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Zionist West reports Tunisian, Libyan, Egyptian & Bahraini Arab Revolutions but ignores Iraqi protests
by Open-Publishing - Thursday 24 February 2011Governments USA Africa Gideon Polya
Western media have been reporting the Arab Revolution underway in countries including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen and Bahrain. However while pro-Zionist, Western media and politicians laudably support the courageous protests for democracy in these countries, there is extraordinary silence in relation to the demands for democracy in Occupied Palestine and Occupied Iraq in which the indigenous inhabitants live under the tyrannical rule of genocidal European invaders rather than under the tyrannical rule of Western-backed indigenous dictators.
In the racist Zionist-controlled Occupied Palestinian Territory post-invasion excess deaths from Israeli-imposed deprivation total 0.3 million, post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 0.2 million and the Hamas MPs who won an overwhelming victory in the 2006 elections held under Occupier guns are holed up in the violently Israeli-guarded Gaza
Concentration Camp together with 1.5 million other Palestinians, including 800,000 children. There are 7 million Palestinian refugees and about half the 12 million Palestinians are forbidden to live in the land continuously inhabited by their forbears for thousands of years from the dawn of history. Of 12 million Palestinians only the adults of 1.5 million Palestinian Israelis are permitted to vote for the racist Zionist-dominated Apartheid Israeli government that for 43 years has been ruling all of Palestinian plus, variously, slabs of neighboring Egypt, Lebanon and Syria (see “Palestinian Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/pales... ).
According to the 2006 Revision UN Population Division data, medical literature data, and other authoritative sources, the Iraqi Holocaust in US Coalition-occupied Occupied Iraq has been associated with 1.1 million post-invasion non-violent avoidable deaths; 1.4 million violent post-invasion deaths; and 0.8 million post-invasion under-5 infant deaths (90% avoidable and due to gross US Coalition violation of the Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War which demands that an Occupier supplies its Conquered Subjects with food and medical requisites to “the fullest extent of the means available to it.”). In addition, avoidable deaths under Sanctions (1990-2003) totalled 1.7 million, violent deaths in the Gulf War totalled 0.2 million and under-5 infant deaths under Sanctions totalled 1.2 million. Iraqi refugees (both inside and outside Iraq) total 5-6 million.
The ongoing Iraqi Holocaust (1990-2009) involves 1.6 million violent deaths, 2.8 million non-violent excess deaths, 4.4 million violent and non-violent excess deaths, 1.8 million avoidable under-5 year old infant deaths and 5-6 million refugees – an Iraqi Genocide according to the UN Genocide Convention definition of “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group“ (see “Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/iraqi... and “Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/musli... ).
The following statement signed by numerous scholars and writers around the world was issued as a press release on 20 February 2011 by the eminent and authoritative BRussells Tribunal on Iraq (link: http://usgenocide.org/2011/support-... ).
QUOTE: “Support Iraqi protests!
While millions across the world watched live 18 days of dramatic revolution that ousted the US-allied torture-friendly regime of Hosni Mubarak, no one is offered live feed from Iraq of its people’s uprising against an enemy much worse.
And while President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton are being lauded for their supposed support for Egyptian democracy, no one is asking the key question Washington can’t answer: When will members of this US administration and the three previous face trial for crimes against humanity in Iraq?
Despite US hypocrisy, nothing will prevent the collapse of US geostrategic goals in the Arab region. It is not by direct confrontation that this is happening, nor by ideology. The interests of the people are opposed to the model of underdevelopment Washington and allies propose and police.
The year of revolutions
Across the Arab world, 2011 appears set to be remembered as the “year of revolutions”. In Iraq, ravaged by eight years of US occupation, plunder, destruction and death, protests have burst forth in Baghdad, Kut, Basra, Kirkuk, Ramadi, Sulaymaniyah and tens of other locations. As usual, the people face live fire.
We declare our solidarity with the people of Iraq in protest. We declare our solidarity with the martyrs of the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions, and all martyrs of Arab uprisings. We put Washington on notice that it is your policies that are being defeated, and it is your alliances that are falling apart.
The region is witness to a rolling tide of Arab renaissance, led by the aspirations of the Arab youth. No injustice will be spared criticism. No lie will remain unexposed.
