Home > World Interest Banking System is the FRAUD that drives TERRORISM, WAR, and (…)

World Interest Banking System is the FRAUD that drives TERRORISM, WAR, and POVERTY

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 23 November 2005

Conso-Adv Movement Trade-Exchange Rates Environment

It is interesting to note, that especially in the 20th and now the 21st century that the business of banking is the LARGEST and MOST powerful business in the world, claiming secretly ownership of most of the worlds resources, lands, labor forces, and markets. It is interesting because the financial news is full of information about such mind control topics about price of stocks, housing, labor, and a number of other so-called economic factors. But in a system that affects us all it has not once ever made any revealed its profit structures and it has never revealed upon what grounds it charges interest to (cost of debt ownership) borrowers.

The entire world system of social interaction is based on fractional-interest banking claiming to be system that delivers monetary stimulation where it is needed and to control economic development effectively. It seems in all the research that I have done that their are plenty of scholarly works in the areas of high finance, business banking, corporation finance, and government money systems. But after reading all these I failed to see the connection to places in the world where poverty, terrorism, and war exist. These ivory tower works of art seem not to apply in these real world environments.

After researching these works and reading Adam Smith, and others, it seems that global interest banking exist not to effect positvie change for the borrowers, but to extract a profit at any cost from them, and if needed follow what ever type of social, political, or wartime agendas need to be followed to create profit (or interest) for their depositors. This makes perfect sense from a financial business point of view, but no sense what so ever from a moral, legal, human, health, or psychological point of view.

Both people and the earth and its resrouces are not numbers. Something which I fear the bankers have over simplfied in their equations of profit, loss, and investment. In this way an abstraction has created a false mapping of needs to means to provide those needs, via money and a interest based banking system. It seems to put the borrower at odds with others in both an economic sense and it puts the lenders in a position to seek certain types of situations that under the current system are "exploitable" and desirable from a profit stand point. As such these so called giants of finance participate in funding wars, povery, and terrorism either indirectly or directly because of their motivation structure of their money system. It is flawed as we can see and thus it is like it or not perpetrating a fraud against all people of the world as it does not actually serve them to a better life but in fact is designed to piegion hole their reality to the level of investment interest that some investor may have of them or their land, resources, labor, or other things that may be of interest in the desire for greater profits and ownership for its obviously oligarchic and biased operators of the interest based fraudulent banking system, being supported by deceptions of the structures of nation states, business groups, and other psuedo structures that in reality only exist to give friendly names to what amouts to token trading slavery and mind control which has been around since the early babylonians inovated slave-trading banking.

What is slave-trading banking, but a system in which indigious cultures tied to living off the earth and those having an indiginous culture are targeted for infiltration first psychologically and then, if need be militarily, and then finally culturally and finally economically — completing the mind control indoctrincation structure of creating token trading wage slaves from people that had a personal connection with the earth, each other, and a true relation ship with their G*D to one that is now having its psychological mind and culture remapped to the slave traders one in which the following have been remapped in the "mind world view of the person" thus creating the culture which will be taught to the new slave children to make these people beholden not so much to any government of structure but to a slave trading money based system which creates the needed financial slaves that must work for little to survive and create the salable products for their trading masters and thus creating the fraudulent profits that this group will live nicely off of while the slaves will be taught to live in close quarters, with little resources or education, and mostly to fear the money slave traders as they will employ violence against the new slaves to enforce the culture and mind control money dependancy upon them.

In this way each generation of children will be trapped in the system since the slave trader money changers will destroy the indigenous culture and views of the newly made slaves and will rewrite their history erasing their identity and making it impossible for them to find their own roots or continue a live evolution that is an alternative to this most psychopathically deranged one whose myopic vision of the world and the meaning and purpose of live is tied up in the degradation, manipulation, exploitation, murder, rape, and psycho social mental destruction to create a consuming oriented mentally unaware being capable of following orders for profits, personal gain, and for death of his / her slave trading master based on the psycho social teaching offen brought with the slave trading money changers which is their special "brand" of religions which all have the concepts of war against those that do not believe in the mind control slavery religions that they spread wherever they go to destroy the lives of many for the mentally ill profits for themselves. They are paranoid and apt to violence and lying on a mass scale using false religions, hierarchical military structures using chain of commands, and money to control.

Control is the paramount issue to them. As they are not progressive minded in their thinking as they are themselves mind controlled into a fixed system of indoctrination and have extreme trouble adding new knowledge of structures to their way of living as they have a false idea that the heirarchical structure they believe in is "good" or "useful" where in fact it operates as a hinderance and a destructive element on many levels in the social fabric of people on earth.

Here is a list of common things that they entertain where they go to create converts to their money oriented slave trading mind control religions, money systems, and life styles and social structures of voilence.

