Home > United States of Hypocrisy points finger at Vote Fraud in Ukraine
United States of Hypocrisy points finger at Vote Fraud in Ukraine
by Open-Publishing - Monday 22 November 200429 comments
International Elections-Elected USA
The hypocrisy in this country has finally reached astounding levels. Vote fraud in the Ukraine is the top news of the day. It turns out that the exit polls in the country which showed the challenger Mr Yushchenko leading 54 to 43 percent were completely overturned by the actual results of the election which gave the current prime minister, Mr Yanukovich, the win with 49.42 percent to 46.69 percent.
This, of course, has raised the suspicion of vote fraud to everyone including the United States. Senator Richard Lugar, a friend of Senator Kerry, was a senior observer of the elections in Ukraine. He has stated that the incumbent Government helped rig the vote "It is now apparent that a concerted and forceful program of election-day fraud and abuse was enacted with either the leadership or cooperation of governmental authorities" The challenger, in the face of overt fraud and an election condemned as undemocratic by observers from the Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe, is protesting the results. The Ukranian people have also risen to the occasion with protests of their own.
I know our media in censored, and our government corrupt....but this takes the cake. Here in the US, when our polls showed the opposite of the election results, our ’challenger’ rolled over and said why don’t we just shut up about it.
Our mainstream media has yet to cover this major issue with our own ’democracy’. At one point claims of vote fraud in the US hit the front page of google but was quickly buried. Our government officials and media go on pretending that Bush has a mandate. And yet, Senator Lugar, went to the Ukraine to make sure they had fair elections? I am stunned at the absurdity of this. What is he or anyone doing to ensure the American people that our elections weren’t fraudulent? Shouldn’t he and his good friend Senator Kerry, our entire government, be looking inward? Are our politicians and our media pundits really that blind that they cannot see their own hypocrisy or is it more they know when your are doing the pointing no one is looking at you?
Of course it is already too late. The American people already know the truth about our fraudulent elections. Our governmental officials and media have been exposed as frauds as well. What we need now is the courage of the Ukrainian people who took it to the streets. We, the people must demand a democracy, the powers that be don’t really give a damn.
"If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck of alot easier, as long as I am the dictator" George W Bush
Personally I am more inspired by this great man, who fought and died for our country. They might have taken him, but they cannot take his spirit and the gift he gave our country. His words are needed now more than ever!
"It is time for all people of conscience to call upon America, come back home, come home America. I call on Washington today, I call on every man and woman of good will all over America today, I call on the young men of America who must make a choice today. Take a stand on this issue, tomorrow may be too late. Come home America." -MLK
I am also so grateful for one of America’s new heroes Eminem who has shown us the way with his new version of mosh. I suggest all Americans of conscience see this video and get yourself a black hood. See ya in the streets!
Forum posts
22 November 2004, 23:44
This has got to be used in the fight for an investigation into the U.S. Election. If Ukraine can change the outcome of their election using exit polls as an excuse surely the recent exit polls giving Kerry a clear win in the U.S. election has be bought up and discussed. This is pure hypocrisy on the part of the west. If the U.S. can ignore exit polls then surely that gives a right to other countries to do the same. whats sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander!
24 November 2004, 05:20
Have you found a mainstream newsclip about votergate which is exposes half-truths, mis-truths or leaves out the truth entirely?
Go to:
and expose it here.
Help disassemble "manufactured consent".
24 November 2004, 05:21
Have you found a mainstream newsclip about votergate which is exposes half-truths, mis-truths or leaves out the truth entirely?
Go to:
and expose it here.
Help disassemble "manufactured consent".
24 November 2004, 05:22
Have you found a mainstream newsclip about votergate which is exposes half-truths, mis-truths or leaves out the truth entirely?
Go to:
and expose it here.
Help disassemble "manufactured consent".
24 November 2004, 05:26
No question about it. This is a blatant double-standard by the U.S. mainstream media. New 4PM exit poll "swing" results have been charted from the U.S. election. The bloggers are right!! Take a look here:
24 November 2004, 05:30
No question about it. This is a blatant double-standard by the U.S. mainstream media. New 4PM exit poll "swing" results have been charted from the U.S. election. The bloggers are right!! Take a look here:
24 November 2004, 05:32
No question about it. This is a blatant double-standard by the U.S. mainstream media. New 4PM exit poll "swing" results have been charted from the U.S. election. The bloggers are right!! Take a look here:
24 November 2004, 16:34
Have you found a mainstream newsclip about votergate which is exposes half-truths, mis-truths or leaves out the truth entirely?
Go to:
and expose it here.
Help disassemble "manufactured consent".