Support Iraqi protests!
Stand in support of the Iraqi people in their struggle against state terrorism and repression, generalised corruption, a falsified political process and its state apparatus, generalised lack and collapse of public services, poverty and unemployment, systematic abuse of human rights by the government and its militias, illegal contracts, treaties and a constitution imposed under occupation, and foreign plans to destroy Iraqi culture, economy and unity.
Stand in support of the Iraqi people’s struggle for freedom, democracy, dignity, unity and social justice.
Stand in support of the Iraqi people in their uprising, and in solidarity with all Arabs at this dawn of a new era!
The game is over! We demand that Maliki’s government leave without shedding the blood of innocent Iraqis on 25 February, Iraq’s “Day of Peaceful Anger”.
We demand that other states withdraw support from Maliki and not provide cover for a government bloodbath.
We are certain the people of Iraq will achieve victory, like their Tunisian and Egyptian brothers and sisters.
Signed by:
Dr Ian Douglas, coordinator of the International Initiative to Prosecute US Genocide in Iraq and member of the Executive Committee of the BRussells Tribunal – UK/Egypt
Abdul Ilah Albayaty, political analyst and member of the Executive Committee of the BRussells Tribunal and the International Initiative to Prosecute US Genocide in Iraq – France/Iraq
Hana Al Bayaty, political analyst and activist and member of the Executive Committee of the BRussells Tribunal and the International Initiative to Prosecute US Genocide in Iraq – France/Iraq
Denis Halliday, Former UN Assistant Secretary General & United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq 1997-98 – Ireland
Prof Dr Lieven De Cauter, philosopher, K.U. Leuven / Rits, initiator of the BRussells Tribunal
Dr Curtis F J Doebbler, international human rights lawyer – USA/Palestine
Felicity Arbuthnot, journalist – UK
Paola Manduca, professor of genetics DIBIO, University of Genoa – Italy
Lamis Andoni, journalist – Palestine
Serene Assir, writer/journalist – Lebanon/Spain
Dirk Adriaensens, member of the Executive Committee of the BRussells Tribunal and coordinator of SOS Iraq – Belgium
Mattias Chang, law specialist, Perdana Global Peace Foundation and the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War – Malaysia
Cynthia McKinney, Green Party US Presidential Candidate – USA
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, President Perdana Global Peace Foundation – Malaysia
Cynthia McKinney, Green Party US Presidential Candidate – USA
Dr Zulaiha Ismail, Perdana Global Peace Foundation – Malaysia
Sigyn Meder, member of the Iraqi Solidarity Association in Stockholm – Sweden
Mike Powers, member of the Iraqi Solidarity Association in Stockholm – Sweden
Father Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, former president of the UN General Assembly
Eduardo Galeano, writer, historian, witness – Uruguay
Hans Von Sponeck, former UN assistant secretary general & United Nations humanitarian coordinator for Iraq 1998-2000 – Germany
Nilofer Bhagwat, vice president of Indian Lawyers Association – India
Ahmad Manai, former expert with the UN, former president of Tlaxcala, president of the Tunisian Institute of International Relations – Tunisia
Prof. Patrick Deboosere, demographer VUB – Belgium
Frank Barat, coordinator Russell Tribunal on Palestine – UK
Hans F. Schweinsberg,?Public Awareness Education, Programs (PAEP) ?of the Sciences and Humanities – Technology and Global Bioethics; ?Member of Forum UNESCO; International PEN; ?United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Lori Price, editor-in-chief, Citizens For Legitimate Government – USA
Prof. Dr. Eric Corijn, Centre for Urban Research COSMOPOLIS – City, Culture & Society. Programme in European Urban Cultures (POLIS) UNICA Euromaster in Urban Studies (4Cities) – Belgium
