. Already about 18 million people die avoidably each year from deprivation in the Developing World (minus China) and this is (…)
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June 5 World Environment Day: climate criminal Australia & US have 2 to 5 years to cease GHG pollution
5 June 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
The War on Democracy (full video)
2 June 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
The War on Democracy is a 2007 award-winning documentary film directed by Christopher Martin and John Pilger. Focusing on the political state of Latin America, the film is a rebuke of both the United States’ intervention in foreign countries’ domestic politics, and its "War on Terrorism". The film was first released in the United Kingdom on June 15, 2007.
Part of the Plan
2 June 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
By David Glenn Cox
Why did President Barack Obama choose this week to bring up Israel and the 1967 borders as a basis for peace negotiations? It will raise a lot of hackles, but in the end it will become a tempest in a teapot. Israel will never give up one inch of ground under any circumstances, nor will the US pressure her to do so. This is a diversionary tactic, kicking the cat to cover the truth and the truth is bad. It is as bad as the truth can come.
Boston Globe- Nearly two years (…) -
letter of june to Obama
1 June 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
Mr President Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington DC 20500
Mr President,
Last month, your country distinguished itself when a commando squad of U.S. Special Forces assassinated Bin Laden, not far from Islamabad. After the September 11th 2001 terrorist attack, Bin Laden became the United State’s most wanted terrorist. According to Pakistani authorities, neither the members of the commando squad nor the C.I.A. agents who planned this operation declared (…) -
Obama’s London Speech : Holocaust ignoring, holocaust denial and lying by omission and commission
27 May 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentPresident Barack Obama made a speech to the UK Houses of Parliament in Westminster Hall London on 25 May 2011. Obama’s speech involved egregious lying by commission and lying by omission, holocaust ignoring and holocaust denial. This widely disseminated, shameless lying by Obama promises more death and destruction for Humanity at the hands of the UK-US Anglo-American state terrorist tag-team.
For the transcript of the speech see: .
1, Obama: “As Winston Churchill said, the "...Magna (…) -
Heckler yells ’stop Israeli war crimes’ during Netanyahu’s speech to Congress
25 May 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
Jewish-American activist identified as Rae Abileah, a 28-year-old of Israeli descent and member of the group CODEPINK.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the Joint Session of Congress on Tuesday was disrupted by a left-wing protester calling to stop the Israeli occupation in Palestine.
The heckler was identified as Rae Abileah, a 28-year-old Jewish-American activist, of Israeli decent, who works with human rights organization CODEPINK.
Rae Abileah is taken away after (…) -
The Israeli reality that Obama doesn’t understand
25 May 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
It’s impossible to understand why a country and a people continue to refuse to do the right thing, something that could have been done a long while back.
"President Obama doesn’t understand the reality," according to "associates" of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who spoke after the meeting between the two leaders. And when that is the headline of the daily Yisrael Hayom, it is clearly Netanyahu’s headline: "President Obama doesn’t understand the reality."
You can’t blame him: It (…) -
Obama to Israel: Take whatever you want
25 May 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
In his latest speech, Obama’s thinly veiled rhetoric proves he will do anything to satisfy his pro-Israel voter base.
In 2008, Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential candidate, pandered to pro-Israeli voters and Israel by promising in a speech addressed to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), that Jerusalem would forever remain "the undivided capital of Israel".
Three years later, Obama is on another pre-campaign trail in order to improve his chances for re-election (…) -
The Worst Bill Ever in Congress
24 May 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
The "Defense Authorization" bill now before Congress, HR 1750, is arguably the worst bill ever considered likely to pass into law. It includes $118 billion for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, wars a majority of Americans wants ended. But that’s not why it’s the worst bill ever.
This bill also includes $553 billion for other military waste. That’s enough money to save and improve a lot of lives if it weren’t being dumped into the war machine. But that’s not why this is the worst bill ever. (…) -
24 May 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
Without a trace of irony, President Barack Obama — the commander-in-chief of an empire which straddles the world, who has more than doubled the troops in Afghanistan, who continues to occupy Iraq, who has dramatically escalated a deadly drone war in Pakistan and who is currently bombing Libya — spoke last week of the "moral force of non-violence" and said he "will not tolerate aggression across borders". (SEE Choking on the Hypocrisy of Obama’s Hollow Platitudes: (…)