23 November 2004, 04:15
If europe blows up over this whole ukraine thing, I will be mighty pissed off if the US decides to help while germany and france does nothing.
23 November 2004, 05:04
Don’t worry about europe, they are on their own. Bush isn’t even paying attention to them. Look where he went, he’s over in Chile talking to the Pacific Rim Countries, basically Russia, China, Japan, Latin Americans and the other Asians. This is where things will be happening in the new century. Bush is definitely paying attention to them because that’s where America’s future lies. Europe can do it’s same old thing.
24 November 2004, 09:28
The Chinese are loaning us truck loads of money so that we don’t go bankrupt trying to wipe out Iraq, the commie pinkos are going to own us and the people here just keep going to Wal-mart and buying those Chinese plastic junk balls so they can loan it back to us. And we are giving so much money to China it is growing at about 15% per year while we get a 1 to 2% growth rate here, and the dollar soon won’t be worth the paper it is printed on with our record astronomical twin debts. We are all helping sink our own ship. Of course they have lured us into their trap and are laughing at how easy it was. We are going to owe them so much money that we will have to give them the country just to pay it back. And threatening them with nuclear weapons won’t help because they have their own. Advice, everyone should try to learn enough Chinese so that maybe they will let us work for them at Wal-mart.
24 November 2004, 09:38
Washington has nothing to worry about. We big fat Americans do not have the where with all to realize we have been duped here and even if we do know it we won’t do anything about it. When the hypocrit Bush says a bunch of phony empty words to his media, Americans just say "ya and we mean it" while they stuff their faces with another bag of potato chips and swill down another Bud, then they burp and roll over to tune the channel to Jerry Springer. Bush has nothing to worry about Americans are too stupid to ever do anything about the shit he pulls.
24 November 2004, 10:04
Washington/Bush has nothing to worry about. Big fat Americans do not have the where with all to do anything about election fraud. Bush can come out and mouth a bunch of hot air to his media and big fat Americans say "ya, and we mean it" then they stuff another bag of potato chips in their faces and swill down another Bud lite, burp roll over and tune back in to the Jerry Springer show.
24 November 2004, 21:49
Washingto and Bush have nothing to worry about in votergate, fat stupid Americans will just stuff their faces with another bag of chips, swill down another Bud, burp, roll over and tune back in to Jerry Springer.
23 November 2004, 16:37
200,000 protesters rallied outside an emergency session of Ukraine’s parliament on Tuesday
"We are fighting for democracy and we will win,"
Undeterred by the threat of a crackdown, many speakers on Independence Square urged students to seize control of universities that have been largely abandoned for several days.
"We are against the cynicism of the authorities. We are against a police state," said protester Yuri Kovalchuk, a 36-year-old former military officer said.
Washington warned of punitive measures if the Kiev leadership failed to investigate allegations of vote rigging and the European Union described the vote as "fraudulent."
24 November 2004, 09:31
Washington has nothing to worry about....we big fat Americans have no where with all to protest the theift of the 2004 elections here, so Bush can mouth a bunch of hypocritical empty words to the media and stupid Americans say "ya and we mean it" while they roll over and eat another bag of potato chips and swill down another Bud and tune in to Jerry Springer.
23 November 2004, 17:07
Combined protest against Fox and the rigged election —
The objective is specifically to challenge the wall of silence on the rigged election by news outlets like Fox and make a breakthrough —
A blogger has posted an extremely detailed, specific call to protest the rigged election AND the suppression of the truth ABOUT the rigged election by Fox News — a combined event mass march protest to be held in New York City — AT — Fox headquarters on 6th Avenue —
Main protest chant —
“Rupert Murdoch, tell the truth! Fascists rigged the voting booth!”
Nobody thinks of marching against a news organization in the streets. This is going to be a shot heard round the world.
Very comprehensive protest plan with very helpful travel details, the works —
See blog on this,
“A Call To March On Fox —
For refusing to tell the truth about the rigged election!” —
http://acalltomarchonfox.blogspot.com /
23 November 2004, 18:50
The ultimate in hypocrisy is the fact that the media is screaming foul in Ukraine over exit polls, and that is "some" of the exit polls showing the opposition candidate winning.
Other exit polls show the Prime Minister winning, and Vladimir Putin called the winner to congratulate him based on the sum of the exit polls.
So exit polling is good.
For the media and the US, exit polls in US are bad, only some of the exit polls in Ukraine are good.
Conclusion: Ukraine’s election was probably fair and transparent. There have been no specific instances recorded of fraud. However, the media in the West screams fraud.
In the US there are great numbers of specific instances of fraud discovered and the major media is dead silent.
Total Hypocrisy.