John Catalinotto, International Action Center – USA
Sara Flounders, co-director, International Action Center – USA
Dr. Bert De Belder, Medical Aid for the Third World – Belgium
Janine Borel, responsable du Comité de lutte contre la Barbarie et l’Arbitraire – France
Frederick Bowie, independent journalist
Saadallah Al Fathi, former advisor, Ministry of Oil, Iraq – Iraq
Dr Souad Al Azzawi, assistant professor of environmental engineering, University of Baghdad – Iraq
Sabah Al-Mukhtar, president Arab Lawyers Association – UK
Yasar Mohammed Salman Hasan – Iraq
Ward Treunen, member of the Executive Committee of the BRussells Tribunal – Belgium
Hussein Al-Alak, chair, The Iraq Solidarity Campaign – UK
Dr Gideon Polya, scientist, academic, author and human rights activist, Melbourne – Australia
Michael Parenti, author – USA
Alan Bishop, musician, Sun City Girls, Brothers Unconnected, Sublime frequencies – USA
Ad-Hoc Committee for Justice for Iraq
Perdana Global Peace Foundation
Iraq and American Reconciliation Project
Bob Buzzanco, professor of history, University of Houston – USA
Dr Osama Al-Zand, university professor (retired) – Canada
Dr Edward Horgan, human rights activist – Ireland
Elizabeth Aaronsohn, Ed.D, Central CT State University
Dhr. E. Vergers, Haarlem – Netherlands
Higinio Polo, professor and writer. Barcelona – Spain
Basem Khader
Cristina Gay – Belgium
Francois Hien, film director – France
Julie Brenta, movie editor – Belgium
Annette Jacobson
Insaf Kalaji, writer
Izumi Tanaka – Japan
Lamees Ibrahim
John Cooper
Kick Leijnse – Sweden
Juliane Spitta – Germany
Peter Mundhenk
Nancy L Singham – USA
Barrie Zwicker – Canada
Göran Forsberg – Sweden
Prof. Dr. Sefik Alp Bahadir, director, Center for Iraq Studies, University of Erlangen, Nuremberg – Germany
Luke Wilcox, development and communications director, Iraqi and American Reconciliation Project
B. Ross Ashley, executive member, St Paul’s NDP – Canada
Brad Butler, artist, The Museum of non-Participation – UK
Karen Mirza, artist, The Museum of non-Participation – UK
Laura Westra, Ph.D., Ph.D.(Law) Professor Emerita (Philosophy), University of Windsor sessional instructor, Faculty of Law, University of Milano (Bicocca)
Allen L. Jasson, www.warcrimes.org.uk – UK
John Bart Gerald, poet, writer – USA / Canada
Einar Schlereth, journalist Tlaxcala
Sinfo Fernández, translator, Rebelion.org
Fernando Sancho, member of Biladi Palestinian Asociation – Bilbao / Spain
Koen Claerhout, cultural producer – Germany / Belgium
Mike Springmann
Hugh Esco
Nancy Matthews
Pippa Bartolotti
Pierre Plougonven
Aminah Hanum
Tsilli Goldenberg
Rohini Hensman, writer – India
Hazel Fuller – UK
Sinfo Fernández
Mujeeb Ebrahim
Deborah Veneziale
Zainuddin Mohamed Ismail – Singapore
Nadia Ferro
Vini Pereira
Laura Borst
José Wadih Maluf
Ronald Strand
Hiyam Noir
Kerstin Johassan
Salah Salim Ali – Norway
Muna El Shorbagi, researcher, Cairo – Egypt
Professor Hazim Awbi – UK
Michael Culver, actor, peace protester
René Broens, artist, researcher Antwerp – Belgium
Mieke de Loof, writer Antwerp – Belgium
Ramez Philippe Maalouf, master’s in human geography, University of São
Paulo – Brazil
Marianne Birkby, on behalf of Radiation Free Lakeland, Cumbria – UK
Radiation Free Lakeland
Julie Maas, artist – Canada
Ángel Alonso, teacher – Spain
Terry O’Connor – Canada
Mohammad Askari
Marie Noel Lombart
Ilona Sztana – The Netherlands
KS Gupta – UK
Adriana Auderset – Switzerland
Manzur Khan
Take action!
1. Endorse this statement by writing here: hanaalbayaty@gmail.com .
2. There is a virtual blackout on the uprising in Iraq in the Western media. Take initiative and demand that news outlets put Iraq back on the agenda where you are.” END QUOTE.
Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. We cannot ignore any of the courageous participants in the Arab Revolution, whether in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, Bahrain, Occupied Palestine or Occupied Iraq. Please tell everyone you can.