1. Other ideas then the slave traders is wrong. If you think other wise then we have gun to show you.
2. If you have a religion of believe about people the world or god it is wrong and you MUST accept ours in order to be accepted as a slave in our money changer system.
3. After you have been brought into fear and submission with our propaganda speeches about G*D and beliefs we will teach you to donate part of your slave wages back to the "RELIGION" so that we can make sure you actually believe our lies.
4. Your life is useful to the slave traders as long as you are doing most of the following -
1. working for a wage
2. paying tax to the wage slave leader in your area
3. NOT asking questions as to WHERE, WHY, and especially HOW much are the goods or services you are creating is earning for your wage slave master (boss)
4. You participate in our mind control Holidays where you are taught to BUY presents for others in order to celebrate your spiritual believes in our false G*D.
5. You will willingly give up yourself or childs life to support a war for our profits, We the slave traders will explain this to you the slave as serving your nation and supporting your country.
6. You will accept the death of your family in our war for profit and mind control as normal and expected, as you will also accept our better lives, right to give your orders, and our right to take away or modify your life in any way we see fit, espeically if we feel your are getting to smart or educated to be trusted.
7. Any aliance that you form to address any issues of how poor you are, or how little control you have in your life or what or to whom you can say what will be dealt with maxium force, as alternative ideas or ways of life are not tolerated as these are bad for our business.
8. Only our money is soverign and you shall respect that and should you desire to operate a economic system with your own money or system you will be attacked at all costs to make sure no other slaves get the same idea. We will make an example of you to ensure our death dealing profits.
9. You will never be taught to be self sufficient in any way as you are a owned slave in someone else’s slave trading money changing system, and as Bank President what I say goes.
10. If you create opposition to my banking system I will wage war on you and my G*D will deliver me from my enemies, so I can continue to slave trade you and your childrens human creation and creative works for my own profit and luxourious life style of decadents, lies, murder, death, and eventual world self destruction because every body was to scared to actually figure out a more useful and fruitful way to live.

I personally think that all people in the world should just agree not to follow their slave masters orders and to create their own equal for all money system, calling it perhaps the

Peoples Bank of Direct Democracy with Enough Money for All to Live in Intelligent Freedom with Eachother

People should abandon the money system that is their slave master, and CREATE their own for themselves which is democractically controlled and intelligently driven NOT for profit but for social, ecological, and psychological, spiritual, and health oriented reasons.


Forum posts

  • President John F. Kennedy had a plan to pay the bills without using interest bearing FED currency. There is a URL that contains his Blue Print For Peace it can be found on taxmoney-notpeople.com Paul R. Bottis Sr. pbottisst@aol.com

    • Cooked books in order to report a strong economy to the NYSE and other scams. Meanwhile more and more jobs are taken away from Americans. GE will outsource the rest of his production in the states soon. Mexico will be the candidate!

  • There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international ... network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies... but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known."

  • Folks: Remember that our great and brave leader, George I, appointed Wolfowitz to be one of the main money managers. What qualififications did he have for the job? The same as Bolton to be a diplomat. The same as Ashcroft to be a civil rights defender. The same as Karl Rove to slander, deceive and play tricks on anyone Bush wants to destroy. The same as the ex-chief of FEMA with the only qualification to manage disasters was to manage show horses. The same as Dick Chkeney has do with the oil lobbies and accidentally have the prices go UP, OOPS. The Bush neocons want a world led by themselves, in which there are a few thousand very rich people with everything they desire and hold in bondage the rest of the population, barely struggling with what passes for minimum wages, lost pensions, stolen social security, no insurance and beneath the contempt or pity of the neocons yet in virtual slavery to them.
    In France they let the guillotine take care of some of the "aristocrats" who dressed in lace, wore perfume, and looked down their noses at the peasants. But we are told not to break the law, by those who flout the law daily. We are told that murder is bad, but about 30,000 Iraqi civilians, innocent of any wrong doing, are murdered by our arrogant neocons, and they still want more more deaths to satisfy their heroic egos. Law abiding citizens can only hope that a few Republicans come to their senses and impeach the villains of our day.

    • Hopefully before they turn public transit in the cities into transport to the slave camps — all built around the country by FEMA.

    • slave camps by fema? Oh grow a brain conspiracy nut job. Where’s your proof bitch? hahahahahahhaahhahahhhahah

    • Yes FEMA was run by a show horse dude. WOW, what a responsible appointment that was. I guess the only real disaster would be if I can’t get my horses to each show on time... But poor black folk get a lesson in what the US government administration, and its aweful administration of a needed organization like FEMA is clear. If your not already a liar, death dealing neo-CON with a smile on your face and a thumb up your boo-boo, and a check book for pay-offs then well you must be a real human being, BECAUSE this vegtable additives and plant food sure ain’t getting it done. In fact a lOOser like you likes to get that nose all filled with that brown aromatic fragrance from the perfume counter at mind controlled followers are US.

      And as far as proof fruit-cake BOY just look at any of the actual reliable economic indicators that are all around you.. like
      1. Walk down to the mall and ask any business owner HOWS IT GOING?
      2. Call you local city and ask about business licenses, permits, and bankRUPCIES... WONDERbread...
      3. And check out the classified in the dead NEWSPAPER business.. (There is A GOD and he does love MUSLIMS)
      4. And finally check the MEDIA on TV... Does ANY OF IT have relavence to REALITY... ????

      Yes a SiisyB-SuperPSY-OP-JerkerCIA-PetPlant like you to can learn to read with the evil-N-WOOD-brain SPED reading course... It will teach you to follow orders, eat donuts, and of course lick all the chocolate frosting for your country...

      And a one more thing this is all a joke.... JUST like the face your Y cromosome donnor gave you... hahahahaha!!!
      Oh and don’t forget to rienforce that positive self image... Before you flush look down at what others are reminded of when they speak your name.

      All the best and take care.. NUT job. Just KIDDING its all in FUN!! We really love you...

      no we really do care... about U... your boss cares about you right...???

  • Thanks! Just before I read this article I read "A Letter To Judy".
    Snip from http://www.rense.com/general68/let.htm

    Take the prohibition on usury in Islam also referred to as interest, for example. This is an aspect for business but very much part of religion for a Muslim also. The Quran clearly forbids any transaction with usury. Muslims have therefore set up Islamic financial institutions based on profit sharing in some countries.

    The way Islamic banking works is that the bank must share in the profit and loss. In other financial systems, the bank always wins. I have seen people who have lost their homes and business to banks.

    They know very well that if Islamic parties come to power they will abolish the interest system. If interest is abolished, how will the IMF and World Bank survive? The IMF and World Bank is one of the many systems put in place for global domination.
    End snip.