23 November 2004, 23:08
For your information, there were 2 exit polls that were taken during the Ukrainian election. One showed an 11% margin for the challenger, the other a 3.5% margin. The first one was considered more accurate by professional pollsters because it was taken anonymously through a write-in versus an interview. Given the historic authoritarianism of regimes in Ukraine, it’s not surprising some people in an oral exit poll may lie on the side of caution saying they supported current authorities. There is no basis in exit polling in the Ukraine election that would state that Yanukovych, the authorities’ choice candidate, won.
24 November 2004, 09:09
The possible beneficiary, Yushchenko, is pro Wetsern with oil industry links and is married to an American. Would the media be screaming foul if it had been Yanukovych that had lost ??
24 November 2004, 16:49
Let us not forget that American news has no credibility anymore. Also consider that exit polls are just as easily rigged as elections. Also understand that when exit polls show that "our" man should come out ahead, and he does not, we do not honor the results of the election, which serves "our" political interests. And regarding the protests, it is always easy to drum up a big protest for a good photo op when there are two parties split most of the vote. Again, it’s one of those "who stands to benefit" issues.
24 November 2004, 05:27
No question about it. This is a blatant double-standard by the U.S. mainstream media. New 4PM exit poll "swing" results have been charted from the U.S. election. The bloggers are right!! Take a look here:
24 November 2004, 05:30
here’s a flyer to post around town, maybe make copies and leave ’em at a coffee shop.
didn’t put the Ukraine stuff on there, there’s so much info it was hard to pick the most gripping- but i did put websites where people will learn what the media is not telling them. Please do what you can- we cannot wait for the media to report the news anymore- it is time for you to be the media- spread the word and soon will we have our moment like you see above.
24 November 2004, 09:33
Anglo-U.S hypocrasy and lies again. DEATH TO NATO!!!
24 November 2004, 09:42
Washington has nothing to worry about....Bush knows the fat Americans have no where with all to do anything about election fraud here even if we know we were duped...the hypocrit comes out and mouths a bunch of phony stuff to his media and fat Americans say "ya and we mean it" then they stuff their faces with another bag of potato chips and swill down another Bud burp and tune into the Jerry Springer show. We will just keep taking it and liking it.
24 November 2004, 18:54
citizens getting together to push for truth all over the US- We don’t believe the lies from our government officials or the media talking heads. They have all been exposed!
"Medford, Oregon "We believe exit polls in the Ukraine, but we don’t believe exit polls in the U.S.," said Tim Ream. "What is that telling us?" Ream was one of the speakers at a meeting Monday night in the Medford Public Library attended by about 75 people from Southern Oregon who want the federal government as well as state governments to investigate occurrences they say indicate widespread fraud in the 2004 U.S. presidential election."
The disparity between exit polls and election results, however, was only one of the issues discussed at the meeting. Some of the other issues that the group found troublesome include:
* Voters in many states had to endure waits of up to 10 hours at the polls due to malfunctioning or inadequate numbers of voting machines.
* The lack of paper trails or other auditing mechanisms for electronic voting machines. Fifty million votes cast electronically cannot be audited.
* A number of official vote tallies, particularly in precincts in Ohio, show totals far exceeding the number of registered voters.
* Thousands of voters never received their absentee ballots.
* It is unclear how and when provisional ballots get counted.
Concerned Locals Push For Presidential Election Fraud Probe
25 November 2004, 11:23
What makes Big Media’s hue and cry over Ukraine’s rigged election even more hypocritical is the fact that a Yushchenko win was perceived as more agreeable to future US and Western European economic plans and interests in the country. If, on the other hand, Yanukovich, Putin’s man, had lost we wouldn’t have heard so much as a peep from it.
The fact that Big Media in the US rolled over and went to sleep with respect to its coverage of voting fraud here only goes to show that its basic economic interests will continue to be served regardless of whether a Democrat or a Republican is sitting in the Oval Office.
10 December 2005, 09:04
The 2005 Ohio fraud vote trumped the 2004 fraud in spades, and the media didn’t even report that in Ohio, they don’t even PRETEND to count the votes.
Following the 2004 Presidential vote fiasco in Ohio, Four Vote Reform measures were put on the
2005 balllot (See http://www.truthout.org/docs_2005/111405O.shtml).
The preelection polls had TWO measures succeeeding and TWO "Too close to call").
The "official" vote - ALL FOUR DEFEATED by a CONSISTANT 70 - 30!!! A shift by
as much of 40 points - EVEN THE BLOGOSPHERE was silent. (The Fitrakis post appears to be the
only mention I can find)
GWB has his wish - we ARE a dictatorship and he IS the dictator
12 March 2008, 03:05
Your message was the the truth, period. Thank you.