By Thomas Lemahieu
Working conditions: According to a study recently presented in Paris the problem is far from resolved, particularly where labourers and women are concerned.
A study involving 30,000 people from 31 countries, conducted in Autumn 2005 by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, presented yesterday in Paris, revealed that one in three European wage-earners considers their job “affects their health”.
Employees from the countries newly (…)
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Work: A Health Hazard for One in Three Europeans
29 July 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
So You Want To Be A Rock and Roll Star
19 July 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
So you want to be a rock and roll star, then listen now to what I say, Just get an electric guitar Then take some time and learn how to play. That’s the myth anyway, it permeates all aspects of our society even in rebellious rock and roll. The myth that says trust capitalism and all will be well.
I’m a big fan of Michael Moore, from Roger and Me through TV Nation where he once passed out hunter orange wallets to black men on the streets of New York City to help eliminate police shootings. (…) -
18 July 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
Solidarity Forever (Tune: John Brown’s Body) (by Ralph Chaplin, January 1915 )(9th edition, 1916) When the Union’s inspiration through the workers’ blood shall run, There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun. Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one? But the Union makes us strong.
Solidarity forever! Solidarity forever! Solidarity forever! For the Union makes us strong.
Is there aught we hold in common with the greedy parasite Who would lash us into (…) -
The Forgotten War on Drugs and Election ’08
6 July 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
James Harris: This is Truthdig. James Harris here again with Josh Scheer and in-studio guest Dr. Troy Duster. We’ve been talking off-air about the relationship between the war on drugs and unemployment in poor and minority communities. Dr. Duster, for the record, why is it critical that we understand the war on drugs as it relates to social progress and perhaps social policy?
Troy Duster: People often get trapped into the immediacy of the drug war. They believe that the police are the bad (…) -
Child Labor: The Hidden Ingredient to the Billion-Dollar Chocolate Industry? DEMOCRACY NOW
18 June 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
Interview :Brian Campbell. Attorney with the International Labor Rights Fund. AMY GOODMAN: Brian Campbell is an attorney with the International Labor Rights Fund. He joins us from Washington now. We did invite a representative from the Chocolate Manufacturers Association to join us, but they declined our Valentine’s Day invitation. Brian Campbell, lay out the chocolate landscape.
BRIAN CAMPBELL: Well, in Cote d’Ivoire, as you mentioned before, there is estimated between 100,000 and (…) -
The New Slavery
16 June 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
Recently Chinese officials have raided Hongtong Shanxi an area of Northern China and rescued almost 500 workers from slavery type conditions. The workers were forced to work in brick kilns, iron mines and coalmines. Some 29 of the workers were children and some were mentally disabled.
Of course the easy thing to do here in fat and happy America is to look down our nose at the Chinese. That’s the most wonderful aspect of outsourcing the corporate capitalist has the ability to bring about (…) -
China Accused of Olympics Merchandise Child Labor
12 June 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
China Accused of Olympics Merchandise Child Labor
Monday June 11, 2007
BEIJING—Chinese factories are churning out licensed bags, caps and stationery for the 2008 Beijing Olympics using child labour and paying workers less than half the minimum wage, a reports says.
As members of the International Olympics Committee (IOC) gather in London for a progress update on the 2012 Games, the report–"No Medal for the Olympics"–finds evidence of children as young as 12 producing Olympic (…) -
Jared! Get You’re Fat Ass in Here
7 May 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
1 comment“Yes Sir,”
“How much are we paying you now to hawk our sandwiches?”
“I’m not certain sir, I’m not allowed to say publicly but since I’ve been your spokesperson your sales have jumped over two billion dollars a year.”
“I appreciate what you’ve done for the company but now there is a problem, that nice guy fat ass nerd sales pitch is beginning to back fire and it’s all your fault!”
“My fault sir? I don’t understand,”
“Your too nice people are forgetting what cold heartless bastards (…) -
New threat to skilled U.S. workers
17 April 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
New threat to skilled U.S. workers
Froma Harrop / Syndicated columnist Tuesday, April 17, 2007 - The master plan, it seems, is to move perhaps 40 million high-skill American jobs to other countries. U.S. workers have not been consulted.
Princeton economist Alan Blinder predicts that these choice jobs could be lost in a mere decade or two. We speak of computer programming, bookkeeping, graphic design and other careers once thought firmly planted in American soil. For perspective, 40 (…) -
US mortgage crisis forces homeowners to take refuge in their cars
25 March 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
THEY are victims of the United States’ growing mortgage crisis - low-paid workers whose homes have been repossessed amid rising interest rates, a stagnant property market and a lax lending regime.
But in Los Angeles, where having a car is as essential as owning a home, many are sleeping in their vehicles to ensure a roof over their head.
Campaigners for the homeless expect more to hole up in their cars as they lose homes due to the problems that have dogged (…)